Mired by low popularity and a surging COVID-19 death toll, Trump picks a fight with Canada

McMaster's Marvin Ryder says that U.S. President Trump is looking for someone to blame amid sliding numbers because of the COVID-19 pandemic – so he's decided to pick on Canada.

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Mired by low popularity and a surging COVID-19 death toll, Trump picks a fight with Canada


    1. @EarthToday I’m sorry, did you mean the country of 30 million with all the resources that the country of 330 million needs? Including a pulp mill in BC that produces all of the fibres for N95 masks for all of North America? Sure. We are shaking in our beaver boots while counting our uranium and precious metal deposits. It is not about “buying power” you numbskull, it is the exact opposite. American greed ensures they will always need Canadian resources.

    1. truthseeker about our food fun fact……The USA is the second largest producer of electricity. China is first. You can google that.

    2. What water? You do realize that most of the great lakes is in the USA and they also have many rivers and lakes, I might add, some pretty big rivers, Mississippi, Colorado, Ohio, they’re huge. Canada has 20% of the world’s fresh water and for a while there, we were using it faster than it could be replenished, not sure now though if that still stands true today. So 3% of all the earth’s water is fresh, the rest is salt water, 2% (2/3), is frozen so the whole world has access to only to that 1% of liquid fresh water and Canada has 20% of it. Is that the water you want to pull back?

    1. @Chris H there is a reason I know the max bet is $850 and the odds were 150:1 on June 17, 2015

      Because Hillary had a 97% chance of winning – right?

  1. This is nothing more than a tabloid. As Canadians let’s start taking responsibility. We don’t take care of our own citizens. Stop blaming the states.

    1. its true tho: there is no logical explanation for this decision other than a distraction or for populist appeal to his uneducated base.

  2. They all the same team pretending to be different. All the leaders are doing exactly the same thing what’s the difference Hydrochloricquin?? They’re all tyrants

  3. lol i love how headlines now dont try to relay what the story is about, but primes you on how you are supposed to react to the story

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