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The Residents need to share gainful information to the security forces to try arrest n place the criminals in Custody, It seems like the criminals strt to migrate to Westmoreland dats y there’s a increase in murders in the Parish
Condolences to you my friend although I don’t know you,and the family GOD BLESS
Condolence to the family and friends.
3 million people on so many crime in one country something got to get done Prime Minister we need a Defense secretary?
My condolences
to the young lady.

The man is still in shock … leave him alone
..don’t ask foolish question..how u ago manage???
Condolences to her family. This shows everyone that these killers just are inhumane. Jlp and pnp members please work together so this daily carnage can end. Everyone citizen need to pray to God and ask Him to bring us out our Egypt. Cry to God people and ask him for deliverance
Omg God we would take your oh my God I can’t believe this 0:41
Oh my gosh, what is happening in our little Island Jamaica? My God have mercy! What would it take to use drone as part of crime fighting measures? Get in a few over some troubled areas without any public fanfare.
This really brings tears to my eyes to see how much her boyfriend hurting.
It’s a shame to see what going on in our beautiful Jamaica and the Prime Minister will not step up and do something positive about this high crimes, bout them fool fool zozo, make no sense at all.
Come on Jamaica, stop spinning your wheels in the mud!…too much crime and sorrow…rise up, why are some people so wicked!
Drones should be used to patrol from the skies
Zones of special operations aren’t working out
Prime Minister Holiness come up with something more drastic for whoever committing the crimes in Jamaica and especially in Westmoreland.
Omg poor little heart omg
feel her father’s pain can you imagine the stress he’s going through that he don’t remember his baby
but don’t worry my darling the lord will see you through nuff love and blessings 

Condolences to the families I know it’s hard but keep the faith ok god a god