As the Covid pandemic continues to worsen in southern states among unvaccinated individuals, more local officials are defying Republican governors and mandating masks be worn as students go back to school. Dr. Nahid Bhadelia and Eugene Daniels join to discuss that and more.
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#MaskMandate #Schools #Covid
A centuries old preventive, proven clothing against viruses becomes such a furiously divided political stance. Only in America.
@Skankhunt36 Probably Trump University.
@Lake Safety Oh you poor ignorant soul.
Also in Russia and France.
@Keith Riley Thank you, now put on your mask!
covid may take our lives, but it will never take our freeDUMB!!!
Why does America always want to be number 1? This would be a good time to be in last place.
@AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL FOREVER! hows the weather in Moscow, comrade?
Mask until they get vaccines …..
I don’t think the parents saying no to masking are going to say yes to Vaccanating ……jus a thought
We’ll be number one in covid deaths or die trying.
@Daren Smith my Swiss ancestors were dukes & duchesses of 2 different castles in the 14th & 15th centuries. Came over in early 1900’s, cast system electricians (both boys had girls; there went passing down small business to the boys) and now I am dirt poor. Go figure. That was my paternal gramps’ side of family.
Trump derangement Syndrome is as strong as covid
Ask the Governors from Florida and Taxas to tour the covid units in the hospitals without wearing a mask.
@I.M. Greg 92.4%
@Tosca Tattertail Stop the vaccinated don’t want to hear the truth about breakouts they want to blame others
@Shahnul Islam Alluahu akbar loser
@jason royale Yes because the herd is to stupid to protect themselves you
@Belly Dancer Em I was infected before vaccines jerk
After trump said he was glad he was ot president when there was a major Covid problem I knew what they were doing. They are going to try to make Bidens Covid action to be as bad as Trump if not worse.
So basically you’re saying that they want to ruin his presidency so bad that they are ok if there are casualties to attain that goal?
@Julie C YES!
Of course that’s their motive. Who cares how many get sick or die if we can make Biden look bad
A wise man heeds a warning.
So how about you stop pumping each other in the butt and clean up your Democrat chitholes. Bathing regularly would not be bad either. Wash a Democrat, end COVID.
@Lat Mang
Awe khabrahov Bogatishev
Hush goleeeboi chenkov
Turns out a lot of people aren’t willing to go quietly like sheep to the slaughter for the ambitions of Republican politicians. Who knew?
What is the BIG deal. it’s just a piece of cloth that helps to filter out the good from the bad. It’s NOT political, it’s medical. Read my comment a few comments down the list for clarification, and you obviously did not read the one a few comments above this one.
Let’s rephrase this. The BIG DEAL IS that so many are making A BIG DEAL out of having to wear masks. Yes, people SHOULD be vaccinated and they SHOULD wear masks for their own protection, and for those around them. It IS A MATTER OF MEDICAL CONCERN. The ones that are making it a political statement are the ones that are opposed to the mandates that should be in force for their own safety and health. So do not misunderstand me thinking that I don’t care about the vaccinations and the masks. For those who DID read it in the sense that it was meant, would know exactly where I was coming from.
@Deb J I’ll add sarcastic to my comment then… Thought it was obvious. Not so much apparently. Stay safe.
@Peanut Butter
Think your brain got stuck in that peanut butter, Peanut Butter.
@JM B Oops! Now realised I accidentally sent it to you instead to Peanut. Thanks and you be safe too.
But you’re misinformed it does not block virus fools
It makes me ask myself, “What is the motive of Governor’s Abbott, de Santis, and other aristocrats who preside over the other southern states? Why are they sending children without masks and without coronavirus shots into the classroom? When I was a child we got, several shots every year. And when I went into the military, we, with no exceptions, received several shots, in order that we could defend our country. And that means to defend you, your family, and your children. And for this, we were paid $78 a month. No complaints.
The are ignorant selfish heartless individuals who have no care for other’s. They will not shed a tear for those who have lost their loved one’s. These kind of people have no soul, no empathy, no concern and zero compassion for other’s or themselves.
They are backed by Trump, so they are pushing the trump rhetoric towards how to manage covid…the problem is it’s going to backfire and probably affect their political careers like it did trumps in that the majority of the country voted for someone else simply because Trump was too delusional and dangerous to be trusted with a second term.
And thank you for taking those precautions. Thank you for your time and commitment to honor and service our country and protecting us!
@Daren Smith What’s True
Ivanka Trump’s company holds a variety of trademarks in China, including one for coffins.
What’s False
However, this trademark was granted in 2018, well before the COVID-19 pandemic occurred.
because they think it will help thier political careeers, that’s it. They don’t care who dies
I Heard Governor DeSantis Can’t Cut Off Nobody’s Fund”s
@Steve Hall CBS NBC ABC PBS BBC said the same thing.
He can’t but it won’t stop mini Trump.
@Julian Rivera

You must remember that he thinks like his daddy trump does he can do anything he wants when he wants to make himself look good in the face of his republicans base forget about the people that are dying from the virus
@vance governor yep DeSantis Going By Corrupt Lying Warped Minded Manchild Play Book.
I don’t wish anyone harm. However, if you choose to believe lies instead of science because of some deficit within yourself, then you are harming yourself! And I cannot allow myself to expend too much energy feeling sorry for you.
Remember when the former guy said it’ll be gone and back to normal by Easter? Yea, Easter of which year was he referring to? And remember when the former guy said we won’t hear about it anymore after November 3rd? Yea, November 3rd of which year? When we start giving him court dates, make sure to specify the year. Two can play that game.
Just like the Ex President said he would be reinstated on August 13th that was yesterday he’s still the Ex one term President
Cuz biden is doing great right now lol
America (GOP lawmakers) “The Sick Man” of the West
And the GOP come this Spring will just magically go away. Just the way Trump explained his understanding of COVID19 when it first hit the US.
Guess we’ll be sending non Covid patients to hospitals in the states that believe in science and leaving the beds in the anti-science states for the anti vaccine and anti mask people.
Science? How many Genders are there? Pandemic and ya leave the borders open? Where do you think the children who cross the border infected with China Virus are going to school? Chomo Joe spread all over the country! Dems Science=BS!
I agree
Excellent point.
Doesn’t DeSantis own stock in virus drug? Is that why he wants people to get the virus??
Fun fact: those who want their ” freedoms” doesn’t want to do the bare minimum to ensure that they have them.
You must be one of the ones who got their Krispy Kreme donut.
The GOP doesn’t want to talk about overcrowded hospitals.
If you don’t trust medical experts enough to follow their advice and take the vaccine, don’t take their time away from someone else at the hospital when you get the virus.
Selfish individuals hiding behind “personal freedom”, always screaming about “patriotism” but can’t do their part to fight off a national health emergency!! Amazing!