New pressure on the top Republican in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, who blocked a series of elections security bills despite warnings from Bob Mueller and American intelligence that Russia is still at it. McConnell is furious with his new ‘Moscow Mitch’ nickname as progressive groups put up billboards in McConnell's home state of Kentucky showing McConnell in a Russian military uniform. Senator Richard Blumenthal and Malcom Nance, a former counter-intelligence operative in the U-S military join The Beat.
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‘Moscow Mitch’ McConnell ‘Fuming’ With Trolling | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
Moscow Mitch ((

Moss-Cow Mitch
Yertle the Turtle McConnell
Chinless Reaper ((
@macro tech
@Toga Tours

@macro tech Yep. He’s as corrupt as Trump. That’s why he helps the creep!
@macro tech Same gullet…am I right?
@Toga Tours YYYYUP!
Typical Conservative, they love war but are scared to fight.
They love to dish it out but can’t take it.
Lying, name calling, spinning, and projection, is what we want to see the democrats doing. The tactics of, “Orange man bad, vote democrat”, will guarantee another four years for President Trump.
Andy Mo vitetunelokmilakjokdatzinenkahetvite
Andy Mo rusijeplajfendatvarenhelnojtunelbakrustjeputintrumlakputinenkahetkomenokviteheloktunelmirusijeplajfenbakklarstopen
Andy Mo fadakklarbakrusijemarputikenkahet
@UCSsamhHo8ygrHOgRk8_sRCA good job, but projection isn’t everything, use an even mixture of lies, name calling, and spinning, along with your projection.
He is truly un-American – why does he oppose making our democracy safe?
@Ken Evanska That’s why they call him—Moscow Mitch.
Don’t forget he’s married to the Secretary of Transportation (an immigrant
) who is just as crooked as the rest
@Electrical Genius and that in itself is a mystery…. that he’s married to a woman. Of course I believe she is” Cocaine” Mitch’s payoff for keeping her father out of prison.
If he wasn’t planning on cheating, he’d have signed the security bill.
If Kentucky vote Amy in and Mitch out, I’ll start drinking Kentucky bourbon again.
And I’m Irish…
(so usually Irish whiskey!)
GO Kentucky!
If I was Amy McGrath I would be wearing a Moscow Mitch shirt on the debate stage…
@Anne Collins She has too much class…
BDS Ky till McTurtle is gone.
Moscow Mitch is fuming?! It’s a good day for me then.
That MoFo is a bigger threat to America than Trump.
Common sense has no place when capitalist greed for ONESELF INTEREST is overtaking US politics’s monopolists greed. Capitalists can’t become monopolists, unless the government enforces the monopolies that turns them into monopolists.
He really has no grounds whatsoever to protest this nickname.
Moscow Mitch is the Poster Boy for un American
Comrade, Moscow Mitch is a loyal Kremlin Agent or sure performs in every way like one…
And his wife China Chao.
Moscow Mitch is part of the Moscow Squad led by the puppet president Trump, Put-in power by his Russian bro-mance buddy. Other Moscow Squad members include Graham, Jordon, Ratcliff, and Nunnes. The new name for the Republican Party should be called the Moscow Squad.
Maybe Moscow Mitch shouldn’t be blocking bi-partisan bills. He should be tried for treason!
John Smear exactly! this ugly toad needs to be investigated.
And executed!
Mob style
@Lucian van den Bosch I’d prefer the good, old-fashioned hanging, drawing and quartering in the public square.
…at the very least, impeached from the Senate!
Mitch the Moscow Turtle is the perfect example of why we need term limits!
moscow mitch is blocking this because the great orange blivit asked him to!!!
“The Great Orange Bliwit” – good one Little Rascal!
Moscow Mitch obstructing senate from doing their job, he must be voted out & investigated given his actions against democracy
MOSCOW MITCH will be replaced SOON & forgotten!!! But the Name MOSCOW MITCH will Live In Infamy FOREVER!!!

And it’s suits the evil eye the title moscow mitch
He put “Moscow Mitch” into the Sanate archives by crying about it at a Sanate hearing….what a bozo.
Thank you , Joe Scarborough !!!!
The damage he has done will not be forgotten
J Francisker Yes, you are correct…the name “Moscow Mitch” will live in infamy! There is no common sense under these circumstances.
Moscow Mitch knows Trump can’t get elected in 2020 without Russia’s help…again.
Moscow Mitch knows that he himself can’t get re-elected without Russia’s cyber squad. He’s blocking the bill because he himself would have to report it. They all took Russia’s money.
@MrArchangel73521 the electoral college is based on the popular vote. The Hillary email hack was a distraction from the real hack. The popular vote, per state, dictates the electoral college. You have to go through local elections to influence it. Districts with the highest populations were targeted and the people that oversee them were paid and/or blackmailed
@Harvey Wallbanger. . . Overturning Roe v. Wade would set this country back 100 years in terms of human rights and medicine. Only fascists want to overturn Roe v Wade.
President Bone Spurs and Moscow Mitch have to GO! Why block a bill that protects our democracy
Kentucky needs to vote you out.. Shame on You!
@Ollie Stowers Yeah, I really don’t get that Moore thing… It’s as if the republican men in Alabama don’t have young daughters or something! WTF!
That’s Comrade Bonespurs actually….
the only thing going for Kentucky at this point is its not Alabama or Mississippi……… will be soon if they dont get rid of people like Moscow Mitch though and i will laugh at Kentucky when it happens and maybe throw a kick or two in the ribs so it learns its lesson
@Andrew Barnett To learn a lesson, one must first acknowledge that there is a lesson to be learned… I’m not quite sure they’re there yet… Ya may have kick ’em a few more times!
@Robert Cartier Exactly…not to mention the women who actually voted for a molester….that’s what shocked me.
This traitor is at last really being called out. It’s about friggin’ time!
putin is having a ball
It’s taken long enough.
@George Ward Putin’s had drumpf’s balls for quite a while. I doubt Mitch had ANY balls to put in the game in the first place, but they sure have something on him.
Moscow Mitch go back to Russia turtle boy.
Moscow Mitch, go cry to TRAITOR TRUMP!