A student at Concordia University was shocked when he tried to ask his remote prof a question– only to realize he'd been dead for over a year.
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Lol wow
Who cares if the prof is dead? Was his information wrong or does his being dead offend you?
It would be fine if instructors give out the deceased professor’s materials to study but to use his work as a course and charge student it’s a bit ridiculous
The point of an education is for student teacher interaction, they might as well just make all of their courses recorded and be done with it, then they could just fire all the useless teachers, would save tons of money.
Wheres my tuition hoing
Because kids are sheltered. They have come out of the parents protections and discovering the world is not what they thought it was.
The only thing I would say this was, was a bit shrewd by the university. I would have thought they would have a least given the students a contact email if they had questions.
@Nostradumbass the point of an education is to be educated. Part of the process is the interaction.
“Right on schedule” – Skynet
Wow. Just, wow.
They must have help for him not that professor but someone!
This is horrible. What the hell?
The professor agreed to it all before he died soooooooo….. no it’s not horrible. That’s life, and death.
Omg now that is a stretch when you are looking for something to complain about.
Ooookay, then…
I’d wanna know,,, but not a big deal.
He is a hero he is dead but his talent not.
That is very strange!
why is this news? is today a slow news day?
He’s went into a alternate universe or dimension slipped through the cracks
So, should all books used for education whose authors have passed away be removed from school curriculums?
Very Valid point.
It’s very common for universities to prepare online lectures as part of developing a course package – it is costly to produce online courses and this is a world renowned expert. There will be TAs and at least one living prof (lol) who are familiar with these lectures and can answer questions about them. Many of the books these students read for courses are by dead authors. This seems like a non-story to me.
I think most students would be honored to have the capability to learn from well known professors. They are being immortalized. Can you imagine how many would sign up for a class taught by Einstein?