Joe Sonka, staff writer at Insider Louisville, talks about how Mitch McConnell has lost his sense of humor over criticism that he is blocking election security legislation in deference to Russia, and the likely abuse he'll face at the upcoming Fancy Farm Picnic in Kentucky, a raucous political event where heckling is part of the tradition.
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Mitch McConnell Loses Sense Of Humor Over "Moscow Mitch" Ahead Of Roast | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Democrats love China Comies so much.. Ha Ha !!!
Leslie Page if this is true then your kind will be in prison soon.
It’s not the GOP. It’s politicians. The Democrats can be just as corrupt. They just don’t have the opportunity at the moment. Never forget that: no party is to be trusted.
Ah, the 2016 election night tantrum continues … haha, safe spaces for all !!!
Demokkkrats commtted treason and must get life in prison.

So are the Democrats.
Why Moscow Mitch would hate the nickname bestowed upon him by the people is quite baffling, especially since it appears he’s done everything within his power to earn it.
Democrats Russia Hoax lawsuit was thrown out of court. LOL !!!!!
Dicky Jones it was hurled with great force.
well….The Grim Reaper does sound a little more intimidating then MR. Turtle Head
@Dicky Jones never went to court………..and the report and mueller both stated several times that there was reason to believe he worked with the Russians but they found no evidence he do so “purposely” except trump then said he would WELCOME Russian aid in his coming campaign
lol your beloved president can give nicknames and you support him, but now your a crybaby when we give you a name. If you cant take it dont dish it! Moscow Mitch go back to your country! Russia!
Kentucky doesn’t want him back.
And take Trump with him when he goes back.
Yeah. Name-calling is fine when your side is dishing it out. But when you’re on the receiving end it’s suddenly wrong and toxic.
My God, the hypocrisy. WTF is wrong with these people? When did it become acceptable for the President of the United States to spew racial slurs without an uproar in both the House and the Senate?
@Patriot 2020 Silly troll. It’s not a hoax when the President of the United States clearly agrees to accept illegal help during a campaign – and says so on camera.
I’ll buy Moscow Mitch a one way ticket anywhere out of America.
Mitch is the most evil and vile hateful person next to his master
@Mind Freshener ???
Nah. Nowhere near most evil. Read your history.
@Margaret Nicol I see people writing crazy stuff, I write to fit in.
Mohsin you are a pedophile. Feel better? LOL
@Mind Freshener Don’t do that. Use your own mind, knowledge, experience to preferably write something that makes sense.
Poor Mitch his feelings are hurt. The traitor is finally shamed. A bad day for Moscow Mitch is a good day for me.
@Gary Lee It’s not just Democrats , it is also those who have a conscience , a bit of knowledge so to speak…
Its ok Moscow mitch is whinny like a baby. Oligarch elaine isnt complainkng about her name….
Good luck.
Joshua mowdy: she’s a good little rethuglikkkunt wife, and she knows she’s the one who made him rich, at the cost of having to shake her “moneymaker” his way and having to let him climb on, pump twice, and then roll off and go back to sleep
she wants to be hated by all the little common people. its an indication of her success.
she just wishes even more people knew who she was so even more people would despise her and wish she was dead.
the more she isolates herself and insulates herself from herself… the more points she scores with her boss. she’s a company man.
I prefer, take-away chow!
Plump little thing sure looks like sh hasn’t skipped any Russian $$ Meals… “chow down” traitors.
Can we PLEASE start calling he’s daddy in the white house TRUMPUTIN !
Thank You
@Baby Teano Of course!
Rhymes with Rasputin.
How did the Russia Hoax work out for you dummy?
LMAO !!!!
Moscow Mitch, Leningrad Lindsey, St. Petersburg Pence, they bow down to IVODKAS father TrumPutin. The right has sold us out.
@McD5791 Nice one!
@No Worries Health & Wellness the only thing that got impeached was your IQ.
@Norman Peterson people with brains? Please tell me you’re not including yourself in that group

@x Miller Преступник.
Moscow Mitch McTreason is disgusting. What self-respecting American would not even allow a vote to protect our elections? He is basically saying Fcuk You to the people of Kentucky and the U.S. as a whole. Fcuk you too…Moscow Mitch McTreason! Kentucky please vote for former Marine fighter pilot Amy McGrath. Get rid of Moscow Mitch. He’s joined team Russia.
@MY Thoughts Yes sir. He’s working against “Democracy”.
Well we’re going to see if the people of Kentucky will vote him back into the Senate.
@David Turner If they do they are stupid and unpatriotic…
Leningrad Graham – I guess Lindsay doesn’t care for that either!
Yeah. LennyGraham lost his way.Remember when he used to speak the truth.What Happened?
Thanks for speaking the truth about moscow mitch.
Thank you, Joe Scarborough.
rob2508 projection
Crazy Joe had a dead female intern in his office.
Purple Flame Tarot yep great moniker Joe ! I would just like to add DISGUSTING DONNY AND MOSCOW MITCH !
rob2508 Hold on, WHO STARTED the name calling ? The OOMPA LOOMPA in the White House. You want to BLAME someone then BLAME TRUMP. You didn’t really believe everyone else in the country was going to ignore DISGUSTING DONNY S rants forever ?
perfect name Moscow Mitch.
don’t forget sleazy gram.
Leningrad Lindsey
I’m pretty sure *_LindseyBelle Graham_* will spoon *_Moscow Mitch_* all night long to keep him safe.

Seems you have a lot of experience on your knees in public restroom stalls. Take a break and get a real job.
@Anne Collins #GulagGraham
This is Karma for Moscow Mitch refusing to even hold a Senate confirmation hearing on President Obama’s pick for the Supreme Court.
Karma is an unforgiving, unrelenting, vengeful b”tch, that never forgets…
No, stealing the Supreme Court seat is worse. More karma needed! Vote him out!
Russia Hoax is dead just like NBC ratings… LOL !!!
Yeah… remember he even said that he would do everything he could to disrupt Obama’s presidency, now we see part of the said that he would do everything he could to disrupt Obama’s presidency? Now, we see the reason why… Well, this and his racism
Now this pathetic oligarch puppet is crying like a baby. When his fake potus insulted people Moscow Mitch smiled his stupid smile and doing nothing.
Well done Joe Scarborough.
What really humors me is when you use the same tactics as them they are the ones crying the loudest…. they have no shame.
Hey, “Moscow Mitch!”
You can thank “Trailer Trash trump” for all the name calling.
Kooky Kamala and Sleepy Joe are pretty funny though… LOL !!!!
@Dicky Jones theres nothing funny about “MOSCOW Mitch” and “TRAITOR Trump”
Meme: Was Moscow Mitch born in Moscow? Have we seen his birth certificate?
Steve Walker ..birthed in a barn much like Jeeeezus
Steve Walker NO ! And we haven’t seen Disgusting Donny s either!

@Kimberly Sikorski lol. Did you know that Trump’s father was a German, who protested with the KKK? Did you know that little hands used to try and pass himself off as swedish?