Former chief of staff for the CIA and Defense Department Jeremy Bash, MoveOn’s Karine Jean-Pierre, former RNC chairman Michael Steele, LA Times’ Eli Stokols, MSNBC’s John Heilemann, and former undersecretary of state for public policy Rick Stengel on how the whistleblower story has now moved past the actual whistleblower and onto the potential crimes he or she brought attention to. Aired on 09/20/19.
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Moving Past The Whistleblower, To The Possible Criminality | Deadline | MSNBC
Great news lock these mofos up
@Joe Rubio answer the questions
@Joe Rubio already trying to squirm your way out of this??
@Joe Rubio research
@Mark Bodder

Lying Crooked Trump’s own staff is turning on AssTrumpet
@Joe Rubio tell me you have no qualms about this??
No questions whatsoever??
This administration is such treasonous, self serving, greedy trash. So beneath the Obama presidency, almost a polar opposite.
@Ralph Boyd those are allegations crafted by the media with no evidence. 5 days ago you morons were demanding Brett Kavanaugh’s impeachment based on your corrupt medias fabricated story. 30 months ago Trump was Steve Bannon’s lap dog. 24 months ago Trump was going to get us into world War 3 with North Korea. 6 months ago There was hard evidence that Trump colluded with Russia. You do realize that most Americans understand that MSNBC is journalistic nonsense. There’s a reason they are the lowest rated news station. There is a niche market for lunatic conspiracy theories.
No reality and no reply but conspiracy garbage and fantasy. You’re a nut case.
It’s a sin how the religious right have abandoned their morals and sold their souls in support of a Man who only cares about wealth and fame, and couldn’t quote a line from the book they supposedly base their lives on.
And for What? 30 pcs?
@mike swiental What criminal acts?
@hdtvcamera1 Do you ever open your ears and listen to this pathological liar of a president with a small p? Trump is an arrogant, dishonest corrupt, swindling pos. Always was and always will be.
I think Trump and his buddy both need to go to jail that wouldn’t work with someone like us,we be in jail
@scravina 2019 you have no idea what you’re even talking about
@scravina 2019 and Robert Mueller was not comey’s predecessor. He wanted to become his predecessor but Trump would not.
@scravina 2019 actually the 13 Russian bots that Mueller is trying to prosecute it looks like they’re going to get away scot-free as well. They basically did nothing wrong some Facebook post that was all.
@scravina 2019
Flynn case is upended.
That’s because you’re a moron. There is nothing known factually and you are outraged
LOCK THEM UP! then, chop them up.
tikab ask mbs to help, but he wont I guess
Just wondering are you all Americans desensitized by what trump is doing? How can one man get away with all this stuff? Seriously?
he can get away with all this stuff,,. because he hangs out in America to tricked our Banks, and share some of the goods with other gov. official like hillary clinton and now Nancy and chucky
Mike Smith lock him up lock him up lock him up lock him up lock him up lock him up lock him up lock him up lock him up lock him up lock him up lock him up
He’s not getting away with anything.
These idiots have been wrong for about 3 years now.
If their going to impeach, which has been held over the voters heads since the beginning , DO IT. BUT they can’t. And they know it.
Nancy Pelosi and crew can’t even agree.
They know it but keep feeding people the narrative.
You’ll see especially after this “big” story.
MSNBC thinks that if you speak loud and wave fingers and hands that it looks good.
Dirty laundry folks.
It sells.
Seems like we’re heard this for YEARS.
I don’t believe that Americans are desensitized. His base of -40% possibly. Trump is awakening the sleeping giant that we as a people are capable of being. It will be seen in 2020. Mark my words. Trumps base won’t give him enough votes this time around.
Have you had enough America? What will it take? VOTE HIM OUT! Before he destroys this country.
This comment is stupid!!! Biden openly bragged (I’ve heard the audio) that he got a Ukraine prosecutor fired when he threatened to cut U.S. aid to the country when VP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vote? WIt until November of 2020???
The World is watching!!!
@RayLo RayLo No he didn’t. No you didn’t. And I deeply dislike corporate shill/racist/sexist joe.
You can’t vote out dictators. I doubt there will even be a vote in 2020, and if there is, it will be even more heavily rigged by the GOP. It’s mass protest in the streets time like Puerto Rico/Hong Kong. It’s actually been that time ever since the tyrant was installed. That it’s not happening means democracy is probably dead in the US.
If it were a Democratic president, like President Obama, WHAT WOULD THE GOP DO?
They’d have blood leaking from their ears from screaming for him to be impeached and jailed!
@Leota18 That was just for the tan suit.
I’m guessing look at all evidence before jumping to conclusions first off.
Did Joe Biden get Prosecutor fired for investigation of Hunter?
How is Hunter making a fortune working energy sector of Ukraine with no experience??
TDS is only helping to get Trump re-elected. Jumping to conclusions won’t help.
@Mark Bodder here’s a fact, if Biden did get someone fired, Old tosspot Rudy would have had it splashed all over the media before he got back off the plane.
Seriously: Lock him up. The disgusting liar has be stopped.
@mike swiental What are the crimes? I haven’t heard what they are.
@mike swiental Prove it. We can prove that Trump is guilty. Can you prove anything about Biden..?
You are a very emotional person that has been outraged by the media. There is no evidence of anything only speculation and you are spinning like a top. Your life must be very difficult
ToxicTrump Tube The real corruption is coming out of the television corporate news media. What they corrupt are vulnerable, naive and wacky viewers like you.
Just another day with trump in the white house, what a disgrace! Wake up America! Dragging the entire country into the swamp!
Meanwhile Joe Biden called and asked for the man investigating his son to be fired….and he was. This story was leaked to the media before it was investigated. The intelligence department is staffed with partisans
One should ask why Hunter Biden is making a fortune in Ukraine energy sector when he has no experience. And did his father set this up for him illegally.
Trump didn’t hold anything over the Ukrainians heads. Biden did and bragged about it. Biden is freaking out. I’m convinced that this story was leaked by deep state socialists to torpedo Biden.
My God this is insane! Trump is simply a criminal.
Ah no he is not. Sorry Marc that is not how our judicial system works.
Maybe you are , creep.. BUT WE HAVE THE VERYB BEST PRESIDENT SINCE JFK>> YOU moronic creep … CRIMINAL hahahaha Take a look a the “THE CLINTON CRIME FAMILY.. and their cover-up gang in DC, now that’s what is called “THE HIGHEST FORM OF CRIMINALIZE ACTIVITIES>>>AT THE COST OF THE COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE…
I’m glad when the crazy liberals start kerning off when they think they caught Trump doing something illegal; Trump playing them like the fool they are.
The press needs to help show the outrage, it’s out here. Interview regular people.
@CommaCam Yup. Time to get together and take to the streets. That’s how we got rid of Nixon, back in ’74.
@CommaCam it’s called astro turf or in more simple words, fake news.
Get off the couch, get some exercise.
Everyone knows, Dems are too lazy.
Remember Iraq? Our sons and daughters were coming home by the thousands in flag draped coffins………..
Silence IS complicity!!!
The Democrats better stepup this impeachment hearing if not for anything, but for the sake of true democracy and accountability.
nancy is the problem! she needs to go. why is she stopping impeachment already?
Lol Impeachment really. It’s going nowhere.
TDS is only helping to get Trump re-elected thank you for your support.
@Mark Bodder Keep drinking your koolaid.
@Dear GM they’ve had three impeachments votes already how have they gone??
@Dear GM impeachment is going nowhere somebody’s drinking Kool-Aid but it ain’t me….
Trump dumps on everyone who is not white, which is ironic given he is orange.
Brisbane is a race baiting troll
He sure is dumping on the minority community with the lowest black and Latino unemployment rate in American history. Your logic is astounding
It’s those energy saving light bulbs. Who knew?
good reporting guys, thank you …….. i learned a lot
donald barnhardt Deadline is the best show on MSNBC
Good reporting? They don’t know anything and created a story.
I wish they would pixelate t Trump face, Gross! I use a piece of cardboard . To much work.
I sick of seeing his gross face also
Why is his weird looking mouth open in every picture.
@Juan Y Michelle Mendoza because he’s a mouth breather.
@Juan Y Michelle Mendoza That cute baby I’m sure has more sense than this nut job in our White House.
Trump should not be flaunting cash , his hands should be cuffed behind his back & he should & soon will be on a perp
So, how is that whole draining the swamp thing going?
Great. Trump has gotten rid of numerous corrupt Justice Department officials and James Clapper lost his security clearance
Evil Trump is a Clear and Present Danger to our Great Nation.
The danger to the country is the fake news media creating a story without any evidence and their followers who allow themselves to be whipped into a frenzy
I got kidded off twitter because of the stuff I said about the great pumpkin
*Donald Trump is a traitor and a criminal. Voting him out isn’t good enough. He belongs in prison.*