The Washington Post reports President Trump is ‘miserable,’ as House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff has just announced his team is gathering evidence and has begun work on its report laying out the potential blueprint to impeachment articles. Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall argues “evidence” against Trump is “overwhelming,” because it starts at “the top.” Aired on 11/22/19.
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'Miserable': Trump On Edge As House Dems Draft Blueprint For Impeachment | MSNBC
How can one not feel miserable when you know your going to jail and lose everything.
Watch the whole gang flee permanently to Russia for Putin’s “protective custody!”
That should be the new impeachment slogan “If you have nothing to hide… Come testify”
Any credible source?
That would make a good slogan for a shirt…
@Chucks Grace Hahahahaha… No. It’s Hillary’s e-mails.
you’re delusional.
@lelennyfox34 Tell them again.
Trump used to look like some soft ‘girly-man’; now he looks like an over-baked Pillsbury Dough-boy. A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin.
L they will never admit this. Trump derangement syndrome is as real as Down syndrome
I’m sure you’ve hit the wall ya fat old miserable mess
All of Trump’s criminal traits and his connection to Russia and the mob were clearly proven before the election in 2016. For Trump supporters, they didn’t care about that because he promised to stick it to the people they hate. They have seriously damaged NATO and our Western democratic way of life over their cowardly racism and spitefulness. I won’t forgive or forget. Trump needs to be moved out of the position of power first, but I hope Americans deal with the treasonous Trump supporters. They already commit all the mass killings in the US, which is almost like a civil war. They threaten civil war all the time, which is treasonous. Don’t just let them go home crying after 2020.
generationofswine get back on your medication your delusional
@Cannondale2019 Learn English, simpleton. And point out which statements I made that aren’t true. I hope Trump’s cult ends just like Jonestown. You can all drink the koolade one last time. Death to deplorables!
Apparently sondland saved his a$$ in the nick of time. Not a dummy like the rest
These never-ending commercials are becoming intolerable.
Looks like Nunes may get booted as well.He’s corrupt as well.
@Feed me lobster I read the article and one takeaway go read the call with voldemyr zelinsky forgive me if I spelled his name wrong but he said she was loyal to the previous administration and he didn’t trust her so she was moved to a different post boo hoo
Just goes to show you how inept the Republicans are. They put people like Nunes and Jordan on inquiry about the president’s criminality knowing that they are complicit.
William Brennan grammar
@blob darkass or a Russian asset
@T Electronix FOX, the President, and the Reoublucan party should all be arrested for continuing to traffic in these Russian narratives. This makes them Russian Assets.
Trump’s miserable, good.Now he knows how the rest of the world has felt since he took office.
How are you going to feel when the tribunals start?
The entire GOP has become a criminal enterprise.
Jan Hall theres hope for everyone go make an appointment to see your shrink get a prescription for TDS medication. You can recover maybe?
@Capture It Live NO! You don’t. There is no evidence whatsoever. None of Ukraine’s interference, plenty from CIA and State Department (listen to Hill) of RUSSIAN interference. Look at filthy, dirty, Moscow Mitch McConnell blocking everything the House has sent through to the Senate.
You have evidence of monstrous corruption in GOP and manufactured lies and all people like you can do is hurl brainless abuse. Shows what intelligence quotient you have. “Fuckboy”? Really?
@Jan Hall yeah …I’m a retired Intel operator. I’m pretty sure the government spent a lot of money to make sure I know more than you . Hill and Schiff are trying to keep the Feds away from investigating Ukraine . Unfortunately Ukraine is doing their own investigation. Your treasonous democrat masters have obstructed the duties and authority of the President . You understand that they will be brought out of the Capitol Building by the military .
@Cannondale2019 GOP and their enablers are Putin’s poodles.
Robert C nice projection. Not working tho. Ginsberg is dying haha. This is awesome!
Wouldn’t be surprised if Trump is involved in Israel’s issues with
Netanyahu. They are two peas in a pod.
@John Swo 1 big difference Netanyahu has been indicted. trump pick barr said “a sitting president could not be indicted”.
@T Hoop Yabba dabba doosh bag needs a bullet
like sniffy joey and his cokehead kid
He probably is.
@T Hoop then he covered up what the Mueller report really said. It was no mistake Barr was called in. This umus not the first time Barr has covered up Presudents crimes. Two other presidents. They call him the cover-up general.
So he feels like we have all felt his entire presidency.
You get what you give.
@Eclipse Gaming anybody that does not put us in peril by screwing with foreign policy. We can fix American policy but way harder to get back the trust of those we have abandoned or screwed over.
@William Wilburn sure you watched?
I feel so sorry for you…

Spiritually and visually….
“Putin republicans” is the branding we should use on all those that support the Ukraine conspiracy.
Satans servents on more than Ukraine
Exactly… See how MoscowMitch was supremely offended by the added tag
C MA – you are right! Either you’re an American or a Republican
Trump is only worried about himself. That guy has no morals, values or brain cells.
Caligula because many people are easily fooled
@Caligula misinformation and brainwashing from FOX news that his friend rupert Murdock and a Saudi prince own. You watch it enough hearing blatant lies and it changes your brain chemistry m. Like a cult.
@Beverly Vinson Amen
Caligula you know in 2016 Hillary won the popular vote but Trump only won the presidency by the electoral collage
Trump is finding out he’s an employee, not a king, despite the republican party’s best efforts to set him up as such.
You, are the one who thinks he is our King! How respectful of you….
The republicans are making or turning Trump’s governing into a monarchy. Democracy is fragile, vote blue Nov. 3, 2020.
Mustang .308
Go back to Russia
@Roland Peña … Are you going to vote with your genitals again? Rather than your brain? Just askin …
He forgot to mention Miss Piggy, And sorry Mr. Mulvaney we can’t “Get over it”.
If you won’t testify under oath in your own defence, then guess what everyone will believe.
Refusal to testify, blocking witnesses from testifying, hiding evidence, publicly trying to intimidate witnesses……..can all be taken as evidence of guilt.
No way to deny these facts, emails, testimonies, documents that a bribery was being committed.
“Miserable” and “intolerable” then leave. NY state AG will welcome you with open -arms- jail cell.
Why does pompous pompeo always act as if the LAWS don’t apply to him.
because law dose not apply to him. their are many people in this country that are above the law or rather use the law to there advantage. trump; acuse the opisition of crimes say it louder, more often, someone will belivev. pomeo; just doing what i was told. juliani; everybody dose it? politican; whatever.
The entire Trump administration needs to be locked up!
Every last one!
He feels like his diaper hasn’t been changed in hours.