Senator Ron Wyden discusses what he sees as an increasing threat from Russia to U.S. election infrastructure in 2020 and other national security concerns and the frustration by Democrats at Mitch McConnell's stonewalling of election security legislation.
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Mitch McConnell Earns 'Moscow Mitch' Moniker Blocking Security Bills | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Moscow Mitch should go back to the Kremlin where he came from.
Wouldn’t it be more accurate to tell him to go back to the knesset?
@Bobbo Morgan Negroes commit the vast majority of violent crime
@Tom Jones
WRONG! Most rapes and child molestation is by whites. Blacks murder more. Nobody has cornered the market on viopence. But as is now so heavily exposed by videos cops lie a lot and plant evidence. So many fifures may be wrong due to systemic racism in law enforcement.
@Mike Smith
You can neither spell nor write a sentence so shut up dummy.
“Moscow Mitch” got angry? Yeah this nick name struck a nerve! Did it not? The truth always hurts.
@Mark Rogers The facts are right in your face! Moscow Mitch’s voting record!!!
@jukey Thank you! Well said!
@Phatkillz He’s an asset. An intelligence asset doesn’t even need to know they are being used, just under the foreign power’s thumb. Many people are confusing asset with agent. He’s likely not an agent of the Kremlin but definitely an asset. Also an asshat.
lol…Moscow Mitch is pretty catchy…him getting mad about it makes it FANTASTIC…lol ijs
I have a feeling Trump even likes that nickname
I LOVE it!
As I recall from growing up the more you let people know a nickname bothers you the more people seem to want to use it.
Amy McGrath needs your support in Kentucky.
@CherBear I don’t live there either, but we can Donate to her campaign! I already did and I will again. I hooe you do too!
@mjimih good luck with the Nazi thing . It does not work.
Amy McGrath is slightly more attractive than Mitch. Just about the only thing one may say. No worse…
@Mike Smith Nazi = Racism don’t forget that mr elephant
@Mike Smith I”ll keep believing in reality. You cons are the ones who will look like a fool – AGAIN! The BLUE tsunami is going to sweep the Senate clean and the White House will once again be in the hands of the Democrats! And you can keep your magical ball! I’m not in the market for magic! I deal in reality. You should too. “And you shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH WILL set you free!”
Moscow Mitch has earned his nickname!
Moscow Mitch doesn’t like his new name since it exposes who he really is —— a Russian agent trying to destroy the American democracy!
Most definitely !
Sue G Open borders, Socialism, Socialism and late term abortions are a much bigger deal Loser
It’s forever in the history books. Moscow Mitch!
It looks that trumps habit of naming people starts to fire back.
Fight fire with fire; let’s start giving Traitor Trump his nickname and using it instead of POTUS.
@Keoki Ciervo how does Rapey Donald sound?
There are SOME things we can take from this presidency . Lol
Moscow Donnie.
#MitchGottaGo Don’t wait until 2020, hold recall elections and fire these traitors now. Senators have a Right and Responsibility to censure and expel Senators when their Conduct meets McConnell’s degree of Corruption and Self Interest. Demand a Vote for McConnell’s EXPULSION.
@Ann Owens The problem is that Republicans have the majority of the Senate and expulsion requires a 2/3 vote. They will never do it, because they are all doing Trump’s and therefore, by proxy, Putin’s bidding.
It’s up to the people to demand a recall of their representatives who are betraying their country.
Hey, hey, hey hey!
Moscow, Moscow, Moscow Mitch
No one want’s to be a Moscow Mitch
– The Village People
Did you copy my post from yesterday?
How about “Moscow, Moscow Mitch!
Moscow Mitch is Putin’s *itch!
@Fancy Brooks; Love it
LMAO!!!! Nice song

Moscow Mitch is better than treasonous traitor this old turtle should have been exiled a long time ago along with his scheming wife
@Mike Smith We will get some common sense as soon as you do, cupcake. Are you not here opining as well? Yes, Bozo…we’ve seen your name here on several occasions with the same lame rhetoric. Only one Mike Smith could be so freaking moronic. See you back here later or tomorrow & i’ll be happy to point you out again. Asshat!
@Christine Mills No one cares, asshat! Move one. Those who enjoy the show will be here on MSNBC to enjoy her show. Move along now. Bye Felicia!
@Mike Smith Nobody believed it when you said the same about Obama & others but that did not stop you morons from trying. A little bit of your own medicine, Bozo. We know Mitch is not a “trader” but he is a traitor not unlike Trump.
Realm Chat Seditious Rat#44, Biden, Crooked Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, etc…were in charge prior to the last election…but but but Trump! What an ignorant sheep you are! Sad how so many gullible brainwashed Leftists fell victim to the Fake News establishment media propaganda. Redeem yourself and #Walkaway!
The reason McConnell doesn’t like being called Moscow Mitch is because he persuaded the orange arsehole to lift sanctions on both Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and Rusal, his aluminium firm. Now Deripaska has pumped over $200 million into building a factory in Kentucky, which, as we know, is Moscow Mitch’s home State. Deripaska is a great friend of Putin, and that is why Moscow Mitch blocked the Bills to strengthen the election process against hacking.
Will Glenn He really didn’t persuade the incestuous lunatic to do anything,he’s been chomping at the bit to do everything he can to make the Constitution null and void from day one.
certainly not enough coverage about that item.
Follow the money, too easy
If it walks like a duckski and quacks like a duckski………’s probably Moscow Mitch.
If it looks like a turtle and walks like a turtle then……..its moscow mitch
sarge505050 Good one!
If it walks like a turtle and retracts like a turtle . . . it’s probably Moscow Mitch. The thing with turtles is, if you roll them on their backs, they can’t get up again. Time to roll MM over.
Well done comrade!
And if it steps like a goose…………….
WHOA WHOA WHOA!!! Doing Putin’s bidding more than any American? Donny is def gonna fire him after that. Noone one ups Donny in the news! X-D
Best comment
Hopefully the will help rid of him in 2021. He has shown how one man. can interupt our democracy
He represents Kentucky. 50/50 at best…
Moscow Mitch went from the “Grim Reaper” to the ” Grim Weeper” on the Senate floor the other day. That was one sad and morose looking turtle

@Nicholas Maude you mean Cocaine Elaine?
@Qahir Makhani Heh! I thought it was Cocaine Mitch;).
Why do you hate turtles? They are running, not walking, from any association with Mitch.
He only feels sadness for himself. Like a turtle, he is completely lacking in the ability to feel empathy.
perfect name Moscow Mitch. loving it.
Mitch knew what we had on him, Trump showed him what the Russians have….same with Lindsey.
McConnell can’t even bother sticking up for his own country. How odd.
MSM is not covering coal mining vulture capital Co filing bankruptcy & closing mines in Kentucky & Wyoming. Moscow Mitch walking out on coal miners with black lung last. His own constituents. GOP IS A SICK PARTY
Herman T Didn’t Trump say coal is the future….beautiful clean coal
Trump spends Billions for useless walls to keep the migrants out, while Moscow Mitch opens the border WIDE-OPEN for Russia military to get it, and become traitor for US and hero for USSR.
The turtle is a turncoat.
@Mind Freshener yes the invaders from Russia is a threat.!
@Mind Freshener true but the ones that are doing that are the swamp politicians just like McConnell.
Daniel Su the Wall is tRump’s gift wrap for when he gives this Country away to Putin and Netanyahu.
Who will win the throne in the NWO ?
Because this is what it’s really about . Make the worlds savage and scary so we give them the keys to our freedom and in return they give us enslaved protection ! And no freedom .
Wake up to the truth . It’s about human sovereignty. And the Fact they want depopulation and total control .
Thank you Morning Joe for the Moscow Mitch nickname!!