Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie is calling on the provincial government to expand the lockdowns in Ontario as cases surge.
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Is she going to take a pay cut too?
Doubt it….Notice how politicians are so well informed regarding covid more than experts in the field.
No she lives in a multimillion dollar home , Crombie doesn’t know what its like to live paycheck to paycheck.
exact same comment as them all. What putin talking point is this?
@kri dob What are you talking about? Russia? You are 4 years behind the rest.
@Tamara Fletcher yeah, putin. Now. Here.
Is the big box stores going to be open for the Christmas holidays?
Pretty sure it’s safer to go i to a small store with only one or 2 other patrons quth an employee or often the owner monitoring your activity and sanitizing store frequently.
Better than the free-for-alls at walmart and costco.
@m tesc If it ain’t needed, I don’t bother going – which is fine, because I save my money that way. I’d rather be in a park, or at home anyway.
@Yak1B you can do curb pickup as well
@Marg Mak True, if you have a vehicle.
@Yak1B Anybody who believes that is pretty gullible. If you force everybody to go to the same place, then the virus will spread more rapidly, not less.
Close Walmart Costco Home Depot !
Open everything
Close everything including the airport. Nothing stays open.
@Jacqueline Moore lmao, you cannot close everything, and you certainly cannot close the airport. Do you realize how many imports/exports come through the airport, plus that is how a lot of our mail moves.
There are certain things that you just cannot close. You have to consider that life still goes on, and emergencies happen, especially in the winter. This is why certain stores are deemed essential. The problem is not restaurants, stores, gyms, or even schools. The problem is what is going on in people’s homes. They are still gathering and socializing without masks indoors.
Here in Ottawa, we had the highest per capita numbers in the entire country in October. We brought are numbers down and brought our hospitalizations down by respecting the rules. Everything here is open.
Close the LCBO and the beer store while you’re at it
Kinda looks like Bonnie here has never done an honest days work in her life ….. would anyone actually miss her if she was gone tomorrow?
She lives in a multimillion dollar home. She won’t donate her paycheck to local businesses or food banks.
You can tell that by her face can you? You should join a carnival as a psychic. You have an incredible ability.
Hell no. Bonnie Crombie is so full of herself and doesn’t care about the citizens of Mississauga. She is no Hazel McCallion, even though she thinks she is.
I wouldn’t. Politicians are all POS’s.
Miss who??
Defund crumbie!
politicians are criminals and should be treated as such and shunned from society
No. We don’t agree because that is stupid and makes zero sense. Just “feels” right to you, which is irrelevant to progress and containment. “Let’s stay crippled by continuing the disease.” Wahhhhhh.
Tried for Crimes Against Humanity would be appropriate !!!
@Baby Panda Politicians make most of their money indirectly from their donors, so your threat won’t bother them.
The super speakers are coming from
Close THEM down
there’s already new strains in UK and Denmark lol. Plus it’s endemic now and is never going away like the flu.
But r they more dangerous?
Yay go humans! Gotta love the ones who want to be social justice warriors but fail to see a bigger picture. It is always about “my rights and my freedoms…who cares about human lives…I just care about money money money, my business, the government is a problem” blah blah blah…makes me sick
@A M your IQ needs a serious boost.
@Bitt Teusz oh yeah Poindexter? And why is that?
Let’s have ALL politicians take a 30% pay decrease.
Give their wages to the poor I’m sure they have lots to still live on ……I bet you we’d be at back up and running in no time
Put them on CERB and see how long the pandemic lasts
and, AND 30 days off without pay. Things will straighten up while they’re gone.
@Abdalla Hamza do they also get to stay home and do nothing, or do you expect them to still go into work every day?
30% of 300,000 aint much
as soon as we grow a backbone you wont get away with this anymore.
That is not gonna happen … And if it ever does it will be too late Canadians love being potatoes
@Cheryl Schumaker ^ This ^
Define this. Eliminating the virus? Or being enemies against putin?
Close EVERYTHING including big box, e-commerce like Amazon, etc. Why do these massive multi-billion/trillion dollar corporations get to make record-breaking profits while SME businesses are shuttered? It’s absurd.
This lady has auditioned as an inside edition host at least once
So the government is tracking our cell phones. Invasion of privacy.
That is nothing new
Focus on the elimination of the virus. You need to pay attention in class, not deflect to your enemies, the government.
@kri dob I probably already had the virus. I had 3 colds this fall.
@Myra Boudens Non of this is about you though, just because you may or may not have had it and had no serious issues. Nothing revolves around you.
@kri dob sounds like it’s all about you .
I can’t listen to this
hahahahahahahahaha: “Covid-19”
If she lives paycheck to paycheck she will know if to lockdosn or not
Tired of all these sellout hypocrites.
There’s a suspicious level of lockdown enthusiasm lately.
The amount of science anti lockdown conspiracy here is sickening.
@kri dob Lucifer?
Something tells me … she will still be collecting a check every two weeks
The dislikes should be in millions and the likes to zero .