NBC News' Reporter Ben Collins has scanned the dark web for what pro-Trump groups might do after the Capitol attack. Aired on 01/14/2021.
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#BidenInauguration #Capitol #MSNBC
Militia Movements Plan 'Terror Attacks' Ahead Of Biden Inauguration | MTP Daily | MSNBC
RULES OF ENGAGEMENT AND USE OF FORCE ARE CLEAR. 18 U.S. Code § 2331.Section 5.the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States
Be safe US.
No Republicans

R,,,,,,, NOT,,, show up it’s all a joke,,,,,

the Republicans will not show up

like lambs to the slaughter 70% of these trump acolytes are out if shape are fake military and the veterans haven’t been used to live fire so it’s easy pickings for the national guard if it gets to the point of engaging them
They may attack CNN and even Fox who called the election for Biden. “I literally pray that im wrong” you all be blessed “America the great , will remain great”.
I don’t think they will attack the media as one of the first groups.
@pop tas hope they dont attack anyone at all but they are terrorist so. …
@censorshipleads totheNWO so when none of what you’re saying happens, how long has to pass before you admit you were duped? You don’t want to end up rocking back and forth muttering ‘it’s happening soon, you’ll see’ in a nursing home 40 years from now
@humbugs100 hope im wrong as well as you .
I don’t care about Melania or Ivanca!
I love Kasie !!!! (Don’t fear Kasie!!! I’m just an old German guy)
That red jacket with black shirt os TERRIFYINGLY BLAH!!
May God keep us all safe.
@censorshipleads totheNWO troll!
I guess that is what many people on the southern hemisphere of the planet felt through the past decades due to US military intervention in their nations.
The US has some karma coming. I don’t think it can and or will be avoided.
@pop tas yeah, Vladimir Putin has used traitorous Trump to see to that.
Maybe one day THE PEOPLE of the Countries of the World will stop letting our leaders destroy us with wars and retaliation based on grievances we know nothing about. It’s time.
@Cookie Boo Trump’s presidency is frightening, because it shows the level people are willing to go when idolatry comes into play. When people see you as a godlike personah a messiah.
Americans need to arm themselves against these domestic terrorists.
@Bill Goodman My point is you got a stick up your A if you perceive the media is lying, but you’re apparently ok with your traitorous leader being a compulsive liar.
That’s what law enforcement is for. The crazy trumpists think that way and it’s the whole problem.
@UCx3G3lVuX4iVFvHlLSP741Q Wave bye bye to the Whited States of America

Ahahahahahahaha, his comment is gone now!!!!
@Mordalo you read correctly ‘terrorist” thats what Trumo has turned you cowards into
Nacy says,..people will do what they do.
Queue more and worse Patriot Act legislation…
Guy forgot to turn off auto-tune after hip hop karaoke night
If they are not arrested as disarmed they will attack.
False flags are coming our way folks and get used to the word domestic terrorism being flooded on your airwaves .
Gee, Trump sure made America great again.
The birth of this revolution is in the rear view mirror, as it continues to ride the internet highway right into the present. I joined the Army in 1986, & took an oath as a service man for my country, to protect it from all Enemies, foreign & domestic. That oath should be fulfilled by todays Army, and should exemplify a zero tolerance policy for ANY & ALL who should take up arms against the Republic. To be clear, the REPUBLIC, are the US GOVERNMENT, as many erroneously think WE the people are the Republic, or the country is the Republic, The REPUBLIC, WHO THE US FLAG STANDS, were being attacked & under siege in the NATIONS CAPITOL, by an attempted coup choreographed by the sitting POTUS. The present state of affairs were expedited through social media, and the platforms allowed to exist through corporate Billionaires, and the Politicians they’ve bought. Make no mistake, the revolution began long ago, what we’re seeing now are mere casualties of war, the RECKONING and the AFTERMATH lay ahead … but 75 million cult Members think this is how to MAGA … Do you understand that this impasse ends in the implosion of the nation ? The nations Capitol, in a police state as we speak, is only a subliminal hint of what’s to come next. STAY WOKE, comes a Thief in the night
The hilarious part to me – is that these MAGA loons type out their plans to each other – text each other – email each other etc . .
Which the FBI appreciates by the way.
They have several years to wait if at all.
Is this where all the lefty hypocrites come to incite violence? Talk about a joke
If the Extremists are smart and do not post on Social Media, then the Government will not know they are coming.