“More work to be done”: Morneau on record job losses during the pandemic

Finance Minister Bill Morneau says raising taxes is not being discussed as part of government recovery efforts after the pandemic.

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"More work to be done": Morneau on record job losses during the pandemic


  1. How much of a bribe did trudeau take to mass murder canada through epstein bill gates virus vaccine cycle this year? Brilliant minds? Preventing the truth from being told on fort detrick and winnipeg NML biolabs

  2. Wow that is one sharp S.O.B. You can’t say he doesn’t have a clear grasp of the mess he and the other bobble heads have created.

  3. TruDough and MorDeau have never worked a hard day in their life… Born into wealth where working was an option.

  4. Dear Canadians:
    The Canadian dollar and economy will crash. I’m buying precious metals, USA dollars and investment, and selling Canadian investments.
    Laugh at me if you want, but I guarantee these two will move their money before they tell you to do the same.

    1. Tamatik Canada stop with the fear mongering will you? We will overcome the pandemic and restart the economy!!

    2. @C. XO our problems started long before this. Right after the 2015 election over 300 government officials attended the Paris climate summit. That’s just for starters. Spend, spend, spend.

  5. “We will finance these programs and the tax payers will be on the hook for it..Your kids will never have anything”
    This guy could care less how many are unemployed.. he still gets paid with annual increases..

  6. Lets ‘reflect ‘ on Internet Relay Chat for a moment, now that it’s possible.

    Don’t oversell what’s not IRC add on since any period remarked or noted

  7. William, young Trusted Juan who remains in for a surprise, RUN .

    Upgraded family and revoked issuance and limited run.

  8. Bill and Justin have made this virus crisis far worse then it needed to be. Justin called anyone who said shut down the flights from virus hot spots racists. Plus he had the nerve to say it was knee jerk all the while sucking up to WHO and China. We never needed to shut down if they would have listened.

  9. Bill- ” We won’t raise taxes…. we will create new taxes”
    Did he actually say if he had the answer he would give it? REALLY!!
    More like talk around the answer in some long drawn out speaking point .

  10. That is why my family and I are moving to USA because it is way too expensive to live where I was born because of the corruption of this government

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