Heather Wright has the details on the muddled message over the possible safety risks in allowing children to trick-or-treat.
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Our lives have stopped for a year ..when are we going to get our lives back??
When you and your buddies follow the guidelines and quit spreading this crap
Public service professionals giving mixed and confusing messages about Corona??? No way…. Shocking.
Look…..the parents are the adults right? Make up you own mind, if you feel your kids will be safe get out there. If you feel exposing your children to any of the potential risks, keep them at home!
28 — number of Canadians under the age of 20 who died from influenza and pneumonia in 2018
2 — number of Canadians under the age of 20 who died from COVID in 2020 through October 21st
14 times more young Canadians died from plain old influenza and pneumonia two years ago than have died this year from COVID.
But, remember everyone, it’s COVID you need to be worried about.
This is stupid! Why would you risk your children’s lives?????!?!?!!!!! Just buy them 2-3 packs of candy/chocolate and call it a day.
What are the odds of a child dying from commie-19? Don’t be stupid.
@Stevos Sovets – let’s pretend what you’re insinuating is true that Covid isn’t real and yes the kids have a blast for Halloween. But what if it’s true and then the children get infected???????? Can you honestly live with that? NO ONE IS GOING TO DIE FROM STAYING INDOORS FOR 1-2 YEARS!!!!
It’s real but not 1 kid in Canada has died of covid but the mental health damage scaring them with forced masks and mold in the masks plus micro fibres are being breathed in every minute. That is not healthy.
@luxaholic anonymous No suicide, alcohol use, overdoses and family abuse will increase that is better? It is already happening according to the stats look it up your encouraging it.
Stop terrorizing children, it’s child abuse!
Now how is this child abuse? you make absolutely no sense.
Reception of guests

those that are told not to go out, will only come to small towns like mine to trick-or-treat and maybe spread covid faster
Canadian leader Trudeau closing border for another 6-12 months!!!?
Dance studios open, but gyms closed.
Bars and restaurants closed, but preparing SEALED HEATED PATIOS for winter season.
Kids can’t walk door to door, ‘cos most times 50 of them show up at your door at the same time…right?
Most of these examples are half true or not true at all.
Covid candy
Australia: you guys have halloween?
USA and Canada:
Last I checked not 1 child under 16 in Canada has died of covid let alone been put on a ventilator. Walmart and costco packed with kids and parents every day why ban a one day holiday? Makes no social health sense.
I didn’t pay much attention to the Alberta chief medical officer before, but she has been acting lately as a reasonable person with the option based at least on some kind grounds. Not this horrible blablabla nonsense and fears from other provincial doctors. My respect!