Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin tells CNN's Jake Tapper that he believes the economic recovery from the coronavirus outbreak will come in a matter of months, not years as some have predicted.
#CNN #News #politics #usnews #presidentdonaldtrump #stateoftheunionwithjaketapper
Mnuchin: Economy will recover in months, not years

Sure buddy, whatever you say. While a lot of people didn’t even had the chance to file for unemployment yet…
@Dean Romanado *”the administration that said “*
While fighting Globalist, CIA, FBI, Media, Congress (Bilderberg Group) investigations Trump still succeeded in making America better.
It better get better soon or he’ll need to leave the country.
As a USA textile, mechanical, advanced technology manufacturing and quality control engineer, and family textile manufacturing business owners since 1950, for National Security and the success of our Nation, I am working night and day to to make USA 100% manufacturing independent again. We were crushed under Bill Clinton’s NAFTA and Obama’s high taxes, over regulations and mandates and abolishment of USA fair trade that lost 95 million USA manufacturing and tertiary jobs.
MAGA Pride
% Made in USA 

Every day I am fighting in the trenches for our Nation and fellow brothers and sisters of the World, even getting death threats doing so. A cheap pair of shoes or shirt made in China will never justify the innocent lives, jobs and economy China deliberately killed around the World for huge China and Corporate profits. “Made in China Never Again”, that’s what Americans and people Worldwide are saying and they want to purchase products that 100% of everything in the product is made and assembled in the USA and Free World Again. I want to make that happen so please help me, help you and together:
all labor, materials, components
Verified Real Solutions as easy as : 1+2=3
God bless President Trump and God Bless America
Kent P
“Hillary Clinton will win the 2016 Presidential election by a LANDSLIDE” LMAO HAHA The tears, omg the liberal tears flowed.
Steve traps the souls of his victims behind his teeth.
@Turd Ferguson That’s the problem with people like you, so soft skinned and easily offended by his words. Grow a pair of balls will ya? you don’t think the economy will be back to where it was? LMAO Did you see the market today? Probably not, it’s up 700+ points, 3%. you only want to believe the negativity you want to hear, instead of looking at the facts THAT YOU FEAR. all you’ve stated are opinions. “He’s not acting like a President” “He doesn’t care” How about looking at his actions and the actual facts? LMAO Again, you FEAR THE FACTS. I won’t comment again because i get as much out of you as I do from my cat. When you decide to bring up actual facts, instead of showering me with your liberal tears, we can talk. Stay Safe! God Bless America!
@SouthSide Chicago Riiiight. Because everything sounds totally in control so far. Anyway, mask up, because we’re in it for the long haul
@SouthSide Chicago Trump is not a good business man!!
Americans will be paying this off for DECADES! There’s no free money..
@Fizzy Fox LOL WTF stay off the glue Jethro. 17 million people filed initial claims for unemployment insurance over the past three weeks, pushing the unemployment rate is above 15%. Stop white knighting for a con man using lies too easily disproved.
@Fizzy Fox what the Hell is #nocollousin?? Do you mean nocollusion?? As In trumps favorite phrase ” no collusion ” you can’t even spell collusion!!! Hahahah!
@Fizzy Fox Funny. Conservative backlash to our first black president is what gave us Trump. The fact that you feel the need to single out the unemployment rate for black Americans puts you on par with our racist president. Can you even admit that Obama put this country on the path to economic prosperity? Do you endorse programs that provide assistance to the poor, a disproportionate number of whom are black? Where do you stand on expanding Medicaid, SNAP, free school lunches, etc? Put your money where your mouth is. Black Americans have suffered unconscionable hardship since before this nation was born, and it is a burden they still bear; most with a dignity that white America mistakes for acceptance. What’s your position on Equality Opportunity or reparations? Do you support members of your immediate family being in a mixed-race relationship? Because if you do support these positions, you just might be a libtard. (Although I prefer the term ‘progressive’.)
Fizzy Fox there’s 20 million more unemployed than when Obama was POTUS. Due to incompetent Dump
@Fizzy Fox better job growth under Obama!! Research us bureau of labor statistics!!
Mnuchin the Mnunt is the same guy who foreclosed on a 90 year old woman’s house. He’s another business psychopath
Ball Python maybe you indulge in fantasies … I don’t. Mnuchin was a sub prime lender extorting vulnerable people desperate to get a piece of the American dream. They call it a dream because it is a fantasy perpetuated by rich criminals like Trump and his cronies. Oh and I’m sure Pathetic Medic does own all that and a Lear jet in his feeble mind
@Keith C you have a picture of Trump as a clown. nNo one but dumb left wing commies take your bull seriously.
Enjoy 4 more years of Trump as your president. or you can just move to another country. Maybe you’d like China.
Jeff Dean it’s so funny that you think it’s a picture…

. I know it’s a pretty accurate depiction but seriously I don’t think of him as a clown.. he would fail the interview. Apparently all he’s qualified for is leading brainless zombies in red caps around. By the way that’s a nice pic of yourself… can I get the name of your dentist
@Jeff Dean
Do you think the bankers in charge will spend the money wisely?
In 2008 bailout, Bank of America didn’t pay back $118 billion because they “didn’t sign the contract”. Incidentally, more than all of the $1200 checks they say they are going to send … which is also less than 2% of the 6 TRILLION in “stimulus” packages (I guess fear stops you from being able to do math too).
This .. is not a joke …
Under SIGTARP, people can file whistleblower claims which I did with supporting documents mentioned below. The Justice Department (as fitting a name as Federal Reserve) said they couldn’t’ “comment on investigations”. Statutory reward is something like 10% so that would be $12 billion to the whistleblower. I then contacted two dozen whistleblower firms and spoke with a handful of them. Most wanted to know who did my research … discuss my intentions … then politely declined and wished me luck while often suggested another firm. I was somewhat surprised only one firm wanted to discuss the matter several times but eventually they also walked away without a word. No matter how good the facts .. no matter how good the recovery … the whistleblower firms perhaps knew there are some parties (banks) you don’t win against in federal court.
My letter explains the absurd and ridiculous nature of the shameless thievery in the District of Columbia. I also reported this to dozens of media outlets … of course … nobody ran the story. The sad truth .. the $118 billion … was a drop in the bucket for the total that defies comprehension … 60 TRILLION through AIG (“naked” credit default swaps) ..also vastly underreported.
This is my email to whistleblower firms …
I am looking for assistance regarding a whistleblower claim concerning a $118 billion TARP loan to B of A.
B of A did not repay this loan because B of A “did not sign the contract.” B of A CEO Lewis apparently refused to repay this loan for this absurd reason.
Treasury Secretary Paulson was questioned by Rep. Welch about this matter making it clear that $118 billion was loaned to B of A and that B of A refused to repay because “they didn’t sign the contract.” House Oversight & Government Reform Committee, July 15, 2009. Secretary Paulson seemed to indicate confusion over whether he or incoming Treasury Secretary Geithner would have B of A sign.
After borrowing $118 billion, B of A then borrowed another 45 billion (two loans of 20 billion and 25 billion).
B of A then declared they paid back everything … 45 billion (Wall Street Journal, December 3, 2009) which confirms they did not repay the $118 billion and did not intend to. Statutory recovery in this matter exceeds $10 billion for the whistleblowing team.
I came across this information while researching the 2008 bailout to educate myself and stumbled upon this information. I submitted this tip to SIGTARP on May 22, 2018. I spoke with someone at the Justice Dept. soon afterward and was told they couldn’t talk about any possibly pending matters.
Thank you in advance for considering this information and any help (or partnership) you can provide.
Jens Hoekendijk
Law Office of Jens Hoekendijk
Do you think they will spend the money for your benefit?
22 million lost jobs last month. 600000 today .. 600000 tomorrow … and all of the $1200 checks amount to less than 2% of the stimulus.
Perhaps they want to stimulate jobs with the rest … gulp .. you hope?
Small and medium sized businesses .. owned by the middle class … have been devastated while no big businesses have failed. The 22 million who lost jobs represent many failed small and medium sized businesses.
Small and medium sized businesses employ more people than big business and create more jobs than big business.
So .. how will we stimulate jobs?
Small and medium sized businesses gets only 5% and big business gets 93%.
Will big business create jobs … or just improve their stock price. I have a guess .. but you’ll have to make your own.
The truth shall set us free.
p.s. do you REALLY think that they care if you get the flu? really? I’m not so sure …
Mnuchin better hope the rest of the globe is economically strong within his time frame.
After all this is not a singular economy but a global one.
Andrew G. is the Dem. polition who almost won the the Governorship in the state of Fla.
He was caught with his gay lover, porn “actor” and drugs and beer bottles strewn about the hotel room when Police were called bc of a possible over dose of said porn star. You might remember the Governors race was very close, so if libs had their way, that would be Florida’s Govenor right now. Of course liberal media didnt do a whole lot to expose that story, which is why probably one reason you are unaware of it .
@Fake Person Thanks. Also, being privy to certain information, I should add that he was butt-naked, vomiting, and covered in feces, and that the porn “actor” was supposedly engaged to a man, and that the third-man, who found him, was about to participate in a tryst. The drug was meth, of course.
David Williams that’s not how it works
oil is low so taxes is going to hurt either way. Florida has a tourist economy it’s not going anywhere
where did you get your degree from trump university?
@taf Has nothing to do with taxes. What are you on about?
You aint got to lie Steve, you aint got to lie
Remember, everything we hear and see is not what is happening behind the scenes. It’s one big club and you’re not invited
@52 80 Your ignorance is the result of too much conservative propaganda. The economic regulations put in place by Congress were to encourage fiscal responsibility and prevent another disaster. The ACA has been hampered by Republican efforts to kill it since Day 1, so any failure to reach its goals rests on them, not Obama. And I served in the military under Obama and I can tell you that he was a LOT better than president bone-spurs.
@Jon Davis oh, so you’re willfully ignorant. Go read. If you don’t know the words, look em up. In a time when we have more access to information than ever, you refuse to consume it unless it’s someone telling you what to think. Go learn to think for yourself. Otherwise, just trust us that #Ttump is a moron that wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.
@SouthSide Chicago Here is a great read:
I will quote some of my favorite parts:
“The S&P 500 has risen by about 28% since Trump’s inauguration in 2017. That’s okay. But it rose 34% during the same period of time in Barack Obama’s first term, and 41% during the same period of time in Obama’s second term.”
“Trump’s comparison with Obama improves if you measure stock-market gains since each president’s election, rather than Inauguration Day. The S&P 500 is up 35% since Trump’s election in 2016, compared with 13% for Obama’s first term and 47% for Obama’s second term. But Trump’s 35% gain since Election Day still trails the average for Dems since 1968, which is 37%. The average gain since Election Day under Republican presidents is just 18%.”
@Elkslayer Lies, lies, and more lies. Try getting your sources from a reliable company LMAO Facts are facts, The DAY Trump won, the stocks went up. Everyone knows it LMAO. All-Time highs in job and stock markets will be back again, like they were in December! Have a nice day boy. Stay safe out there! God Bless America!
@Elkslayer You liberals honestly believe that Trump hasn’t done a single thing right while in office. You say it over and over everyday. People see this and know you are all a joke LMAO. They election proved that. I remember the FAKE NEWS saying “Hillary will win the 2016 Election by a LANDSLIDE” HAHA Yeah ok, Those “polls” are so accurate right? LMAO
“A terrific symbol to the American public”? B.S… It’s a terrific stroke to Trumps’ ego.
@Ted Cameron Actually in reality the majority of liberal “males” are BISEXUAL and or HOMOSEXUAL and everyone knows it.
@brian gardner Your highest education level I can only assume is 10th grade?
Please name the last US president that didn’t want his ego stroked. Take your time buckaroo.
@brian gardner Long live King Trump. I bet he puts his name in his turds before he has Eric flush them down the toilet for him.
Wait til the April Jobs report comes out in May.
real 93 yeah usually when the government forces places to close people lose jobs. What a concept huh?
What do you think it’s going to mean? Closing down the economy because of the virus causes unemployment to go up?
What a revelation!
What a sleaze!! Spoken by a guy only seeing the economy through the stock market. Incapable of including anyone but the 1%. Welcome to our oligarchy recovery.
He sounds and looks like an emotionless robot.

@SouthSide Chicago
OMG, I looked at the “proof” you’re expousing and immediately understood why you’re so misinformed.
That man is not a virolgist, he’s barely a MD.. As a Osteopathic Manipulator he’s entirely unqualified to opine on this matter any more than Billy boy Gates is.
Having your own modestly successful YouTube channel does not make you a genius when it comes to anything beyond marketing your own personal thoughts and entertaining a targeted audience, which you clearly are since you’re providing this link as your source.
Being a billionaire does not make you a genius.. It only means that you have lots of money. Period.
You need a better source for information other than this kind of “echo chamber” which only reinforces your own internal dialog.
That entire YouTube channel is literally one of the the most partisan and malinformed places that you could ever find, and that’s what you’re citing as a well qualified source for information?
Try something beyond videos, like the white papers produced by the doctors involved in the tracking of Covid 19.
I’ll try to post a link later if you are capable of reading and understanding the subject matter.
@SouthSide Chicago
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
oh no he’s just a great normal guy. not
Addison Youngg when you work in finance it’s the best way to be. Emotions cause people to make mistakes.
To The Point 2020 damn Gina! lol, you smoked em.

Mnuchin makes for the perfect ventriloquist dummy.
Good one. Trump’s dummy.
Scotland is now going to use that now,thank you….
WHY does he look like an earthworm wearing a wig and glasses tho
History will judge Mnuchin as a complicit idiot.
Did he say something you didn’t like?
@Ral Deform Just LIKE a boss.
LMAO Watching President Trump obliterate the lying CNN reporter today was EPIC!
SouthSide Chicago
I can’t wait for trump rallies to come back
@El Jay Me either man. He just has a way of getting under the skin of the easily manipulated liars and it’s hilarious! Calling them phonies right to their faces.
Catch-22: Steve-O did not say what year that will happen.
Educated guess: The year a Democrat is president. As usual.
#VoteBlue2020 to #DumpTrump2020 for #Recovery2021
Which economy is he talking about, Main Street, or the one he serves when he was at Goldman
And the winner is… Government Sachs.
If libs spent half as much time taking care of their finances as they do whining, they would be much happier. Just an observation.
Where exactly is “Main Street”???
They are going to do a payroll tax cut, that will be helpful to businesses
I still remember him posing with his gold digging New wife “Posing with her holding sheets of money just printed!” I also remember he flew her on Government plane to see eclipse & He had to pay it back cause he got Caught steeling tax payer money by doing this! I’m suppose to” Trust him!” He’s Freaken Pocketing money with the rest of them! It’s called “Screwing Over America!” Wake Up People!
@John Lam The Democrats in Congress control the purse strings here. Why do you not hold them accountable?
@52 80 ill take the competent Muslim cia guy over the silver spoon trustfund baby any day of the week
@Doug H you want to see corruption, why dont we look at chinatown usa san Francisco where they were caught literally selling out the country. Theyre being held accountable and theyre being thrown in jail, not fast enough
Now he’s playing hand killing America.
@CatPower heads up bruh………….both parties are controlled by the same people so you can forget about voting.
SouthSide Chicago was anyone talking about that? Does anyone care anymore? Not really. Instead of sucking off your dear leader, do something productive
“Mnuchin: Economy will recover in months, not years” only **if** the pandemic ends in months, which is not going to happen until “testing is up to speed” **now**.
Do you want him to tell the truth? No one wants to hear it and he would lose his job to someone else who will tell the proper lies.
I am simply wonderfully hungry and hope you, Jose, also have a healthy appetite too. So how are you ?
They are working on testing, it’s getting better, just CHILL, you sound like an activist propaganda CNN reporter !!
Why? It’s less deadly than common flu…
@MADE IN CHINA it’s 10 to 20 times more deadly than the common flu. If you do not understand science and math, I can’t help you.
USA will recover from the nightmare after the November Election when the Democrats pull a huge upset and have a Landslide Win.
@Joy Phillips Cuomo has an 80 percent Approval rating Trump is 44 percent on a good day.
No the corona virus/hoax is to bring about worldwide global bankruptcy so there will be no recovery.
@Joy Phillips You gotta admin, man, this election will be as interesting as the 2016 was surprising (for some, LOL)! Whomever wins, I will be happy to just see the country get out of this one, and we continue to enjoy the standard of life we did insofar, and recover as soon as possible.
Joy Phillips approval rating is 44%. We are #1 dead in the world, and rising in per capita ratings. Shut up with your fake high ground
The silent civilized majority will win Trump 2020.
Rip Nancy P. You cant win when your mad at the winners
Just by him coming out and saying that means the opposite is true.
Wendy Seth why?
Alexandra Daray Lulaj Chuckle, because like everyone else in the Trump administration, he lies like a sidewalk. I know I didn’t actually have to explain that to you, Boris. New account, no history … troll factory.