The Omicron variant has 'eclipsed' all previous COVID-19 waves in Canada and new modelling forecasts a 'large surge' and potential peak in new cases this month, before declining in February.
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‘modelled data’ is not equivalent to real-world data
Do they use modelling based off the data that’s entered into the model? So if that data is false the modelling could easily be manipulated?
Does the modelling show what happens when you shut off the number one factor in the virus travelling around the World? It appears that they will never learn that quarantines don’t work if you let the problem in over and over.
@Kevin Dean exactly
“The problem” is the anti-vax
@Yggdrassil The problem is you creating division
@Yggdrassil you don’t think much do you?
@Yggdrassil lol
Funny In south africathey had 57000 cases with only a 0.5% increase in hospitalization and 0 deaths in a 2 week period. How is it canada is doing something different? Watching Tam is like watching a episode of tales from the crypt with her who actually looks like the cryptkeeper.
except the crypt keeper had more credibility
Heard dat
I know someone from S Africa and business is going on as usual there. The doc gives them meds and off they go.
more than 50% of those are incidental. remember.
They seriously need to ban public decisions based on modelling. They’ve been consistently wrong the last 2 years.
@primary contact climate change models are wrong and tweaked to make the gullible scared. Climate change has been going on for millions of years.
It’s not wrong when it’s pland
2 years? The models “science” has been using for the last 40 years have been wrong every single time. They need spin doctors to pretend it was even in the realm of possibility.
@Frustrated Canadian But the idea of plannning is wrong
They’ve been consistently right.
Always adding ad hoc variables and then highlighting the worst case scenario which has NEVER become true. Ignore these muppets and get on with your life
They getting the climate alarmists to do the “ modelling”?

My modelling of watching South African numbers: Just over a month after record high cases, the cases drop as fast as they rose. We are over the peak now let’s see if the cases drop as quickly
Not valid, the cure again malaria is effective again Covid. And easily available.
Two populations, to demographics. But your analysis is smart though.
It really activates my almonds when every model in the last two years has been completely off, and every conspiracy theorist short of flat Earthers have been 100% correct
Perhaps they are onto something. It’s alright if you are not ready for that yet
How are your walnuts and pecans doing?
They can’t control what they know nothing about, they are playing games with peoples lives and there is more going on here then they want you to know.
not one of their Models has even been close so why should we give this person any credibility … putting someone into a position of power doesn’t mean they are the end all and be all expert they think they are… She got her job for political reasons NOT because she is the most informed or the best in her field… Please Terry Tam just shut up and go away :/
Interesting thing about computer modelling is you can get any result you want if you tweak the variables enough.
Sure… when not done competently. However the public health modeling has been pretty damned accurate so far and it won’t take long before these predictions can be validated (again).
BAHAHAHA! You wouldn’t know how to use a database even if your life depended on it. Hell you probably can’t even tell the difference between dynamic or static variables.
So the day you can prove your puter skills, let me know. I have a few databases that you can use as a test base.
@Jesse Poland prove me wrong
Someone kicked the trolls nest. They’re all coming out now. Wonder if they’re all in the same room?
@Jesse Poland oh thanks for your input stranger on YouTube. Hopefully, my pooter skills can be shown to you
Is this the same modelling that’s been wrong every time so far?
translation: the government is maintaining emergency powers based upon the projection that a government managed service may fail to provide service. I hope every one sees the self evident problem with that statement.
PM Legold, Quebec, said, I have no scientific prove but I do it anyway. What a despotic procedure.
well said!!!
Make sure you fire more staff that chose what goes into their bodies and then complain the hospitals are overwhelmed!
makes sense does it not!!!
Don’t forget to send in infected but compliant workers.
looking at the picture makes you wonder what kind of person would listen to this weird person who has been proven wrong again and again, oh yeah, our government
It’s always “it’s coming , it’s coming”. & it never does. Hospitals were at 100% capacity in 2016
Funny how everyone forgets convenient facts.
What’s coming?
Modelling? Interesting word for their seemingly relentless insight into the future
Interesting thing about computer modelling is you can get any result you want if you tweak the variables enough.
@Yggdrassil May be a bot , but is 100X smarter then Tam.
Despite omicron being mild and the ratio of positive tests to hospitalizations prove this pandemic needs to end … too much power given to Public Health and now they don’t want to let go of that power