Mistaken Identity, Son Killed by Dad | Another Killing in Westmoreland – Sept 28 2022

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  1. Children must let their parents kno they are out,and when he will be in, children stop teafing out.prayer up for the father.he will never get over this,

    1. Jaa know star grieve me heart but weh him a do out that hours ….and him not even acknowledge them ….thas the mn coulda say wifey a we son mn him did go out anuh criminals….but him nuh tell none jaah know…rip still youth Jah know some simple communication can end up deadly eeh mn

    2. Many ways to this that man coulda even just fi one fi scare them off if it was criminals …but 3 Jah know if 3 a the shot them connect no chance wrst if it depends pon where the shots connect

    3. Those days are over. there’s no training in the homes anymore. Children do what they want, how they want, how they want and where they want.

    4. @Co vaano Scare off criminals? You cannot scare off a gunman or gunmen who come with the intention to kill you. It is unfortunate, but that it the reason why children should let their parents know what they are doing. Parents are their guardians for a reason. I really cannot blame the parents, because the criminals in Jamaica are getting out of control.

  2. This is incredibly tragic.🥺😥😞 But, let us not be naive in thinking that even the most obedient children (female and male) do not sometimes have rebellious moments, sneaking out, etc. It doesn’t mean they are bad kids. We’ve all, or many of us, have all tested the boundaries. This, unfortunately, has a tragic end. There’s a lesson here for all.

    My heart breaks for his father (his family). He had no reason to believe his child was the one at the door. Truly heartrending.

  3. Oh Jesus! This is heartbreaking! I pray for the family, community especially the Dad.. I can’t imagine how this man is feeling 😭😭😭😭. Prayers. Prayers. Prayers. Let us connect by faith and pray ….. this is a very painful situation.

    1. Oh lord have mercy why didn’t he call to find out if it was is son coming in.omg so sad .my condolences to the family.lord have mercy.

    2. @Lizrene Williams : you sound so stupid….someone coming in your house at 3am and not announcing themself. Are you not living in Jamaica and see the crime rate and how criminals are barefaced!!! Would you hear your door opening at that hour and hesitated? That’s the way criminals enter your house always staying quiet to surprise their victims with bullets. The father did nothing wrong he was just safe guarding his home!!! Think logically before you type and not just emotionally!!!

  4. Lord icant cope with no more of this i no how that mom and dad felt why did he go out side at that hrs he shld tell someone in the home as if he dodge and took a walk hoping to be back safe dear Lord ipray it a sad sad way of loosing our children hallelujah

  5. So sad but maybe he’s been doing it all along and last night he had problems opening the door that’s why allegedly the grill makes noise. Condolences to the family and the school fraternity

  6. Oh Jesus my god….no one can blame the dad….a mean the way things going in jamaica….we all know that hearing your place opening up that hour’s, we know how it goes….that’s the hours most of these senseless killings takes place. Poor Father trying to protect his family not knowing what he was really about to do.. may God in heaven help them right now through this phase…..

  7. This is a most unfortunate situation. My condolences to the parents. Father this is so heart rending. You must look to the Almighty because only Him can give you true comfort in a time as this.. It is very sad. You acted to protect your family against a monster entering your home at 3 am.
    It is normal to do so in today’s Jamaica. The entire country is on edge. There is fear and fearfulness everywhere. Only God can help us.
    Take heart and pray sir. God bless.

  8. What a horrific thing to happen, a father shoot & kill his own child because of fear of crime! When will the government demand the police do their job & end the senseless killings & robberies? Condolences to the family.

  9. Due to the high crime rates in Jamaica rite now, the people them paranoid and not taking any shaky lightly.. just unfortunate

  10. This is just the saddest, most unfortunate situation. He had such a promising future. I can’t begin to imagine how much agony the family must be going through, especially his father who mistook him for an intruder, thinking he was safely in his bed and they were being burgled. My sincerest condolences to the entire family and friends. I pray you find strength at this difficult time.

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