Independent MPP Randy Hillier has surrendered to Ottawa police to face charges in relation to his conduct during the 'Freedom Convoy' protests last month. Public safety analyst Chris Lewis weighs in.
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Praying for you
None of those charges have anything to do with his “dissenting views”. That’s just a dishonest smokescreen. Typical of these clowns.
Show me where the Police say they are arresting Randy for having a dissenting view?
Wow, i just witnessed a whole bunch of “letters” of opposite view deleted….Scary
it happens a lot..
It’s the Liberal way.We are heading into dangerous territory.Time to give this clown the boot.He is a laughing stock around the world,The “real world”
The protest wasn’t criminal, protesting is legal!
@OldSingingStudent DougBill Ferguson yeah lol
@OldSingingStudent DougBill Ferguson it was the party atmosphere.
That ruined any protest .
You don’t go to war and pretend dancing on the streets makes sense.
@Dirtea Fairy unless of course it’s BLM taking over multiple city blocks in Seattle, raising an army and boarder walls, including ch ild soldiers, then it’s the “summer of love” right?
apparently it is in Canada, where they are trying to keep “emergency” measures permanent
@OldSingingStudent DougBill Ferguson what you mean like the strung out vagrant that had no connection to the protest that tried to burn down a building, or perhaps you’re referring to the phantom firearms that the police were worried about! What about the incessant honking, that stopped after the court injunction.
ye the north for you….once a subject of the land, always a conformed slave of the system.
This is pathetic and a waste of tax dollars.
Assaulting a peace officer ? I’ve seen riot police, law enforcement, who knows what kind of police there , not one ” peace officers ” . If you are assault a cop, you are walking free for so long after that ??
walking free defence?
Meanwhile……real crimes go unpunished
“criminal protest”. Ok, Fudd, sure. Go get another compliance booster
illegal protest…. by far from that
The so called journalist and the supposed OPP commentator need to be in Jail.
counselling an uncommitted indictable offence lol… weird way to say thought crime.
we all know where this is going
illegal protest WOW what has this country come to??
We are circling the bowl

I am getting pretty tired of the government deciding what views we are allowed to have. We step closer and closer to authoritarianism everyday under this government.
Totalitarianism you mean right? You already have authoritarianism and it’s all you’ve ever known.
Blocking emergency lines is not a matter of opinion. Supporting the take down of an elected government is not a matter of opinion. You don’t like it. Vote!
That’s not what this is about and you know that lmao
@Eli Rich vote early and often!
What trumped up charges is he facing from the Ottawa Stasi?
“opposing views are now criminal”
Late to the game bud, guess you conveniently forgot about G20 Toronto since it probably didn’t effect you.
Protests are legal. End of story.
The way they are going after him, you would think this is the states and he is trump.
Randy is now a true hero that should be honoured and blessed.