Morgan Freeman Reads Rep. John Lewis’ Last Words | The Last Word | MSNBC

In a special Last Word, Morgan Freeman reads the words of John Lewis’ final essay, which he requested be published in the New York Times on the day of his funeral: “Together, You Can Redeem the Soul of Our Nation.” Aired on 7/30/2020.
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Morgan Freeman Reads Rep. John Lewis’ Last Words | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. The soul of America is currently in the possession of corporate America and the few Americans that have the majority of the wealth. Take it back.

    1. @Jason Rattray That has unfortunately been the case in these past years. Lets hope this year they can take back a little back of their own country.

    2. It is the only way to survive this corruption our country has ended up building itself upon. History has taught us all great nations must fall.

    1. His word is being heard, I’m from New Zealand, and that was just so poignant and beautiful. His words will live in history, just as they should.

    2. @Annihilate MAGA Cult You put the MO in MORON.
      Make every city like Chicago, Portland , Seattle. Defund the police. Need more homeless.

  2. Lawrence couldn’t have made John Lewis’ final words any better. I have hope for a better future. Thank you, gentlemen.

    1. @Katrina Middleton you didn’t have to tell me..🙏 heathen I suppose you believe in the right to choose also.

    2. @Earnest T Bass .p, I also believe in the death penalty. Your crime, not skin pigmentation, should be the main factor in getting it.Why aren’t “god fearing folk” ever happy?

    3. Katrina Middleton Because they only “hear” the parts of the bible that they WANT to hear… they must skip over the part that says “an eye for an eye…”. They also believe that EVERYONE must believe in the same God, in the same way or else they are “heathens”. I guess they forgot about the “God’s love” part too.

    1. @glabowells1 45 and barr are deploying their secret military on peaceful protestors and journalist! A man in office giving praise and comfort to putin. Believing putin over US intelligence. The same one that is putting bounties on US soldiers! You are here mumbling about abortions while putting is paying for the deaths of our soldiers. W bush started war with iraqis and killed thousands of innocent people over there and you are cherry picking certain deaths. Death is death!

    2. All Praises to the Heavenly Father for him. I know the Father said to John Lewis — Your Work has been Well Done and You can come on In .

    3. Edgardo Rosa Could it because his congressional colleagues wouldn’t give him the necessary ware with all to help finance better schools, education, etc, in his district!? At least he tried…His district thought he was doing a good! They elected him to multiple terms? What’s your congressman done for you!? More importantly, What has your congressman accomplished comparatively in life as to John Lewis!?

  3. Well done, Lawrence. Morgan brings an added emotion that reading it myself was missing. Loved the pictures that accompanied the narrative. Thank You. RIP Mr. Lewis, go with peace. 🕯

    1. The speech was very profound and to the point and necessary we must march on. He is with the ancestors now let’s complete the mission

  4. This man dedicated his entire life to fighting for what is right and just. Sadly, his fight is over. 😔 He reminded us all of the greatness of America, and how much greatness we have yet to achieve. 🙂

    1. He’s work will not go in Vain ” but we all need to continue the Fight ‘ the Good Fight ‘”” Good Trouble ‘ Necessary Trouble ‘

    1. @LazerC4 When Trump was elected Lewis knew his lifelong efforts were in severe jeopardy. And Trump’s done his best to nullify Lewis’ efforts.

    2. Benje Graham ……..No one should give proper condolence to Trump either. He is the least deserving person to be honoured in any way !

  5. John Lewis’ last message will forever be the soul of what America. These words will be read for countless generations and hundreds of years. His words remind us oh what it is to be American and the responsibility we each have must never forget to uphold. God bless you Mr.Lewis. Thank you for the souls you have touched and thank you to the heavens for letting you touch our lives.


  6. We have to save our country….all of us who still believe that good can still prosper. Let’s us all remember we are the generation that will change things with our voices, hearts and especially our vote.

    1. Absolutely, Martha. It is so Heartfelt to see Younger Generations Knowing the Importance of History and participating In Good Trouble to Keep hope alive and Evolving. Thank You for your Encouranging Words and Love of Humanity and Country. ❤💙.

    2. @Fred Davis oh your mad about all of your Confederate, traitor flags and statues coming down right? Or the fact that all races are coming together to fight racism and bigotry?

  7. I’m not American and I don’t live in America. But those are beautiful and inspiring words spoken by an elegant and beautiful voice. It sent tears to my eyes. America, pick yourself up. You are better than trump. Show the world what you can do in November. God bless.

    1. Friendly word of advice, there’s no need to announce your gender race etc.. Your heart says it all. That’s what we all need to learn. God Bless

    2. Thank you. My grandfather was an immigrant to America. I always thought America’s greatest strength came from the fact that we were the “melting pot”, where we had the diversity from all countries. Even if you are not American, I bet you have ancestors who helped make us what we are. I’m hoping we can survive the Trump fiasco. He has at least been a wake-up call, that our democracy is not as strong as I thought — that we could lose it if we aren’t vigilant. So all Americans need to VOTE, no matter how hard the republican/Nazi’s try to make it.

    3. Thank you for your well wishes. It gives us hope that his shame is not ours. That the rest of the world doesn’t think we are all like him zndchis base. We are not.

  8. A double rainbow appeared over the U.S. Capitol as John Lewis was lying in state. Google it to see the pics.

    1. Wow .

      That means that movements (plural) all over the world must work together as John requested in his last words.

      Good people, pious people and God fearing/loving people now will try to support each other, if they are seriously faith based, not fear or atheism based, because God never designated Himself as a color, or even as belonging to a Jewish, or Hindu, or Christian or Muslim or any other group with a name or doctrine of rituals.

  9. As always I enjoyed listening to Morgan Freeman, but today it was with even greater love and interest.
    In losing Mr Lewis we have lost an amazing sole, but we will always have his words and the record of his actions that helped change how we treat one another.
    Thank you Mr John Lewis for making the world my children are growing up in a better place.

  10. While he was dying, this hero took time to guide us further in the fight for an equitable union-AGAIN. I pray that we make him proud.

    Rest in heaven Mr. Lewis 💝

    1. I know!! I could not begin to come up with such words, sentiment and true meaning of what we are still fighting for! He did this right up until his last breath. Let’s make it count!!!

  11. Tears are flowing down my face, such a wise, brave, generous and kind man! Sir, I’ve long respected and admired you; because, I know that had I suffered the slightest fraction of what you endured, I don’t know that this redhead would just get into “good trouble”. My respect and admiration has just grown 10 fold or more. May you truly rest peacefully with Our Father God, who knows no color except for the color & content of our souls. He certainly knows you’ve earned it. I know you’ve earned it. You’re an iconic figure, not just to be mentioned in February during Black History month but in the tapestry of our UNITED AMERICAN history. Rest in Peace, sir.

    1. @Margaret Nicol This one is! I was born a redhead, got my daddy’s temper to go with his redhead too. I now require assistance to remain a redhead but that’s ok.

  12. “Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity.”
    Nelson Mandela RIP Mr. Lewis.

    1. Jen
      I’ve never heard these words before and I truly thank you for sharing them.
      There’s nothing more to add to those words that would improve them their meaning and their power except, AMEN, AND THANKS FOR SHARING 💕👏

  13. The seeds of righteousness are not grown in the darkness of ignorance , but in the full light of the truth.

  14. I am John Lewis, you are John Lewis, …
    We are John Lewis.

    Let’s go get into some “good trouble”.

    Rise up. Fight for our democracy.

    Deliver us from evil… Amen.

  15. Truly moving and inspiring. And remember his words “vote like your life depended on it.” RIP Good Trouble …… BLM FDT 1619 TMC 🏁

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