Minister Anita Ananda weighs in on the World Health Organization's advice on mixing and matching COVID-19 vaccines.
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“It’s a little bit of a dangerous trend here. We are in a data-free, evidence-free zone as far as mix and match”, Soumya Swaminathan [WHO Chief Scientist] told an online briefing. From Reuters.
The new science…data-free…evidence free…
You can say there is a trend when you are approaching something. Nothing about any of this has ever had anything to do with data and evidence. So there’s no trend, there’s just a continuation of the existing steady state of evidence- and data-freeness.
It’s fun to mix and match!!!
Oh look another unelected health czar
You can all sleep easier now knowing these are the idiots in charge of things.
idiots can assume anything … on internet … feel like judge ….
The idiots who are in charge or the elected officials in the government from the Prime Minister down to the dogcatcher. Those are your real idiots.
Stuff it, Lady.
immunity also your own last for years so imagine having 200% immunity when all u had was 100%
They choose when they listen to the WHO and when they don’t.
Defund WHO
“the science”…..”the science”….”the science”…
Just saying, “the science”, is not science. Citations needed!!!
It’s the new religion. Sciencism.
Follow the $cience.
One large experiment…that’s all.
WTF ? Did she just say “we will continue to follow the guidance from other bodies”? Isn’t the WHO “other bodies”. Asking for a friend
Clown show
“let’s just find out based on the experimental citizens” lmao I’m scared
More bureaucrats from the government here to ” help “.
I usually mix and match when I order an Oz of Weed online and that’s cool and all but I don’t know with vaccines.

Logic says:
Mixing makes it impossible to know
Which one caused an adverse side effect
Lunatics in charge, sad really
For clarification, which “political” science is right, the Federal or Provincial? Sec. 23 – Federal Government will continue to follow the science; Sec. 34 regardless of what the scientists say???? Government has NO place to determine what is best for your health.
The FDA has not given approval for mixing the emergency use gene therapy jabs.
wrong country
@Bigboi If the FDA hasn’t, why would Health Canada?
So let me get this straight, risking your and your family’s life is fine as long as you follow the science and is laughable to her? Asking for a friend
Depends on whether you’re following Science or $cience.
Nice back paddling…… now that millions of Canadians have mixed and matched!
I hope this upcoming election Liberals will be out ,because I am so tired of too much mistakes and stupidity things.
In one minute she said regardless of the science followed up with will continue to follow the science, and I’m the crazy one.