International Trade Minister Mary Ng says the decision to rescind tariffs on Canadian aluminum did not involve any concessions by Canada.
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Nothing says honest like uncontrollable blinking
And the “Believe Me” eyebrow lift.
Yeah, we know Christia is not to be trusted so I am not buying the – they just came to their senses… i call bs!
What in tf are these comments
cancer.. just like the channel itself
If you’re referring to the random youtube accounts with; a first name and last name, no profile picture, no subscriptions, and that spend all their time only leaving comments on news channels, they’re Russian/Chinese bots and trolls.
Karm G Nono, the ones that are acting like porn accounts, change comments to oldest first and you’ll see them
@Karm G Oh enough already with the Russia/China stuff. Don’t sell your compatriots short: plenty of them genuinely hold insane or just differing opinions.
This is a great comedy channel.
Lol, unfortunately there are too many sheeple in Canada that think this is real and that they succeeded
they will keep bringing it in and taking it out.. why?
Because they get the millions during each bout of stupidity.
It’s obvious the USA have reached the conclusion that no more Chinese dumping is taking place ! Canada all of a sudden grew a backbone !? Please
Your analysis has my support.
Without a doubt!
All you dudes get it, you must work to pay your bills.
Great delay strategy, and corporate involvement that worked out well. Kudos.
Lots of American beer cans involved. Canadian beer is much better, no doubt.
It’s it even Canadian beer! Look it up it’s owned by European company they even bought American beers! It’s crazy
Complete incompetence
Yes Trump is incompetent.
You sound like a Trudeau supporter.
So USA changed its mind and we claim some sort of victory.
the nature of all this years problems changed and there’s a retro clause if all goes back to “normal”, whatever that is.
Yes, hours before unilateral tariffs were to be imposed so what else would you call it…… a defeat?
No counter tariffs was not in trumps re-election interest, ergo
It didn’t just happen out of thin air, we put pressure on them in the form of retaliatory action.
@Z A lol
Go Canada go

Sala choot.
this is all about electricity, … just ask Rebelnews, .. no really, .. electricity.
I like that my fellow Canadians are not even a little bit fooled by the bluster. Well done all of you.
We “all the sheeple” lmao no clue or care it seems…
Is this where Trudeau heads to GITMO?
Really like how Chrystia Freeland plays it off all political and professional, yet, implements a low key gangsta vibe.
No doubt, it’s more than possible, trump is doing a look at me move, that he, if unhappy in future or in election results. he very well may rescind. That’s his MO
Excellent conversation,
Excellent pursual of questions asked.
Soo did we just win?
Trump used tariffs again to try and gain voters, purely political. I can’t wait for that unhinged fool to face justice
Probably wont happen
Liberals talking that means that they are lying Freeland want a joke
President Trump who is keeping the north American economy afloat… these idiots in Canada did nothing… and CHINADA is going to be finished