We get first hand reporting from across the globe as tensions grow in Hong Kong and Tehran, while the U-K and Europe prepare for the G7 summit
Morning Joe First Look goes around the world

We get first hand reporting from across the globe as tensions grow in Hong Kong and Tehran, while the U-K and Europe prepare for the G7 summit
DID YOU KNOW that 1 out of 3 trump supporters is just as stupid as the other 2?
Joe biden is not any better or worse !
#therealobama https://youtu.be/4ZrRL7VY1NM
Yes low IQs and traitors terrorist!
Oh i thought we are gonna be free of dotard for a whole day! Please No Dotard’s face nor voice today, media.
Yes to Hong Kong protesters blocking the roads to airport! Blocked China for making money off of HK!
TRUMPOCCHIO is gonna go
make a total FOOL of himself//AMERICA like
HE did least YEAR

Yes dont stup to their level with that ridiculous 10yr old name calling
Tyrone another snowflake Trump will be just fine the other leaders maybe not so much
The LITTLE MUSHROOM DK PUSSYGRABBER is a national security threat to this great nation
@Bruce Boring HAIL TRUMP!!!

Go take your meds Looney tunes the only threat Trump poses is kicking Democrat butt , triggered snowflake
Donald J. Trump
1st One-Term President of the 21st Century
Worst President in American History
Vote “NO” on Trump 2020!!!!!!
@Logical Conservative Your “logic” is faulty. He LOST the popular vote by over 3 million and ONLY won the electoral college by a razor thin margin. Now that people really know who/what he is, well, stick a fork in him…..he’s done. Try living in the “now” instead of re-living past glories like some loser jock. L….M….A….O at fools like you.
@Logical Conservative there arent enough of you morons to get him re elected
@Larry Byrd You mean he lost the illegal vote in New York and Los Angeles? I agree. Hey can you remind me what’s the prize for winning the popular vote? Is it a toaster oven or something?
Trump won 3084 out of 3114 counties. That’s 99.04% of US counties.
@Larry Byrd HAIL TRUMP!!!


@Logical Conservative no moron he didnt but just like your master you lie because it helps you push your agenda
I wonder which leaders, if any he will physically shove out of his way at the G7?
Hopefully they push the rude orange turd back. Lol.
That was just unbelievable when he did that, such a poor representation of our country
Casey28xxx just the ones that don’t matter
@Airborne Ranger It may surprise you to know that the rest of the world matters more than the US.
t-Rump has no clue when he’s there at the summit…he looks like a clown up there compared to other leaders
Your joking right a you google drone msm puppet


What I relish the most is that Boris can’t expect much help form moron Trump except a lot of idiotic words. Trump is about to wreck the American government and with it the economy in its wake. He can’t help the UK. And his hate talk against a strong unified Europe won’t help Boris Scump either.

@Rocky Comet *FAILED DRUMPF*
@john smith THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY!!!

@Rocky Comet – what your basement?
They’re trying to do a putin move on Greenland equivalent to what putin did on crimira
Almost. The only difference is Putin TOOK Crimea. Trump doesn’t have the balls to take Greenland, so he tried to buy it.
Danish news has just reported that he called the Danish PM last night. Just info’ing
Let’s hope gets a case of sever laryngitis, and get hospitalized for the weekend.
Will Donnie be ignored, or laughed at for imbecile? Those are his only two choices.
both is the third choice.

Walked away bcuz Dems calling all Republicans racist. WRONG
Not all but most
They are! They can all go back to europe
Not all Republicans are racists..
But all racists are Republican..
Sorry CNN wrong again, it’s the fires in the Amazon rainforest. More coverage needs to take place. G7 needs to focus one the largest ecological disaster in human history.
a deranged unhinged sociopath with access to nuclear weapons is exactly why north korea iran and every other country on earth need weapons.
what about the humanitarian crisis in Kashmir?
Why do trump go around people in the world don’t he know that they know that he is crazy and don’t know anything.
Haha Look at Iran trying to play “tough guy” lol isn’t that adorable!
Edit; Wow! Sarah Harman in London is kinda SMOKIN’
Stable genius takes the circus on the road….
America’s first fake president. He says everything is fake but him.
My dining-room table will repersent the USA
better than our clown