The Morning Joe panel digs into new polling showing a growing support for the impeaching of President Trump and his removal from office. Aired on 10/10/19.
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Most Support Impeaching, Removing From Office: Poll | Morning Joe | MSNBC
EVERYTHING Trump is doing is making him look desperate, corrupt and guilty. INNOCENT people don’t obstruct.
Crystal Giddens what is wrong with your ability to understand ? It is illegal to ask a foreign entity for help in winning a US election. Trump first blocked the release of millions in military aid to Ukraine. Then he pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate a front runner for the 2020 presidency if they wanted to get that money. If you watch Rachel Maddow you will find out two of Rudy Ghouliani’s guys were just arrested for their part in this. At some point you really have to open your eyes to the fact that the murdering dictator of a Russian president is dictating to your president. Your president is dangerous and God help your country if he’s not removed from office soon.
@Brian Smith I think you left out a comma.
@Sandra Gouthro she’s brainwashed by his pathological narcissism and socipathy. feel sorry for her.
That’s only because; he’s desperate, currupt & gulity!
Donny Blowhole has enablers. They call themselves, get this, the “Freedom Caucus”.
More like ‘Carcass”
Sure, the “Freedom Caucus”, and Freedom is Slavery.
Greg K So says the Ministry of Truth.
I certainly hope so!
People are out to get tRump. It’s because he’s a criminal. Most corrupt President ever.
“Most corrupt President ever.” The ONLY thing he is winning at.
@newmove With corruption Dems getting power and become rich! Example is Deep state Biden & Hillary Mafia! Dems are criminals! The corrupt way is NOT the right way! Dems are more deplorable than any other else! Brainless or Brainwash followers, deep state count on your vote to become billionaires forever and to take your rights forever! President Trump will have the last laugh not dems crap!
Hey See It, what about us Republicans that think Dirty Don the Con should be impeached?
@Dale Cox I’m under the same umbrella. No longer a member because of the corrupt money grubbing inhumane behavior of dumps swamp.
@See it! “right to be STUPID!” This is what dump does, play the person and not the ball. You need to re-think your strategy regarding your responses. As a conservative and ex repub member people like dump and you are the reason people like me leave the party.
It’s high time for the republican party to nominate a serious contender as their presidential candidate in the 2020 election. Trump have destroyed that party.
I believe the party was done for before Trump. That’s why they had to use someome like Trump for the presidency
Tony Johansson
. Demics In melt down….only MSM propping you up !
With an 80 % approval rating ?……..stop dreaming….you’ll have to face him at the ballot box
@Brian Smith 80% ? I hope you are not an accountant.
Captain Humourless
Go on then what’s the punchline ? ……and make it funny this time !
I voted Republican all my life; but I left the party in 2016 because I couldn’t vote for Trump. (I didn’t vote for the other candidate either.)
Imagine the darkness and gullibilty in the mind of a MAGAt. Tragic.
@Kate Taylor Your point is well taken Kate, but the sad reality is that we’ve perfected the bread-and-circuses diversionary tactics of the Romans in the form of fast food and reality TV. But have faith; there *are* good people in our government and this country, and there are clear signs as of late that the tide is turning and this administration’s time is short. Americans have no sense of history whatsoever, but history will clearly call out the depravity of these times and hopefully leave us better for it.
@Jock Young The repubs know this being the reason deVos is running the education sector to dumb down people even further.
I imagine they’re also feeling a bit unmoored by Fox. Now where will they go? The Cartoon Network?
Hard to fathom at this point. Imagine G Washington having thugs and criminals as close friends, constantly reading about it in the press.
The final countdown for the orange pussygrabber!!!
Which do you think will happen first Toxic? Trump being removed from office? Or Trump having a heart attack or short-circuiting his brains with all that KFC Buckets or all those Big Macs that he eats. Oh, I also don’t believe that Trump doesn’t drink. I think he’s half-drunk during his rallies or at least he’s been sorting that cocaine.
Dale Cox He really is disintegrating super fast. I go for the fast food as the lucky winner!
We should all be ashamed for having been a part of this.
Konstantin Polyakov
……..said Rancid Bell’s palsy to Adam Schit !!
@Brian Smith Time to walk the dog buddy.
Captain Humourless !
Wanna hear something funny…….no I want to hear something funny !
“I want to hear something funny !” Brian Smith you’re nothing but a joke. Now that’s funny there.
Just about EVERYTHING this Guy does is: Inappropriate; Wrong; Rude; Illegal; Uninformed; Uneducated & yeah, IMPEACHABLE.
newmove the anti evangelicals guy
Is that what your TV said ?
You forgot criminal, Dharma.
@Dale Cox and a traitor.
@Brian Smith
do us a favour, buy a dictionary and look up the word “socialist”
as it means something completely different than what you’re thinking
oh wait, we’ve had this convo before, and you still haven’t bought that dictionary
something tells moi, you’re just here to troll
Wow. Who are these people who have only just realised that Trump needs removing from office? Late to the game chin scratchers.
Parslow Pongbert People see and believe what they want to believe. These are the same people who still think Obama was born in Kenya.
Trump is more corrupt. Nixon only tried “playing with our elections” one time with a crazy burglary and cover-up. Trump has done this TWICE!
IMMEDIATELY!!! You can now begin to see the Repugnance pay attention to those polls and better begin to rethink their allegiance to this corrupt administration
Laura Walker

Just face it Hillary you lost fair and square
@Brian Smith Poor empty Brian…
Brian Smith bored huh , get a life
@Tyron Kelly Brian is all over the comments like a bad stink. The guy is either a moron, or a paid moron.
Should be 100 percent if they were true Americans and loved this country
Brian Smith you are part of the willfully ignorant but thankfully your kind is the minority.
And above all ….turn your TV’s lying to you
So yesterday I commented on a video asking this same question…where do they get these poll numbers from? Where are these poll questions even posted? I’m an American and my vote wasn’t factored in. So I’m pretty sure there are a lot of other Americans out there that didn’t answer them either.
Oh and I’ve noticed that the trump supporters have no defense for him in their responses..ever. It’s always low blows and cheap shots towards the other commenters. Really immature.
@Brian Smith
” the propaganda MSM machine.”
oh give it a break
all the stupid ones have already been convinced, there aint no more
PS “most Americans ” are for impeachment and removal (didn’t you bother viewing the vid?
No Brian it’s the Communists (Putin and his gang) that Trump is making things pleasant for.
Brian you are spreading ill-founded and untrue rumors, probably started by Rush Limpdick, Sean I-got-my-Hand-on-Trumps-Rump, and Alex Moan.
True Marxist !
Round them all up and shoot them …do I hear you right , Adolph !!
@Dale Coxed up!
You’ve been listening to too much Rancid Bells Palsy and Adam Schitt!! From the Cunton’s owned Despiration Party
Finally…He got above 50% in a poll. He’s the Best.
Noah Tenshen
I’ll let him have that one
Okay, I vote this Best Comment Section Comment.
The blood of Kurds will be on Trump too. The man is a complete sociopath and a disgrace to this nation throughout the world.
Also the blood of many Westerners as ISIS regroups.
Disgrace to the human race.
The orange jump suite will suit him well
Donnie Serino you’re right it matches his yuckie skin
And that orange hair! Although I still say that’s an alien, that has attached itself to Dirty Don the Con’s head, and is eating out his brain.
When this is all said and done and they are putting the cuffs on McConnell we should have a national holiday
@max redlands I don’t wear tan, but I’ll make an exception!
@max redlands absolutely
Agreed, wholeheartedly.
Fireworks and parades Max.
@max redlands And put Dijon mustard on everything.
Not everyone votes on those polls.
Get Trump out of there !
Donald Trump gave the rich their tax cut. He’s outlived his usefulness to them.