Moscow Court Bans Public Activity By Navalny’s Groups | MSNBC

A Moscow court is restricting activities of an anti-corruption foundation founded by imprisoned Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Matt Bodner reports. 
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Moscow Court Bans Public Activity By Navalny's Groups | MSNBC


    1. @Alec72HD It’s not a trick. I genuinely believed that Russians had more self respect. Glad you cleared it up.

    2. @Alec72HD because your government is causing problems for the rest of the world and destabilizing democracies around the globe and quite frankly we are sick of it. its also not just america that is sick of it.

      the fact you and your people are so happy with flagrant corruption and suppression of your own free wills at home and abroad is pretty pathetic imo.

      putin will be lucky to make it 10 years. the global oil prices are going to tank and the russian economy will collapse in on itself because putin has made sure youve stayed a petrostate in the age of renewable energy..

    3. @Noreb
      Really, Russia is that all powerful to effect other democracies ?
      Last Russia hoax narrative was that Russia coached Republicans on how to win elections.
      Honestly, we are not that smart.
      Myself excluded.

    4. @Alec72HD like another person said, i and many more expect a lot more from the russian people than to let some glorified thug and his friends rob your country blind while leaving scraps for the rest to fight over.

      russians are supposed to be strong and proud, but you cower in front of a little bully who’s no better than the worst of the Romanovs.

    5. @Noreb
      I suppose we could go back to good old Socialism, or what your ignorantly call communism.
      This way we can all be equal and proud Russians.

      But you should lead by example and go after your own 1 percenters.

    1. To the contrary, virtually every Dem who still part of the political gang is in effect an anti-liberal authoritarian, a communist wannabe like Putin. Anti-liberal authoritarian and Dem-soulmate Trudeau has on record expressed admiration for the Chinese communist dictatorship as one to emulate and eulogized bloody murderous dictator Fidel Castro as one his late father “was PROUD to call FRIEND.”

    2. @Noreb I can tell that you are a leftard by your anti-liberal authoritarianism alone. Pretty good, huh? By the way, what factual part of Canada’s LIEbral leftist Trudeau’s admiration of communist dictatorship do you dispute?

    3. @Jason PK You practicing to be a comic? Keep it up, your posts make me laugh. In the meantime, Florida governor DeSatan will suffer the same fate as Putin and his other Cancel Democracy co-conspirators.

  1. This is a fine example of how a government uses fascist strategies to entrench authoritarian rule. Madeleine Albright opined that fascism is not an ideology but is a process equally exercised by the far right and the far left by which authoritarian rule is obtained and preserved. Comrade Stalin would be impressed.

    1. What current examples can you give that are not bunk like the anti riot law. Don’t stand in the road and you won’t be ran over. Not facism related. Civilian facism is enforcing your will on people just trying to pass without hearing your politics.

    2. @Gage King thats not fascism you dummy. marching in streets to protest is as old as protest itself. read a book.

    1. To the contrary, virtually every Dem who still part of the political gang is in effect an anti-liberal authoritarian, a communist wannabe like Putin. Anti-liberal authoritarian and Dem-soulmate Trudeau has on record expressed admiration for the Chinese communist dictatorship as one to emulate and eulogized bloody murderous dictator Fidel Castro as one his late father “was PROUD to call FRIEND.”

    2. @ruth depew Why shouldn’t I economize on my time by saying the same refutation for the SAME kind of anti-liberal authoritarian leftard, huh?

  2. Russia: Bans pro-democracy protests
    republicans: Protects white supremacists who want to run pro-equality protesters

    Looking good there, GQP! 😅😂

    1. It’s stuff Donny was learning from his boss Vlad. All the absurdity the Trumplicans have been doing is coached by the top P man (Putin).

  3. russia is an example of the whole system being corrupt. we have had too close a brush with that under trump.

  4. Pretty much the same thing that the Florida legislature is doing with any political protester. How did the GOP get Putin’s playbook?

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