Nicolle Wallace, Claire McCaskill and Michael Steele discuss the last-minute, handwritten changes made to the Trump impeachment trial rules he released Monday night, and what those changes could mean for the future of the trial. Aired on 01/21/20.
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Mitch McConnell Already Loses Grip On GOP Caucus, Softens Rules After Dems 'Ate His Lunch' | MSNBC
Keep an ambulance on stand by because Mitch will get sick!!!
@Đąscoŕpïon Belleza are you drinking gasoline!!!
If I keep celebrating with vodka, i will need an ambulance two!!!!
An animal similar to Mitch will be bull frog!!-
I hope. Real sick.
@Rip Off They might be crawling back under their incel rocks….
Without witnesses and documents this is not a trial!
Daniel Then pick up a gun and get started, you internet coward. If you really believe there is no other way, get to work. No one is stopping you. Be the change you want to see in the world. Or maybe just keep clicking on your little keyboard and doing nothing. The world really needs someone like you to start a whole new revolution. We’re all waiting on YOU to get this civil war kicked off. Don’t shrink in your biggest moment.
@Dr drew Vanheistel this is what happens when you elect a clown. The circus follows.
@Michael Arango if that was true people wouldn’t get arrested before trial you get arrested go to court and prove your Innocents to get released there for it’s guilty till proven innocent
Hurray!! The truth will be known!!
Ralf Haggstrom – Unfortunately, i agree with you. Never trust the GOP to do the right thing. They are up to their eyeballs in this thing. It’s not just Trump who has something to lose.
ALL the truth of this world is written in the bible, if we know where to find an example of trumps trial then the results will be known!!
Don’t let your guard down until
and orange
are gone.
Flip Mitch on its back.
Vladi ,
Now I have never had turtle soup or a turtle steak ,but there is one I would love too slowly roast
VladI Caution Turtle Xing
Flip him up side down and spin him hard and see where he lands. Iol
Flip the little turtle over on his back and spin him around and see where he lands. Iol
Never trust Moscow Mitch!!!
Nor Susan Collins
Never trust a republican!
anerandros …………….. John Steinbeck said the same about Nazis .
He’s far more dangerous than trump.
@JoeyFiveandDimes same
Moscow Mitch is sweating hot bullets you can tell he is showing color in his face all red.
@Petra Esquivel Naming people is not evidence. Back to the knitting circle you go.
Time for him to go!
5th Democratic amendment has just been tabled. That’s every single amendment of the day. Ahahahahahaha I’m dead. Am I the only one watching this. This is what you Liberal Lunatics have been waiting for. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!
The longer this goes on, the more the country is shifting towards impeachment. And the less control Moscow Mitch has to suppress the evidence.
Looks like you are wrong. You made a bad prediction. They have done nothing but shred or block all evidence. This is just a big expensive acquittal.
@riffhammeron – #45IsForeverAsterisked
And he *can’t stop WHINING* about it…

@RealCaliforniaCheese if they could find the corruption by Biden the allege having evidence manufactured is a crime itself like the trump foundation, already found guilty of fraud. Trump is guilty of murder he killed foreign policy. As for his great economy it’s easy to show prosperity with a blank check Clinton showed us prosperity and paid off the national debt oh so much for trump being the self proclaimed chosen one.
Its great how Democrats are presenting the facts anyway!
Such well versed educated group
Why not ask the Chief Justice to call 3 witnesses for show? He works here now. LMAO
Moscow Mitch has already violated his oath of office just submitting these bogus rules.
Richard Alexander
Lmao look at the sham rules Dems made up for the inquiry
What about the dems rules during the house?
Lmao , only seriously deranged people believe the russia hoax..What’s funny is that when any evidence about russia comes out it always nvolves Obama , Clinton , fusion GPS and Uranium one..Same with the Ukraine adding Joe Hunter , Kerry and burisma…Dems are some rotten to the core Demons !
I heard they flipped Mitch on his back,so he couldn’t do anything anymore.
As everyone has been saying for quite some time
A trial has Witnesses and documents
A cover-up has neither


MrMome1612 hardy har har har. Har. Ahhhhh ha hardy har har. Har har har hardy har har. Tee hee hee hardy her tee hee
Someone whispered in Moscow Mitch’s ear ” Hey Mitch, the American can see you. They’re looking at you right now. They’ve been watching you the entire time.”
@Jeff Mitchell May your lying tongue expand as greatly as your ego and quiet the constant stream of lies long enough to reflect on what kind of a terrible person you grew up to be. From a bright eyed innocent child, to the traitor loving patsy you now are. Sad. Enjoy your silver Judas.
BP BP STFU Communist. War is coming and your party is dead. You went too far trying to overthrow a duly elected President so now we’re gonna shove Civil War down your throat. Enjoy it
BP BP you’ll lie and say anything. Do anything to overthrow the President. You’re gonna wish you never went down this road. I promise you that
Mitch needs to be put in a full nelson, And made too comply, To the law, rules and regulations, Enough is enough and too much Stinks, Do the right thing for once, ln your Crooked life Mitch McConnell !

@Phenomena Washington

Too funny

Now if Moscow Mitch would just lose his iron grip on Deplorable Donny’s caucus…
I wonder what Putin, Moscow Mitch and Trump have on these traitors to our constitution
@Frank Martinez are you an illegal alien?
@Saddest News the corruption of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. They get kick backs from all the military aid we send. CLINTON LIFE!
Mitch wants to live up to his old “Grim Reaper” nickname, but he is gonna be known as “shady coverup Mitch” to add to “Midnight Mitch” has “Moscow Mitch”
@Jeff Mitchell Please elaborate for us. Were the Republicans not allowed to present witnesses and evidence in the House trial? Pretty sure they were.
Sane Indie Centrist No. they were not
@Doug Lang “Directly from the Saul Alinsky playbook. The one Hillary walks around with.”
The book Rules For Radicals? Are you saying the center-right Hillary Clinton is a “radical” to you? I guess this is one accusation that can’t be turned back on you, since we all know Trump can’t read.
Moscow Mitch is an enemy of America.
꧁Cat G꧂ We could careless what ‘Allies’ think
desglacons So, you don’t have a dog in this fight, but you may be getting paid? Hatred and contempt for the US, and wanting to spread it.
I’m not saying you’re a Russian. It’s just you might as well be.
Did I hit a nerve, my droog.
majtom58 Well. If you’ve ever studied History. Russia started out as extreme Socialists which we all know, if you’ve studied, leads to Communism. That being said, only Russian I see here is you
desglacons Actually, you are the Domestic enemy.
@desglacons thank God that we are greater than the birds however the word is this, these things must be, Satan is here and Yeshua is coming for his!.. I wash myself in the blood of the lamb, I got my timer set.
It is said that every time Moscow Mitch tells a lie his wattle grows
corruption junction what’s your function GOP

Funny stuff

This more like a Russian trial
no witnesses or documents
Moscow Mitch
No witness or documents kind of makes the whole republican party look guilty. Are they that afraid of what the American people will learn from witnesses and evidence give them all the documents let all the witnesses testify the Democrats will look like fools and lose big in nov no witnesses no evidence no witchhunt no hoax no win in November
Or a North Korean trial. Maybe that’s why Trump met several times with Kim Jong-Un.
If it’s your house you have the trial the way you choose — this isn’t a court under the Judiciary.
I called my congressman and informed him,you don’t vote to have witnesses, you’ve lost my vote.
malenotyalc I don’t have to worry. There is only one weak sister-Toomey.
I’m sure he got a good laugh out of that after you hung up.
Love this. Power to the people
johnnymcblaze No, this is not about laughing. And I did not hang up. It keeps getting better.
Good for you.
Yeah McConnell is so eager to win re-election that he forgot that he had to look fair even if he still continues to be the crook he is
This is not a trial without allowing witnesses and evidence.
John Brideau don’t forget not even the whistleblower had first hand information. The Army traitor tipped him off.
@John Brideau Whistle blower testimony won’t clear drumpf of his criminal activity.
For example…. If I call about a crime in progress, and the police come, and see the crime they don’t need the anonymous tipster….that’s the law.
Only reason to want the whistleblower is to either deflect, or intimidate.