‘Moscow Mitch’ Angry At Being Called ‘Moscow Mitch’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

After blocking bills to keep U.S. elections safe, Sen. Mitch McConnell complained on the Senate floor that he was labeled "Moscow Mitch."
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‘Moscow Mitch’ Angry At Being Called ‘Moscow Mitch’ | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. Unamerican and unpatriotic? Then what’s the nickname for the four morons in the”squad” since they fit that criteria more than anyone in congress

    2. @David A- Yeah. Things is, they don’t though. Moscow Mitch is exactly the sort of person that America would be way better off without. Ditto any Trump supporter really.

  1. This is how easily people like Moscow Mitch lie: a former REPUBLICAN congressman is a “left wing pundit” according to Moscow Mitch. What a horribly dishonest individual Moscow Mitch is.

    1. BananaPig my point is he was talking about dishonesty when Hilary is the worst politician of all time. It’s people that are dumb, talking about one person when the one they support is far worse of an actual person. Who should actually be in jail for why she did

    1. That goes a bit too far. Mitch was only 13 years old at the time of the McCarthy hearings in 1954. It took him years to become the right-wing nutball he is today.

  2. They are correct. Moscow Mitch is a Russian asset, a corrupt criminal..and much more. History will never forget.

  3. Moscow Mitch might cry. Don’t make him do that. He can make everyone else suffer but don’t touch him.

  4. Funny that Cocaine Mitch was good enough for T-shirt’s but Moscow Mitch hurts his feelings.

    1. @Fix News not only don’t they contribute anything to the economy they receive the most federal dollars than any other state.

    2. I live in Kentucky, Louisville. I always vote and I always vote against Mitch McConnell as do the majority of people in the cities. It’s the small towns and rural areas that elect Mitch. I do have an understanding of KY politics. I can’t explain it, it’s nonsensical but, I kind of understand it. I don’t think Mitch is hoping to win the next election…not an honest one anyway.

  5. Where is the outrage over Moscow Mitch McConnell’s offshore bank accounts and his lying wife Chao not divesting?

    1. If it were any Democratic Leader that has so much criminal baggage, he would have been long hurled into Prison. All Moscow Mitch has done over the years is using his Senatorial influence to protect his wife’s family shenanigans and impeding any Laws in Congress that might reduce the effect of those abuses. Yet, he carries himself around as some angelic, Christian, pro-lifer patriot. Sadly, he is none of those. He is as Con as the Con-In-Chief and Putin’s Czar in America.

    2. There is too much going on to focus on it all. Outrage only works when concentrated. When it takes hours to express its not outrage anymore.

    3. With all the deflection going on, and the finger pointing, racist tweets, and the enormity of the of traitorous often illegal and callus treatment of the public in general and asylum seeking immigrants especially those children, it’s easy to lose track of ALL the crimes ALL of Trump’s criminal cohorts have committed, this is their game plan, to keep the public off balance and continuelly trying to absorb & process the next thing

    4. Timothy Davis, exactly. They are playing the old, “if you thought yesterday’s scandal was bad, watch what happens today? And today’s scandal will be over-shadowed by tomorrow’s atrocity.”
      And so on. If you actually kept a list of every lie and every distraction, you’d have thousands of pages to refer to when the next thing comes along. Like, what happened to Trump’s taxes and his business ties to Russia that were on their way to Congress a couple months ago? Are they coming by carrier pigeon? Cause right now, we’re talking about Trump the racist instead of Trump the traitor. Nice trick.

  6. Why he doesn’t like it is beyond me. Especially considering the fact that he’s done literally everything in his power to earn this nickname.

  7. Sorry Mitch your feeble attempt to turn this around did not work, you will forever be…. “MOSCOW MITCH”!!

  8. Calling people out because they call him names when he supports the biggest name caller in history ??? Oh what irony we have here

  9. This. Is. Awesome. Moscow Mitch IS UnAmerican, and has gotten so detached from reality that it’s nice to see that something besides big money can still get his attention.

    1. @Ken Ramerez STFU fake Hispanic. Traitor Trump should get 20+20 = 40 years in prison.
      TT20+20 20 for treason + 20 for obstruction.

    2. Lynn Lamont That is an amazing connection you have made for your conspiracy. So Republicans and Democrats are Catholic…… let’s see here The Kennedy’s are Catholic. Joe Biden and Paul Ryan are Catholics…. one was a Vice President and the other was nominated as Vice President for the Republicans. It just got real in here. The conspiracy is legitimate!!!!!!! Call the press!!!!!

  10. Have a feeling “Moscow Mitch” is going to be shouted by people wherever McConnell goes. No one deserves it more.

    1. Wake up America! Stand up for your rights!
      We have to rise up all over the nation like folks did in Puerto Rico to kick trump out of the white house! We must reject tyranny before it is too late!
      trump is a fascist and a racist like hitler: as we are sleeping he is slowly preparing a “coup d’état” for 2020.
      That is why Moscow mitch blocked bipartisan laws designed to protect 2020 election against foreign cyber attacks!
      That is why he is putting a partisan at the head of DNI to disinform the american people and hide the truth!
      That is why he prefers to radicalise his base instead of broadening it!
      We are going to have to fight to keep our freedom!
      Moscow mitch and Criminal trump must be judged as the traitors they are and certainly shot down by a firing squad!

    1. Yes the lady running against had a good outing last out (did not get elected however) and folks must be tired of this fear monger.

  11. Mitch, I am not a liberal, however, you are a traitor who does not protect or adhere to the Constitution.

    1. Wake up America! Stand up for your rights!
      We have to rise up all over the nation like folks did in Puerto Rico to kick trump out of the white house! We must reject tyranny before it is too late!
      trump is a fascist and a racist like hitler: as we are sleeping he is slowly preparing a “coup d’état” for 2020.
      That is why Moscow mitch blocked bipartisan laws designed to protect 2020 election against foreign cyber attacks!
      That is why he is putting a partisan at the head of DNI to disinform the american people and hide the truth!
      That is why he prefers to radicalise his base instead of broadening it!
      We are going to have to fight to keep our freedom!
      Moscow mitch and Criminal trump must be judged as the traitors they are and certainly shot down by a firing squad!

  12. Mitch McConnell is a traitor .. and is definitely an UNAMERICAN Moscow asset. Yes definitely Moscow Mitch.

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