The mother of 20-year-old Daunte Wright speaks to reporters, sharing the last time she spoke to him before he was shot.
#DaunteWright #Minnesota
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Had a warrant for his arrest then ran to the car and tried to flee
At a time I had a warrant for not paying parking tickets on time.
Even if there was an outstanding warrant it doesn’t, even legally, give law enforcement the right to totally bypass the judicial system and function as judge, jury and executioner on the street!
@YEVGENIYA YURRKAV then pay your dam tickets on time…follow the law, thats what its there for
@vosco a car that drive away instead of towards
@khanh nguyen if you enter the vehicle its counted as armed cause he could take a gun and shoot at the cops…
Why doesn’t she admit that there was an outstanding warrant for her son’s arrest
A misdemeanor…
What happened to apprehending suspects..instead of the wild wild west style shootem up bounty hunter crap…
@Richard D it was an accident you can hear it in the body cam video she was yelling taser taser taser.
@Richard D he was trying to escape the scene. Stop defending criminals the officer grabbed her gun thinking it was her taser. He should have complied.
That so sad
Footage from the incident shows two other officers approaching Wright’s car and the officer who fired the shot standing behind them.
As the officer on the driver side of the vehicle begins to handcuff Wright, a struggle ensues and Wright appears to reenter the driver side of the car. The officer is heard shouting, “Taser,” before she shoots Wright.
I’d like to see the facts. If it was not justified charges need to happen. Sounds like it was pointless but I don’t know much yet either
Iam sorry for her loss
But her son this brought on himself
Yeah, I’ve seen the body camera footage. He resisted arrest and jumped back in the car, in a panic (there was a struggle going on in the car with him and her colleague) the female office discharged her gun thinking she pulled out her taser (she was saying “taser, taser, taser”). He then drove away as the officers looked at each other in disbelief.
It was a costly mistake.
At least 27 million of taxpayer money settlement to the family, plus a few million dollars worth of walmart looting and damages, 4 million legal fees for the city, cop gets her salary until found guilty 3 times after all appeals. 4 protesters usually get killed, 6 cops get PTSD disability pensions and local businesses burned to the ground. That is the average of each of these incidents.
@Joe V what’s the werrent for his arast?
@S V Didn’t see the actual warrant but it was a gross misdemeanor
@Mr. G daunte caused himself to be shot by trying to run from the cops
I notice a common thread. All these guys resist arrest for some reason. Perhaps they should stop doing that
That’s what happens they need to stop this crap on running and resisting.thts crazy…
So sad
Why don’t police just put a wheel lock on a suspect’s car during a traffic stop to keep him from driving away until the matter is settled? It might prevent these crazy escalations that end in bloodshed.
They are supposed to tell you to turn ur engine off if the situation is escalated
Don’t they say he got stop becuase a expired tag ( license) ??? Iether way.. I am sorry to his mom’s.. It’s a terrible accident….
He was a felon and had active felony warrants
he has 2 moms?
An hour from now when she gets a call from George Floyds lawyers she will be saying “Burn this mutha down!!!”
he got pulled over for exspired tabs and warrant for weapons charge , not airfresh
Lady, I’m sorry that your son’s gone, but *nobody* gets pulled over because of a silly air-freshner. As we’ll hear more details about this case in the next few weeks, as we always do, we’ll find out the real reason for him being pulled over. If he hadn’t resisted arrest, he would be home right now. Very, very sad…..
please don’t take this as community fault and don’t burn our business and house we don’t have nothing to do with that take with the responsible ..
Mom looks like she’s waiting for her payday. Not like a shocked mom who just found out her son is dead!