During a CNN town hall with Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred said fans are missing baseball and he has 'great confidence' MLB will reach an agreement with players. #CNN #News
MLB commissioner has ‘great confidence’ MLB will reach agreement with players

reach agreement with players
Now that cheating is OK, MLB should be more interesting.
This guy is scared to say anything. Down in that part of Fl. That is R nation. He is scared. Because if he says the wrong thing. Our governor will come back on him.
Astros stole signs, Pandemic steals MLB. No MVP, Golden Glove.
How does Rob Manfried even still have a job after letting the Houston Astros get away with cheating
You don’t see any connection? CNN is cheating… The government is cheating… Hollywood is cheating… This is the *_elite_* cheating. And you know that they’re all Jussie Smolletts when it comes to the law. This is a war against government (mainly) and it’s propaganda channel, the MSM (and Hollywood). Burn it all down in that order.
How do you even have MLB after the 1919 scandal , when Chicago White sox players were bribed to lose against Cincinnati Reds ?
Big facts
Cry me a River you Choking

Trump 4 Prison 2020 it was great to see them lose that year. My boy JV got his ring
Basey ball…been bery bery good to me!
Go to a small island..
Build 10 baseball fields big enough for mlb.. ..
No fans seats needed…
No interaction with anybody outside mlb and tv….
If sombody arrives by plane quarantine by 14 days…
Play fucking ball.. if you are planing to play
In usa be prepared to have a 127 men roster..
Also I support Sanjay replacing Cuomo.
Baseball … Thank God we have our priorities aligned with reality.
Coronavirus attacks the lungs, why would these athletes jeopardized their careers? smh
Dillinger R.
Derangement and projection. Meanwhile, how’s your mom?
lungs lol that not all it causes blood-clot !!
it can kill you in many ways like a heart attack or a stroke if it cuts off blood flow to you brain or heart muscles
in fact in many cases it reduces the blood/oxicen flow in your body thats way many get corona toes (toes with turned black and die off because they got no oxygen)
its fu scary
Para Noid
Or a war. As then FBI Director, Robert Mueller falsely testified to Congress that Saddam had WMDs in Iraq. Guess what? That gave Bush-Cheney the green light on six 20+ year wars.
@Hildebeast Clinton the media does not say “Trump does nothing”, your first lie is a lie. the media says Trump’s response is inadequate, that is not the same thing as no response.
I love rightwingnuts who come to comment sections. They’re funny.
I love left wing nutjubs who are stupid enough to read all comments and say nothing. They’re morons.
24james lmfao
I love trolling Libtards. It’s more fun than I’ve had in years…I’m glad there are a few of you Leftards who appreciate it!
Yeah we can’t have grown children missing out on Recess can we.
Snowflake Millionaires
Could not possibly care less. Did not miss them when they went on strike, do not miss them now.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame
Vendor coughs on my Hotdog
Kill me with peanuts and crackerjacks
When I get covid-19 I’ll never be back.
Put an end to all your best fans
Because we don’t care when they
all Cough and Hack
Sensational stories drive viewership and create profits for the media, so the TV corporate news media has been lying nonstop for over 4 months now. I’ll prove it in less than 400 words and links to data and CDC sources. Here you go – the ride of your lifetime.
Media Lie # 1
“Trump does nothing”
Trumps Daily SARS-nCOV19 action plan and schedule
Media Lie # 2
“It’s not China”
We need limited trade relations with counties (see China) that allow their population to eat uncooked wild monkey, rats, bats and exotic birds. These all carry flu viruses that have infected us for decades.
Media Lie 3
“This is Trumps virus”
17 years of Epidemics
2003 – SARS-cov (coronavirus strain)
2006-H5N1 Avian (bird flu)
2009-H1N1 Swine flu
2012 – MERS-cov (coronavirus strain)
2016-Zika virus
2020-nCoV 2019 novel coronavirus not seen in humans
Media lie #4
“Infection rates are out of control”
Current status of SARS-nCov-19 in the United States
Here’s Trumps daily schedule and SARS-nCOV19 action plan on line.
Media lie #5 Obama was an effective leader
Three Epidemics under Obama – and he did nothing
These were
2009 – H1N1 Swine flu (pandemic)
2012 – MERS-cov (coronavirus strain)
2014 – Ebola
How many died world wide from Swine Flu Pandemic in 2009?
How many Americans died?
12,500 to 30,000
The swine-flu pandemic of 2009 may have killed up to 203,000 people worldwide—10 times higher than the first estimates based on the number of cases confirmed by lab tests, according to a new analysis by an international group of scientists.Nov 26, 2013
CDC Source: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/2009-h1n1-pandemic.html
@Hildebeast Clinton you sir are a Rockstar. Keep it comin
Fred Feldt
Look at these Deep State goons. As then FBI Director, Robert Mueller falsely testified to Congress that Saddam had WMDs in Iraq. Guess what? That gave Bush-Cheney the green light on six 20+ year wars.
@Hildebeast Clinton yep. Thermite.. and Building #7 fell down all by itself.
FFS! It’s a game, sport, not life or death. Unless the billions involved are more important than life and death.
How are they going to keep the dugouts & the field clean, with all of the spitting that goes on?
None of these athletes are dying of this virus.
I swear we do need more town halls like those with Sanjay , and Cooper I mean they cover tons of stories that I tend to love listening to , and I’m very fond of them..!! Right now we need actual facts , and to listen to everyone’s fears that’s what’s this is about..Sanjay May God Bless You on all the work that you’ve done . We do need someone whom we believe in to give the information, and to comfort our worried minds . We trust you Gupta , and we got your back. Stay Safe!

You know teams will get crafty in the postseason infecting opponents with the virus. Biological gameplay.
Can’t wait for the statcast analytics on player temperatures
“Well Bob, his launch angle is money, but ineffective when his temperature reads above 98.6.”