Online misinformation about election fraud plunged 73 percent after several social media sites suspended President Trump and key allies last week, research firm Zignal Labs has found, The Washington Post reports. Aired on 01/18/2021.
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#ElectionFraud #PresidentTrump #MSNBC
Misinformation Drops 73 Percent After Trump Banned From Twitter | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I’ve felt lighter since he’s been off, and I don’t even live in the USA
@Aaron E.
Still, nobody forced you to pay any attention to that whatsoever. You’re blaming the news when you had full control over what you look at this whole time.
@TheFanMan The problem is not what I look at – I’m a professional historian, I know how to do proper research, and I can sort out facts from spin and tell the difference between truth and propaganda. The problem is the many people who can’t tell the difference getting sucked into a cult that causes trouble for the rest of us. It’s why reputable media do fact-checking and exercise editorial control : they don’t want their reputation to be tarnished by publishing garbage. That’s not censorship; it’s quality control.
@Akai Shigunaru Not to forget the japanese atrocities in China and elsewhere either. And the racism in Japan nowadays. Nonetheless I agree with you.
@Akai ShigunaruWill you let me know, when did they erase racial discrimination?
sounds like you’re a victim of leftist narratives, may god save your soul
Trump should have been banned from telling his LIES many years ago . His whole life is based on lies like “John Barron”.
John Barron’s insightful , perfect, very stable genius reporting could have potentially won a Nobel prize according to Donald Trump. Wait…..Fact check…. Oh , John Barron was Donald trump …. never mind…. just a nutjob
Lets not forget about Peggy Peterson and David Dennison. Peggy came up on $130k hush money.
what about first amendment
@Fester Adams He is perfectly free to speak , nobody is stopping him . These privately owned businesses have decided that he is no longer welcome to use their platform .
Yes, and the media should have turned his much off when ever he spoke lies.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities,
can make you commit atrocities”
– Voltaire
@Jay , Hey Hairy Nosepcker,
Think of how stupid the average person is,
and realize y’all’s stupider than that.
@Ann van de Kew It’s actually crack and chew but nice try.
@Jay , Y’all’s got the money for crack?
@Jay , Hey Hairy Nosepicker,
Y’all’s got 4 subscribers;
y’all think idiocy is a factor?
@Reitler Jan apparently you missed the point of the conversation. I was correcting a lie. Have a great day and next read the thread in its entirety.
not the least bit surprising. silence the leader, and the cult dissolves.
@hi we were deployed more under obama, Trump brought us home within the first 6 months because we aren’t doing anything over in most the countries. Jordan and Iran are about the only places with active combat. Korea and the rest are simply because they are having us rebuild their communities while we profit off of it while still keep them in the hole under their own communistic rules.
we haven’t gone anywhere.
@Dizzle 1119 i mean if that is truly what you think of yourself, oh well. You’ll be okay lol
Trump: It’s unfair Kimmy! Sleepy Joe got less votes!
Kim Jong-un: “Fewer”
Trump: Shhhh, don’t call me that in public yet!
TDS in action arenK
Very good; I bet trumppers won’t get that!
@Truthing & Trolling Yep; Joe is already doing a good job!
Wonderful wordplay! Will Trumpanzees understand this?
@Tami Koestomo doubtful
Should have done this a long time ago. It’s long overdue.
@ThE cUrtAin remOVed!!! Blah blah blah. America will always prevail over her enemies within and abroad. Simple.
@Remey Momma,believe your eyes, soon. Unity is in OUR future.
@ThE cUrtAin remOVed!!! Hear that car that just passed by? Its the FBI.
@Remey Momma,the FBI is being cleaned out. [C_A] is to compromised, it will be dismantled. I’m not the one who is in fear. The [guilty] are though. Have a nice day.
It’s like releasing a giant turd.
That should also be used as evidence of trumps culpability in the attack . His misinformation and lies spurred the idiots on.
You’re gullible
@Going Against The Grain I feel the same way about the rioters we have seen all year
@FishForFoodNotSport Did you read
Daniel Eagan Post …extreme case of Kool-Aid posion
Kool-aid poisoning I don’t think so just wait & see when Trump is convicted in his second impeachment trial in the Senate & what I know currently about the right wing media it’s 100% true mainly Fox News buh bye
Ytis that
oh yes
It’s almost like he was the source.
Edit: It’s amazing how many peoples’ sarcasm detectors are on the fritz.
@WilliamOccamensis lol I agree with you it was a riot. Anytime a mass of people use violence to prove a point it is a riot. Just like all of the riots this past summer that the news kept calling peaceful protest as buildings are burning in the background…
What do you mean “on the fritz”? Is that some kind of anti-German slur?
“It’s amazing how many peoples’ sarcasm detectors are on the fritz.” … it’s likely that Poe’s Law applies.
he was the source
The fact social media is news should be a wake up call. Grow up.
The fact that one person can use social media to create so much destruction is alarming.
@Fester Adams They sound a lot smarter than you.
Consider that former CNN employeesare now fact checkers.
@Chris B wonderful
@Therron Rivers thats what the last csuker told me
Not just trump, thousands of fake/bot account in social media platform need to get kick.
Ftis that
oh yes
This should have happened over 4 years ago.
@Fester Adams Incorrect. Online web sites are private entities… not public. They are free to regulate their content in any way they see fit.
@Tessmage Tessera not true slimeballs with an agenda own these
@Fester Adams Go study the law. Privately owned web sites can do as they please. It is not a “right” to visit web sites, any more than it is a “right” to go to a restaurant for free. I happen to be a web site owner and have been for a long time. I can regulate content on my site in any way that I see fit. I can ban people if I want to, I can delete posts and I could even edit someone else’s post, if I wanted to (I don’t). Fact is, I own it. It’s my house… the First Amendment has nothing to do with it.
tis that
oh yes
@Tessmage Tessera incorrect
For the remaining 27%, censor all of the politician who are spreading lies.
Literal lies don’t deserve to exist online like hate speech and violence!
Welcome to Communist China
trump lies ,country dies .when trump is quiet ,there is no riot
Johnnie Cochran would be proud of you, Gary.
I am so quoting this
tis that
oh good
What a beautiful poem
“Enjoy the silence” – Depeche Mode
Soviet Scarborough is the king of disinformation, His show “Morning Joke” is nothing but misinformation and Party propaganda
@A T except for no ya aren’t.
Sorry about your extra chromosomie……..homie….
@rob gpm Calm yourself, simpleton.
Gotta love trolls who post nonsense to a Depeche Mode lyric
tis that
oh yes
Misinformation isn’t gone, it’s just moved back to the echo chambers.
Exactly, back under the rocks where it and its people belong.
@TuneTwister Music Don’t make the same mistake again please, bring them to the light and handle with them correctly otherwise it will always linger in the dark.
@TuneTwister Music As Sed posted, ignoring the problem will only allow it to fester.
@Trevor Bowser Good point you guys.
the fact your are fed misinformation daily, that your rely on so much is the scary part
Now, let’s get US Cyber Command to take those Russian troll farms offline.
@AdeptPaladin sir ..used to work as a Microsoft dev since win 3.1. win 10 has more bug reports an open issues than every other deployed op sys. In fact if you placed each sheet of actual issue elements together in boxes you could build a decent 2 bedroom home
@Roger Bowen You would know because you are satans love toy
@Andra Book HA HA HA! Tell the Americans the same thing enough times and they’ll believe the moon is made out of cheese. We take this opportunity to thank our puppet friends in the American Corporate Media for their many contributions. For the Corporate Elites in the U.S and our Party members its: W’ere in the money! We’re in the money! Hooray! Goodbye Racist Trump! Whoo-HA HA HA
@Mickey Powell,
, “gold destroys the [fed]”. Andrew Jackson took out the 2nd private bank,now it’s time to go to the gold standard and END the [theft] of the people.
@ThE cUrtAin remOVed!!! We are the Cultural Marxists and we always win.
It wasn’t just trump, Twitter cracked down on the dedicated QANON conspiracy accounts too. Remember they said they banned thousands of accounts and then conservative media personalities and politicians started complaining that they lost thousands of followers like a day later?
Creative lying takes energy. No iphone, no worship no lies.
And this is a surprise considering Trump lost his misinformation vehicles.
misinformation came from and for biden cover ups not from trump.
Of course, all the cryin’ nazis are hiding under the beds…tryin not to hear the knocking on the door…