Ten states saw a record number of new Covid-19 cases this week, and one of them could be the next epicenter of the national health crisis.
Florida reported 3,207 additional coronavirus cases on Thursday — the largest single-day count in the state since the pandemic, according to the state health department. Florida's total reported cases climbed to nearly 86,000, according to data.
The Sunshine State has "all the markings of the next large epicenter of coronavirus transmission," and risks being the "worst it has ever been," according to projections from a model by scientists at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania.
"That makes me very worried because, at the numbers they're now seeing, it's very easy to start doubling and lose control of the epidemic," Dr. David Rubin, director of PolicyLab at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, told CNN
Rubin said model predictions are matched by actual cases in Florida and by increasing hospitalizations from Tampa to Orlando to Miami-Dade County and up the east and west coasts of the state.
#Coronavirus #CNN #News
Florida doesn’t care. They’re going to the beach and getting tans
Florida is full of retired OLD people and MAGA hats who don’t believe in covering their face………..This is going to be a Covid-massacre
Master Blaster
So many dinner reservations will be made.
Master Blaster like spring break and all those protesters right?!?! come on man-fool me once shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me. covid doesnt kill people who arent already extremely unhealthy.
Got skin cancer and covid19 two for the price of one !
You should be asking who was the group that preplanned this virus:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSxgEWM2_xQ
The happiest place on earth… Disney world… Make sure you have plenty of coronavirus patient beds.
Slick Willie thought that Epstein island was the happiest place on earth!!
@Jeffrey Dahmer
trump says come to america if the virus dont kill you there’s always a cop ready to shoot you.
You should be asking who was the group that preplanned this virus:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSxgEWM2_xQ
Space “Force” Mountain. Their latest new ride.
Said it wasn’t bad when we were protesting this is all political
Less MAGAs in November!!!
GOODY ! ……….
@postmalone exposes martial law on my page!!!! he a real one fasho! Bet your fav rapper doesn’t spread this type of info, Watch the video on my page, george floyd was freemason affiliated, this is all planned by the evil elites who print our happiness from machines INFINITELY, riots = martial law = police state = new world order = FEMA camps (illuminati) spread the word or be apart of the problem

Covid 19 translates to kobe 2 ! ! ! Coincidence? No
The Elites use secret symbolism/codes, we should be focusing and/or rioting over the elites and their child sex trafficking, congress officially has an HR6666 bill! Yes!!! Your own government flexing those numbers in your face! It allows authority to come into our homes and if martial law goes down we’re so fucked, fun fact = WAL MART reads mart(ial) law backwards! wake up !!!

@Anti illuminati Lol X 1,000
@Sperup AD how much of that is true.
You should be asking who was the group that preplanned this virus:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSxgEWM2_xQ
Fort Lauderdale beach was packed today. I think we’re all in going to get sick. Didn’t see anyone coughing at the beach but in a few more weeks they probably will.
You don’t have to be coughing to be contagious.
Don’t say all. I’m not as stupid as the rest of the Floridians who praise Trump. He doesn’t wear PPE because he’s giving you all a false image of security! Economy is great! Business is booming! But wait! The virus is a hoax! So sign my waiver so when you get sick you can’t sue me!!
@postmalone exposes martial law on my page!!!! he a real one fasho! Bet your fav rapper doesn’t spread this type of info, Watch the video on my page, george floyd was freemason affiliated, this is all planned by the evil elites who print our happiness from machines INFINITELY, riots = martial law = police state = new world order = FEMA camps (illuminati) spread the word or be apart of the problem

Covid 19 translates to kobe 2 ! ! ! Coincidence? No
The Elites use secret symbolism/codes, we should be focusing and/or rioting over the elites and their child sex trafficking, congress officially has an HR6666 bill! Yes!!! Your own government flexing those numbers in your face! It allows authority to come into our homes and if martial law goes down we’re so fucked, fun fact = WAL MART reads mart(ial) law backwards! wake up !!!

You should be asking who was the group that preplanned this virus:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSxgEWM2_xQ
It seems like Coronavirus will destroy this Country down to it’s Core.
Republicans are more deadly than corona. Fact!
It’s a contest between Covid-19 and BLM who will destroy the country.
no it won’t , there are people with O blood we will still be here: ) Balls of steel.
You should be asking who was the group that preplanned this virus:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSxgEWM2_xQ
America is a joke the world is laughing at you
@postmalone exposes martial law on my page!!!! he a real one fasho! Bet your fav rapper doesn’t spread this type of info, Watch the video on my page, george floyd was freemason affiliated, this is all planned by the evil elites who print our happiness from machines INFINITELY, riots = martial law = police state = new world order = FEMA camps (illuminati) spread the word or be apart of the problem

Covid 19 translates to kobe 2 ! ! ! Coincidence? No
The Elites use secret symbolism/codes, we should be focusing and/or rioting over the elites and their child sex trafficking, congress officially has an HR6666 bill! Yes!!! Your own government flexing those numbers in your face! It allows authority to come into our homes and if martial law goes down we’re so fucked, fun fact = WAL MART reads mart(ial) law backwards! wake up !!!

the world laughs of trump and his followers.
@Anti illuminati take no prisoners
@Master Blaster CNN followers are mind children,
Mind children are easily led — and easily misled. People of low intelligence have very limited life trajectories, and cannot attain the middle and higher reaches of human vocation and achievement. CNN followers as a group cannot match the achievement levels of other population groups. Because CNN followers cannot match other groups, they find it easy to believe that they are being “cheated” somehow, and not allowed to reap their “rightful” rewards. They are right, in a way. They have been cheated by nature, and as a result nothing can give them what they think they deserve.
You should be asking who was the group that preplanned this virus:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSxgEWM2_xQ
If only someone could have seen the potential for this to happen a month ago. In Canada, our biggest threat is American’s bringing it here.
@J Groovy The states (provinces) got most of the power in Canada and people tent to listen to their leaders . Federal is there s to support. There is no travels between provinces .Mesures has been strict everywhere . My region has been lockdown before people having Covid19 come over here and the few cases were isolated. My 30 000 habs town got 0 cases since its began. And making this trajedy political is kinda hard since we have more than 2 parties to represent people. The majority of the cases was in major cities also.
@Pam Latimer Haha your are right ! Also ,lots of businesses took CDC guidelines for the measures. Kind of ironic .
Here in Australia We hope you all in Canada stay safe and don’t get brought down because of the failure of trump and he’s response wishing you all the best during this time.
You should be asking who was the group that preplanned this virus:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSxgEWM2_xQ
@Fierce Gamer thank you! Stay safe!
According to history, this second wave won’t be pretty. Godspeed friends
@tmwall25 Funny you say that, today in Florida we had a spike of 3800. And for the last 15 days it’s been over 1200 a day. Then there was the two days it’s went up to 2500. Florida has a lot of folks grandpas and grandmas living here. Should be something that concerns every American.
@Eco Geek STOP… do you really think you’re going to win them over starting off like that? Will it really be a big surprise when he completely reject anything you have to say? The fact is by September 1st there’s going to be two hundred thousand American Dead. They’re not blue Americans, they’re not red Americans, they’re Americans. Period.
The first is not over yet…
Liberal males have been hit with a wave of HOMOSEXUALITY

You should be asking who was the group that preplanned this virus:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSxgEWM2_xQ
*oh, back to the “models”*
Well at least there isn’t a huge elderly population in Florida. Lol. FFS America listen to science already. How many more need to die needlessly?
You should be asking who was the group that preplanned this virus:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSxgEWM2_xQ
Yes, there is a real virus but why would people intentionally put this havoc into the world.
I go back to work in July. I’ll wear my protective gear and try to keep my distance. Everyone stay safe the best way you can.
@postmalone exposes martial law on my page!!!! he a real one fasho! Bet your fav rapper doesn’t spread this type of info, Watch the video on my page, george floyd was freemason affiliated, this is all planned by the evil elites who print our happiness from machines INFINITELY, riots = martial law = police state = new world order = FEMA camps (illuminati) spread the word or be apart of the problem

Covid 19 translates to kobe 2 ! ! ! Coincidence? No
The Elites use secret symbolism/codes, we should be focusing and/or rioting over the elites and their child sex trafficking, congress officially has an HR6666 bill! Yes!!! Your own government flexing those numbers in your face! It allows authority to come into our homes and if martial law goes down we’re so fucked, fun fact = WAL MART reads mart(ial) law backwards! wake up !!!

Guess I’m not going 2 Disney this year
“if we don’t test then there is no virus” DJT
Pense- the virus will go away if you stop watching the news
That’s the exactly opposite of what he has been saying.
Why isn’t Utah included in this? Our cases have consistently gone up, every single day, this past week.
so they say….
As a certified medical first responder who was infected recently with covid19 being admitted into St. Petersburg General Hospital in Pinellas county Florida that was in section (floor) 100 in which is the designated covid19 area of the hospital for Coronavirus cases, I can confirm during my time on this floor that a major increase on this floor has been driving the nurses and doctors in panic mode with the increase of cases per shift not including the ICU beds filled to capacity. I seen first hand the covid19 on the streets but it was my experience seeing it around the clock per shift with being admitted on this ward this past week with daily deaths on this ward occuring. My fellow former co workers in Tampa general hospital has stated the ICU there is packed to maximum capacity and there is no further ventilators meaning people are going to start dying without these unless more ventilators come available at Tampa general which is a total shame. Also this week, St. Petersburg bayfront Hospital has confirmed that 27 covid19 nurses are confirmed out of work all sick with the virus, nurses there are speaking out after leaving employment since they were silenced for speaking out since patients the overfilled the covid19 floor was transferred to regular floors due to lack of space putting others at risk all while not providing the PPE needed for staff. The local Florida Hospitals are in big trouble here so I must say, the whole state is. I am blessed to no longer being in the hospital here and wishing the same for everyone else and fast.
I am glad you’re doing better. It’s good you’re speaking up and letting the unbiased truth be stated. That’s what a lot of people want and not a skewed view from politics or media.
You should be asking who was the group that preplanned this virus:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSxgEWM2_xQ
If you are reading this, stay strong, stay healthy, protect yourself and remain calm. Together we are stronger and will overcome this adversity soon with resilience. During these dark times there is always hope in the middle of the fear. There are good news, God promised to be there for you because he loves you. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:16. Its never too late to put your trust in him. Cast your cares on Jesus because he cares for you and don’t let your heart be troubled. I wish you the best day
I don’t really believe random TDS survivers on YouTube. I’m afraid your TDS may become terminal in November, however, promising new studies have shown that hydroxychloroquine can treat TDS in most cases so there’s still hope for you… And I’m a self proclaimed YouTube comment Doctor as of this moment.
You know when he says some people don’t believe in science… he’s talking about Trump!
Trump and the Evangelical Christian right.
Trump doesn’t believe in anything except for his own narcissistic unhinged self
You should be asking who was the group that preplanned this virus:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSxgEWM2_xQ
I can prove you don’t know science at all.
Hello, germ theory has been around since the 1800s and has never been proven. I applied for grants from my university a few years in order to conduct a study that disproves it but they denied my request
Kevin Eagan It’s game over man! Game over!
You should be asking who was the group that preplanned this virus:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSxgEWM2_xQ
Florida will soon be on ICU

Shutdown all infected Trump Casinos

Florida was the START of COVID-19 transmission in giant numbers! That effing music festival and Disney World alone infect half the planet!