A new study funded by the NIH shows the use of marijuana and hallucinogens among young adults is at all-time highs. This comes as, for the first time ever, more people say they use weed more than tobacco cigarettes. CNN's Harry Enten reports. #CNN #News
More people use weed than tobacco in the US, new poll reveals

Stop joking about marijuana and legalize it
1 Will Tennessee Fuk what you saying it here 😠 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p1BKCczjhY
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Oh? Can law enforcement test for it during traffic stops?
@James James no need
You know what they say, weed is the stepping stone, they start from there and some people look for the heavy stuff after a while. They are illegal to protect people from themselves, it’s easy to fall in the rabbit hole.
Legalize it tax it and pay for USA healthcare with it
Yes, but we shouldn’t tax it more than alcohol
We have 8 lovely stores in Ypsilanti MICHIGAN, work, work, work!
And test for it at every traffic stop.
Yet it’s still illegal on a federal level. Surprise surprise
@KarineHadaFastCar local farms lol
Because it slows down business and makes people lazy not wanna work. That’s the truth and even I use it dude.
Can’t forget America is a corporation first it’s about making money. That’s why no matter what jobs you work they require drug testing even if it’s legal in your state in the usa. Only medication verified by the doctor ofc.
@GotohellQultist Afghanistan,Mexico,SouthAmerica,all seized domestic products too
When it becomes federally legal, corporations will take over the entire market
We told yall to legalize 20 years ago! Missed out on probably over a BILLION in tax money…
1 Marcus L. Fuk what you saying it here 😠 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p1BKCczjhY
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Hundreds of billions if not trillions
the first year.
@iNCoMpeTeNt plAyS in VA its leagle and you can have up to 4 plants,,, what Hundreds of billions are you talking about, when we grow are own supply hear, and its easy to grow indoors you can keep a steady harvest all year long with even just 4 plants
I used weed to quit cigarettes over 10 years ago.
Cannabis isn’t a gateway, it’s an exit👍
@Melanie M It’s the start and finish of any greatly lived life!
same, did it at age 21
@Kathy Dobson can’t figure out why? Look at Texas law, some people have been imprisoned for life sadly
2 words: Avocado Shrink
They will legalize it federally once Marlboro has a “green pack” 😒 big tobacco won’t allow it any other way
They’ve had a green prototype pack since the early 90s.
Marlboro already has a green pack! What other color would you expect Marlboro MENTHOL packs to be? Ironically, menthol cigarettes (considered more hazardous than non-menthol cigarettes) may be completely BANNED in America in the next few years!
I would lovvve a pack of “weedboros” one day, no tobacco. 🚬
Marlboro naturals 100s. 2 please. sure.
That’s a good thing. And honestly it’s probably been that way for a while, just that some people didn’t fess up to it while it was illegal in their state. Plus some people get their nicotine fix from non tobacco sources now anyway, which wasn’t really a thing until the past decade and a half.
@Don Newton Nope, not a lie…dealt with it myself in one of my daughters. So Sorry, that is the lie.
However, since you are responding to the guy about tobacco, so there is no difference…BOTH are addictive, and you are right so is alcohol. All three can have both psychological and physiological addictions presenting. Addiction is addiction, you cannot pick for one thing to be “less” addictive, it is in the way the body processes it. There are other factors but that is the main mechanism.
@Aisha bint Abu Bakr and the same with alcohol….which is a better comparison…not cigs.
@something64 don’t know where you live, but its DUI here…that is driving under the INFLUENCE and covers any mind altering substance. And it was like that BEFORE they legalized pot.
@Aisha bint Abu Bakr Addiction is human nature. There’s far worse things one can be addicted to. If it doesn’t hurt you, mind your own and go about your business. Note: I say this as someone who does not smoke weed. I hate it personally.
With so many pot smokers now, they should let the people in prison on weed related charges out.
Yup, should be 100% legal all 50 states and federally for adults, adults don’t need the government being their parent. Truth is, all drugs should be decriminalized, let adults make adult decisions of what they consume without fear of prison. Instead of spending billions of dollars a year fighting a drug war (war against the people) transfer those funds to treat addiction.
They should give prisoners weed lol
@James James boomer?
More people use weed than tobacco.
I’ve waited all my life to see those words.
I’m so proud of all of us. Way to go!
I think your statement is accurate, but the data can be slightly decieving because it looks like a lot more smoke weed than tobacco, but the 55+ age bracket is a huge amount of people, so I think the numbers are slightly closer.
@WaffleEBay12 I’m in that age group. Onward thru the fog!
Last fight https://youtu.be/u244gu7o5ys
I’m not surprised, marijuana is doing the same exact thing smoking did for people decades ago. Gave them something relax and socialize. Except one has nicotine a compound more addicting than any other illegal drug!
Why haven’t we still banned nicotine is beyond me
@12 34 more like money, tobacco was mainly illegalized due to propaganda. Tobacco smoke is much more harmful than weed. Weed related deaths are nearly 0. Still unhealthy because any type of smoke is bad but tobacco is definitely worse than weed
Prohibition never works and only makes the prohibited substance more dangerous. Prevention is the most important thing and as the numbers show, it works. Could be better though!
Q: “Why haven’t we still banned nicotine[?]” – because Prohibition doesn’t work…
@Allan Erickson Also money, like, mostly money.
Makes a positive change. Cannabis needs to be federally legalized! Needed tax dollars.
It’s coming.
@Reason it isn’t legal federally. The government just doesn’t enforce it state side in states that legalized
It helps stop the side effects of my epilepsy/migraines which cause me extreme dark depression. That stuff knocks it out quick and my recovery time from it is minutes instead of riding through it for days.
1 devild1986 Fuk what you saying it here 😠 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxYhxZVo-3o
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Yeah… uh.. me too! 🤣
Am a Boomer and have smoked weed for over 40 years. Some people my age aren’t always truthful about whether they smoke or not.
I’d be able to cut back a lot on tobacco smoking if they finally let me go to the store to buy weed.
But, Alas, the Government wants me dead.
1 Morning Star Fuk what you saying it here 😠 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p1BKCczjhY
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Should have never been illegal in the first place… anything to make things difficult…
1 Mike Woo Fuk what you saying it here 😠 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p1BKCczjhY
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Legalize marijuana, tax it and we never have to worry about paying for things everyone in the country should have like food, housing, medical care, public transportation, and infrastructure just to name a few! Drug companies and the mega medical complex might have fits but the country will still be happier and healthier!!!
But don’t over tax it or they’ll still be street dealers, leaving people vulnerable to stupid arrests.
@Melanie M in VA its leagle and you can have up to 4 plants,,, we grow are own supply hear, and its easy to grow indoors you can keep a steady harvest all year long with even just 4 plants so not sure were the taxes are going to come from
Tobacco is almost all downsides and weed is almost all upsides. Hard to imagine anyone would prefer tobacco to cannabis.
@Sourace who cares people can do whatever they want with their weed.
@D K Er… nope. What a weird thing to say! I’m not surprised you know dozens of dope-smokers, though. That explains a lot.
@Trial by Wombat Lol, contradict yourself much? smoke them in weed is a spliff. You’re doubling down on the incorrect statement.
@Trial by Wombat yeah they mix it in the UK but I’m telling you now, If people could afford it they’d ditch the ‘ baccy’ straight away.
I’m over 30 years toking every single day. Fk the tobacco. 🤪🏴
Crazy how it’s still not legal in more areas. In Wisconsin many just switched to Delta 8, and opening stores just for it. People will keep finding ways around it.
50+ years of weed and never been in trouble with the law, never been a slacker at school or work, raised a good decent family. Nothing wrong with weed. Besides, when’s the last time you heard of weed related road rage? Never!
it’s the devil’s lettuce
@Paul Itix better than the devil’s dandruff
It stops road rage from happening!✌
Hallucinogens are safe. LSD and psilocybin mushrooms are already being used for treatments in mood disorders (depression, PTSD, anxiety etc). And are next in line for legalization 🤷🏾♂️