Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains discusses the government’s $1.1-billion pledge to fund research into COVID-19 and his faith in Dr. Tam.
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No one has any trust in Dr Tam
Tam was wrong at every turn. How is it racist to point that out?
Trudeau can’t defend her, this fool Bains spouts off nothingness…the ‘party line’, and the facts about what she did are as clear as day….so of course the Liberal playbook says: Call everyone Racist.
Level Z No this person is a Canadian you are a fool
@Level Z Trudeau hates Canadians!
@Level Z wake up your wrong look outside the box
@Level Z Save Alberta: burn Canada
Dr Shiva. Look him up.
The team that lies together , stays together.Time to circle the wagons.
Teresa WHO and Turbin Durbin are making me feel much safer.

Another CRIMMIGRANT in Canadian politics
Nice to see Bains didn’t follow Trudeau’s example and call Sloan an intolerant Racist! The facts are clear about Dr. Tam she earned the criticism that has come her way and she should be fired. Repeating lies from China when she herself has the oversight position at W.H.O. to stop that from happening. She apparently didn’t care enough to even fact check ANY of their lies before she spread it as fact to Canadians. Nobody expects her to be perfect, on the other hand the entire world doesn’t need a corrupted W.H.O. or any of those with power in that organization who, for reasons that are unknown, parrot China’s propaganda. That includes Tam and the reprehensible Bruce Aylward!
Is this guy for real ? Supports Dr Sham ? She was not only wrong but clearly deceitful. Borders were racist, masks don’t work, she knew about this virus in 2019… She should be up on charges And this clown should be deported
Haw Boy I see you got some extreme thought
Is it racist to call Tam a British agent / loyalist dog trained to obey the system at the University of Nottingham, and unleashed on Canada to further British interests?
British interest ? WTF ?
That’s fine Bains but who the hell has confidence in you?.?
Laughable as hell.
I don’t know who this BAINS is and I certainly don’t trust him. I know what I heard, I know what I saw,and I know what we were told. Tam was not looking out for our best interest but the interest of someone else.
How can anybody believe what our government says when they are not even obligated to
tell the truth .They should be sworn in before every question period to make them legally
Trudeau spending money like a drunken sailor. We will all be paying for this for years and years.
Oh come on!
2 million tests over 3 months. Total incompetence. Let the Provinces do their own testing.. We don’t trust Dr Tam and the World Health Organization.
Are there any Canadians in Trudeau’s cabinet?
are there any Canadians in Canada anymore ?
@Teesh Taddy Bee nope we are being replaced by the 3rd world
Ok, so that statement would be an example of racism if anyone is interested.
Have we not sent $800,000 to China for this already?
I am sick of the lies, this is all we are hearing from politicians, corrupt scientists and the MSM, You can, ALL do one!
Tam’s inept. Our Goal Must Be A TOTAL Return To Normal. Canadians MUST REJECT a dehumanizing “new normal” in the wake of the COVID-19.