Mixed Views on Covid-19 Vaccine: December 15 2020

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  1. People wake up. The vaccine is not for Covid infection. The vaccine is an agenda. Jamaica needs to stop tell lies on infection rate and death rate they are trying to scare the public to line up for the poison stay away from testing the test as the virus and the vaccine. The testing also has the vaccine and the public doesnโ€™t know

  2. The company Pfizer pay 4billion for companies corruption misleading and other this injection as not being tested and hippocrates wealth money billions involved people are being scared mongers in to it flu is a virus cov is just a coating name check out Pfizer company don’t have it every one dye them says cov rubbish rats will follow cheese

    1. True bro coronaviruses comes every year and cant be cure. They need to make vaccines for diabetes , cancer etc that we know are sure killers.

  3. It is indeed a cause for concern . No vaccine for AIDS or cancer after all these years .. How come a vaccine is so quickly developed for one year old virus ???

  4. Do your due diligence before taking this vaccine. The nurse in NY is being used to pull us in to taking the vaccine

  5. All heads of government (as leaders) must first take the vaccine for the Coronavirus before the residents/citizens do. Let’s see how it works on the prime minister himself, ALL health officials, ministers, legistalors, etc. Once that’s done and it has been proven effective, THEN we should consider taking the vaccine ๐Ÿ˜‰

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