The Liberals argue the middle of a pandemic is not the time for an opposition motion to investigate the government's COVID-19 response.
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The budget and ethics office: Am I a joke to you?
Our masks probably come from China. Liberals wont tell.
@Ellen Adams
And the fact that the little piece of paper that’s inside the sealed bag, that’s inside that box, has nothing but mandarin written on it.
They do come from China. It is inside of every box we open at work
A buddy works at Bruce Nuclear Power Plant in ON. They were issued masks that said made in Wuhan China.
Yes they do didn’t u know? I don’t wear one cuz I’m not a

@Ellen Adams haha tried that hete in NS at hospital no writing on it said to myself figures

Liberal flip flopping again…..I have an idea, why don’t they come up with a plan to balance the Budget?
Because the budget will balance it self
They do have a plan to balance the budget, it’s called the great reset.
That’s the budget’s job.
0:59 Is this the same lady who was photographed not wearing a mask at Pearson airport?
Well the Trudeau “suppliers” from China are laughing all the way to the bank. Their selling the PPE that Trudeau sent them back in February!
Canada lent them 15M and they sold it back to Canada for 5B. Chinese really are the best businessmen.
@Fact Check: yup and our hard earned money is like a game of poker and China always wins with dumb government in Canada
New World Order
Love ur name !
Funny how the liberals are bitching that their dictatorship is at risk
What are u bitching about?????
Thats why they have to go to these measures!!! Loosing power. They lost. Kicking and screaming going to the gallows!! Hello club gitmo!!
I’m assuming we’re doing so well handling this pandemic that our government now has the free time to undermine one another.
Had Trudeau acted (all along) with the transparency he campaigned on, Government’s only major concern now would be the pandemic! ???
There is NO pandemic we never had one look up definition oh yeah forgot they changed the definition to fit this crime
Former Liberal MP Frank Baylis starts a company and 11 days later lands a $237 million contract to make non-approved respirators. If the respirators were on spec, the cost would only be $137 million. Liberal insider takes $100 million windfall, provides non-approved equipment, and according to Liberals no need to investigate. There is a need to investigate and incarcerate.
Trump said they have all kinds to give away
Trump sees thru those arsewholes in Canada government
The opposition needs to get every piece of paper the Liberals have so they can scrutinize it, question it and review what is really going on. This is a democracy, let the opposition do their job.
You’re wrong on one count.
Democracy in this country is dead.
They will get the paperwork in a few weeks, and entire pages will be blacked out.
Sounds like a new threat. Another confidence vote? Liberals are always “so busy” or “working night and day”.
The ethics committee will filter buster this like they did with the WE scandal
Yup is what canada always does and I’m 70 yrs old. Always have we live in a country of lies except not before they r voted in. I know the game
Let me worry about my heath, I want this corruption exposed now. Pubic money, we have the right to see it all.
Yup agree
Didn’t know there was a market for pubics
If you can’t take scrutiny you’re probably doing something you shouldn’t. In Trudeau’s case that would be everything in his waking hours.
Anita Anand TRANSLATION : We have so many fingers, in so many pies, we don’t want Conservative hands, or NDP eyes.
I’m a Canadian . Trudeau is a crook. I want to see all of it . EVERY BIT OF IT.
Me too Linda
Trudeau juz wiedzial 3 lata temu o covid
Why health Canada destroyed the masks in February
I’m tired of liberal corruption
A motion of lieberals, set up by lieberals to investigate lieberal corruption. Hmmmmm ya, bet that’ll involve lots of ‘transparency’ and ‘honesty’…..let alone ethics.
The minority Liberal government is destroying Canada.