Moderna exec says storage temperature a big advantage for COVID-19 vaccine candidate.
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this is one vaccine i would endorse for all liberals to take
ah yes anti vax idiots have arrived
Another conspiracy theorist who doesn’t trust their own government but lives in the country anyways
In a statement earlier a Moderna spokesman threw the double bird and yelled “94.5%. suck it Pfizer.”
Give it to Trudeau first
Bill gates fauci and then Trudeau
@Dion Schlosser Don’t forget Eileen DeVilla and Theresa Tam
Agree..they ALL should be getting theirs on live TV first.
@Toolmybass agreed, but they’d make sure it was saline
I feel like this will be another case similar to “Theranos”.
sure it is…
cdc admits only 6 percent of worldwide covid 19 deaths werent caused by co morbidities
A 26 year old testing positive with no comorbidities has a 3 in 100,000 chance of dying because of COVID. Scary, huh?
@Daniel Frigo same reason i get the feeling you feel more comfortable insulting someone while hiding in your moms basement rather than doing the research
@Michael Donovan so you’re saying I was right.

Oh and FYI: I bought my first house at 29 years old. I’m now 31 and just bought my second house.
@floxy20 Lol. Nice fiction. Omg
Data says we’ve been played. Going strictly by numbers that is. Covid 19 isn’t scary at all
‘Appears to be’ effective and ‘is effective’ are two completely different descriptions which leaves a lot of room for discussion…I’m not rushing to put any chemical cocktail in my system just yet.
From all the processes food you eat you are fat and poisonous enough on your own
You do know they write full reports and publish the studies of their work. Of course you aren’t suppose to take his word for it, read the study published and the methodology. The COO of Moderna doesn’t care what you think, all he cares about is what the FDA thinks and approves of.
I’m not taking it AT ALL
Doing nothing is 99.6 effective.
@Danny I smell tinfoil.
@Danny Scientists did identify it. They now call it SARS-CoV-2, they invented tests for it, and now they are making vaccines for it.
@bmackinnon2 classic answer
b baba
@bmackinnon2 “tinfoil hat” The slaves favorite slogan.
@James Ray you’re so enlightened! how do you even find a source you can trust? because you’re def not thinking for yourself.
Yeah, not gonna happen.
It looks that the CEO of Moderna wants to sell his stock in a lucrative price like the CEO of pfizer. Without showing data you do not know if their vaccines are early effective.
What are the ingredients?
94.5 % effective is not Data? WTF? Not listening.
@Dave McDaniel To a simpleton it is, but a truly inquisitive mind would like to see the data that shows how they came to their 94.5% conclusion
This is just a claim and no data provided. I suggest you look at the previous history of Moderna and how it toped it share value by release of non-supported claim. Last week we heard similar news by Pfizer with no independent appraisal of their data. Guess what, less than a week after, the CEO of Pfizer sold his share and cashed $5million.
We hope all these claims to be true but until then stay cautious and optimistic
lies lies
He’s definitely still talking about side effects….mind going back to that?
I found this from less than a month ago “Another volunteer, Jack Morningstar, a college student from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said he’d experienced fatigue after the first dose and a fever after the second. However, because the trial was double-blind, he wouldn’t know if he got the real vaccine or just placebo until the vaccine cleared FDA authorization.
Two other participants in Moderna’s study experienced similar side effects, according to CNBC. But they declined to go on the record. Hutchinson said he decided to go public about it because he was concerned that Moderna might not fully inform the public about its vaccine’s potential side effects.”
Looks like they are hiding something; if you do nothing you get better chance; tell me about side effects
Long term side affects will be tragic and even short term one will know till they are the guinae pig. Thats just common sense…as common sense would be to not take such s thing then. Look at past ones even. 10 yrs later..5 yrs later..20… who in their right mind would do that to thejr children?
@Maya M.E. This isn’t the first vaccine ever developed. It’s highly unlikely there will be any long-term health effects, aside from immunity to this specific virus. Besides, COVID itself could have long term effects that we don’t know about.
it’s still UNTESTED in everyone who has a pre existing condition that they excluded from the trial (hypertension etc.) But all the normal goodies: fever, lethargy, swelling of the brain, fainting, heart palpitations, and probably some form of autonomic dysfunction around six months post jab.
@Cmac That all sounds pretty unlikely, to say the least.
@Andrew those are all considered “normal” btw
How do you give it to the Carriers who can’t be detected?
If you’re talking about asymptomatic patients, they can definitely be tested for the disease. Also, why would we need to give them a vaccine for a disease they already have? If we did need to give them a vaccine, we could do it like any other person: via syringe.
@Comrade Cat Suggests you go back to the January Videos by the Chinese Doctor from Wuhan, who gave the reason for their second wave. Carriers that couldn’t be detected. Of Course those Doctors have now not been heard of since. You should re evaluate you stance based on what we have known for months. Plan B a Vaccine for everyone, including Carriers. Even then your not 100% sure. The Chinese really did a number on the World by deliberately spreading spreading the China Virus.
I wouldn’t take an aspirin made by Moderna–and neither would anyone else with a working brain.
k buddy boy
No vaccine is safe to take until at least 10 years of testing. NO THANKS especially made by Moderna.
So what you’re saying is I have a better chance if just surviving the virus than the vaccine is effective. Neat.
We reject the Great Reset. We reject the parasite class. Spread the word.
Is the same company producing the tests and the vaccine? This would seem like a conflict of interest.