During an interview on CNBC, Mitch McConnell says the Senate rules are “very clear” … “the Senate would have to take up an impeachment resolution if it came over from the House.” Aired on 09/30/19.
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Mitch McConnell: If House Impeaches Trump, Senate Has To Take It Up | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
I mean rules haven’t stopped Moscow Mitch before, so why now
@Mob Rule for starters his most recent civil war tweet is an impeachable and jailable offense. Wake up MR Trumpanzee… your commander in chief is a god damned swine.
@ThaReal CLo everything to you idiots is impeachable and jailable offense but every single time nobody gets impeached and nobody goes to jail lol
@James Ritter Yes, Impeach Trump–it’s a start towards stopping the division in this country.
@Mob Rule It’s not lol, it is sad that this mess is even happening in this country. Not a cause for celebration at all. Nothing to lol about, nothing. Hate and division are what’s winning in this country now. That is not lol. Never. No victor here, not blue, not red. We all lose. No longer The UNITED States, not at all. This country is dieing, we are in mourning. And a hundred years from now, this mess will be a distant memory, a sad time in this country’s history. A country divided is nothing to rejoice, to celebrate, to be proud of. No lol, not at all. Never.
@JJ D I agree with you that in a hundred years the DEMORATS will be considered traitors to the Republic but I will laugh at it because the irony of that people are running around saying Trump is going to prison when he never is going to prison because this is pure political politics is LOL. People need to understand the difference between a court of law and the court of public opinion this is called politics if you can’t handle it get out!
Oh, just like the thousand bills passed in the house you leave sitting on your desk? I don’t trust a word you say.
Why does he look like he just did a line before coming on…
He’s just saying something that SOUNDS good. McConnell has always operated that way. He tricks people into thinking he means what THEY want it to mean when he really intends something else.
@Jarod Strain I moved no goal posts. Did Schiff tell the truth?
@Liverpool 11 Why vote for one side or the other? Try Independent. Try a write in. Try a real revolution. Democrats have policies geared towards the 1%. They want higher taxes and what’s higher than the 1%? Answer. The U.S. Government. Not to mention look at the 1% on the left. The 1% on the left have multiple homes surrounded by walls but don’t believe in greed nor walls? They have armed security but are against firearms? They talk about how the 99% needs more while they vacation either other week, get their brand names clothes, jewelry, plastic surgery, spa appointments, have 3 cars, etc. The elite on the left cry climate change while taking trips on their private yachts and planes. Their houses are usually the size of 3 or more average homes combined how much energy do you think they need to power it? Neither side is truly for the 99% and the wool is being pulled over your eyes. You’re being used. I’ll never need Medicare nor Social Security because I plan on working until the day that I die that’s my plan. I enjoy working it makes me feel useful.
@Outlaw We live in a 2 party system, changing that would require radical alteration to the constitution, which I would much prefer, but is unrealistic in practical terms. A parliamentary democracy would by far be a superior means of government, but that ship sailed awhile back.
@Liverpool 11 If something isn’t done then we will face a 2nd Civil War. The elites on both sides pushing the common people to madness. It’s already happening.
@Outlaw That isn t going to happen and while I admire your individualism, the fact is most Americans cannot or choose not to work until they die. We pay taxes for a reason and we get to choose (sort of) where that money goes. I vote for the party that doesn’t choose to subsidize corporations, the 1% “elite” ( who control 92% of the nation’s wealth), fund a defense budget equivalent in dollar amount to the next seven largest military budgets on the planet combined, subsidise the state of Israel at taxpayer expense at $11M per day, every single day. A host of other wastage that has grown from the military industrial complex corrupting our governance for 70 years that Eisenhower warned the nation of in 1961.
“Will be killing each other”? Americans are already killing ourselves at an alarming rate.
Exactly, never trust Mitch, this is when you charge him with aiding and abeting the President making it a conflict of interest. Then it is going to go through.
I can see where Mitch going with this! That tell me, Mitch need to be toss in the pile with the other crooks! I cant understand why these Republican are upholding Trump in his wrong doing! Oh well i guess Trump got em all on their knees..
Because Trump has promised to give them the correct SCOTUS appointees, which will in turn enable them to criminalize abortion, homosexuality, etc. They’re in a holy war.
Like the Democrats are innocent lol!!
What wrong doing has he done?
@Jo-Erlend Schinstad – Spot on! Mitch McConnell can’t lose. Even if GOP Senators vote to convict, Pence is sworn in. And he will do exactly what you mentioned, by executive order if necessary.
Very uncharacteristic of McConnell to be so accepting of legalities. Either he’s lying, as usual, or Putin has decided Trump is ready for burning. Either way, Moscow Mitch cannot be believed, while he has breath.
TDS is strong with the one they call Brett
Trollol Police Tendon Dysplasia Syndrome?
@BadAssMutha006 A diagnosis at last! Haven’t felt well since 2016; must be that orange contaminant we’ve been exposed to.
I can’t wait until this turtle is voted out. Moscow Mitch.
@Angel Gutierrez Kentuckkky.
@Angel Gutierrez Kentucky, just takes Jesus, Guns and too many brown people to get elected.
@bc1969214 He’s losing in the polls behind Democrat Amy McGrath for his reelection. I can see her win. Mitch has done absolutely NOTHING for Kentucky. He’s slashed Healthcare for Coal Miners with Miners Lung, allowed many high tech bussinesses to flee to other states like Virginia and NC, accused Democrats of being these “deep state lobbysits” When that is exactly what he is. He takes in massive donations from these failing coal companies, promising coal workers that their mines won’t close down, then weeks later, they get shut down, putting entire counties out of work.
@Andy S Lol and Mitch is a wonderful Senate Majority Leader?
The Constitution is clear about confirming SCOTUS nominations too. Moscow Mitch will only obey the Constitution as long as he thinks he has the votes to get the results he wants.
What he’s saying is he won’t refuse delivery. As to actually staging a trial . . . well, that’s a different ballgame.
“That has got to spread some concern among republicans.”
By no means does it! Republicans have made up their minds to stay on Trump’s sinking ship, at whatever cost. And they wouldn’t even care to wear life jacket.
Sinking ship? Like California..
What Republican Party? All I see is the party of Trump.
S W I’m sure there are a few Republicans that are leaving the party and going to the Democrats, but there are way more Democrats leaving the party and going to the Republicans.
You’ve attracted a lot of Russian trolls, Tyran.
How is that big fire in Siberia? Have it under control yet? Did you forget to rake the forest floor again?
He has to claim civil war , who will pardon him if he is found to be treasonous with this and other calls. He has no choice but to go all
In and sacrifice his base that follow blindly.
Moscow Mitch wants all eyes off him and his thieving wife.
@jude jackson Derp. Have fun continuing your epic streak of constant losing.
Did she march today?
@D L Malley that is where you are a hypocrite! If the democrats make accusations then they are true right?
You Democratic supporters has mental issues and need treatment for and the free healthcare they are offering you should take advantage of that
Thedarknate08 conspiracy theorist moron
“moscow obstruction of justice” mitch? we’ll be sure to hold him to those words!
Poor misguided sheep
I will definitely keep voting for Mitch!
Exactly. We’ll just keep reminding old Moscow Mitch of his latest lies. Mitch always has a back-up plan. Saving Mitch will be his main priority now.
@Will i be Lavelle yes you are. So sad.
“The crazy has been on display over the last 48 hours.”
Only those last two days? It has looked pretty crazy for years now if you ask me.
@Rude Dude Exactly what has Trump done to you, or any other American, to make you hate him?
@hdtvcamera1 The only one who sounds unhinged is you. Fun fact, it was fun toting far right extremists who committed every single Hate murder in the US in 2017. But go on about us radicals
@Noneyo Buisness I don’t need to make up false statistics. You do because you are not mentally fit
@Noneyo Buisness the fact that you spend your time posting anti Trump videos is a clear indication of your mental state
THE ELECTION FOR “MOSCOW MITCH” is coming and Kentucky is fed up with him
The main enabler for dictator don the commie con? … god I hope Moscow Mitch is voted out.
It’s Kentucky, as with all southern states it’s the home of voting against self interest based on three simple slogans, Jesus, Guns and too many brown people.
I feel the same about Lindsey Graham but we South Carolinian’s keep sending this limp noodle back to DC. Just another Strom Thurmond he’ll die in office because the voters in my state vote for the good ole boys and not whats good for the people and themselves.
@Robin Corprew Yep, see above. Same reason 99% of the confederate army fought for slave holding rights that they never had access to and diminished the value of their labor.
_”The impeachment rules are very clear, the Senate would have to take up an impeachment resolution”_
Oh that Mitch McConnell, he’s so sneaky! Was the Emoluments Clause not “very clear”? Was Congress’ authority to conduct Oversight not “very clear”? Was the instruction that a Whistleblower report deemed Credible & Urgent _”shall”_ be delivered to Congress not “very clear”?
McConnell knows he can’t lose here – Trump gets acquitted and Mac just shrugs his shoulders, tells Trump “see I told you, nothing to worry about, now you’re even stronger” and if perchance the GoP Senators do use the opportunity to rid themselves of Trump his own hands will be clean.
NoneOfYour Beeswax Yes because Mitch McConnell gonna have everyone to acquit dictator trump that’s why election day u have to vote LINDSEY Graham, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, bill Cassidy, Steve scarilise, Kennedy from Louisiana out make sure u throw out Kelly Conway out FIRST and let the arm forces bring out TRAITOR TRUMP out with his mob family and put them in a paddy wagon and haul them to jail he said lock Hillary up let that word bite him in his butt lock him up!!!
For the record: If the House votes to impeach, the trial in the Senate will be presided over by the Chief Justice (John Roberts, presently) NOT Moscow Mitch. US Constitution: Article 1, Section 3, 7 “The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. … When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside; …”
Steve,,Chief Justice John Roberts spent time with Epstein on many occasions. He is owned also.
he still wants to lock up hillary. then he must make her work for him since his top 10 officials are already in jail. Fool proof way to lock up hillary. FORCE HER TO WORK FOR HIM
“Senate has to take it up,” sounds like “we will read it, but that’s it…”