Mike Pence says no president in his lifetime has lied as often as Joe Biden. Um…

During a recent interview, former Vice President Mike Pence said no president during his lifetime has lied as often as Joe Biden. In today's episode of The Point, CNN's Chris Cillizza explains how Donald Trump lied waaaaaay more.

#cnn #cillizza #biden


    1. Neither Pence nor Cudlow really care, their only concern is their political future. Pence will say anything you want him too. He once claimed cigarettes weren’t harmful, long after we knew different.

    2. @Healthy MBS yep read their bibles where they will be reminded they believe in a god who self defines as Truth (and the Way and the Life). The Truth- maybe those relying on distorted narratives to attain power might want a rethink now instead of at the Pearly Gates. These politicians who feel ‘chosen’ might want to remember it may be ‘chosen for a humiliating correction’ as happened to Australia’s recently rejected Prime Minister.

  1. Mike Pence must have forgotten that ” thou shalt not bare false” witness.
    That is a fancy way of saying lie. So much for him being a Christian. He can’t even get the 10 commandments right.

    1. @Scott Thompson “The fact that you admit he doesn’t exist is pretty good proof that he does.”
      I’m willing to bet you admit or believe that Vishnu or Brahma or Zeus doesn’t exist right Scott? Your comment can be used against you.

    2. @Sideboob actually any of those may have existed. Greek mythology was assumed to be just that for years. Then through archeological discovery things and places though to be myth were actually discovered proving at least some of Greek mythology is not so much mythology.

    3. @Scott Thompson So how is admitting something doesn’t exist pretty good proof that something does exist?
      Also, Vishnu and Brahma are Hindu gods, not Greek mythology.

    4. @Sideboob I probably can’t speak to say much about Hindu Gods because I have not studied or am not at all familiar with that particular religion. It would be foolish for me to think I could have a viable opinion or any kind of reliable, accurate statement about that. So with that knowledge I’m probably better off not to comment on it.

    5. @Scott Thompson So again Scotty, how is admitting something doesn’t exist pretty good proof that something does exist?

    1. That’s a scary thought and it’s sad he is insulting Biden’s honor. So so sad. I thought he was gonna become a hero.

    2. Yes. For some reason people are trying to forget that, when the Democrats and Republicans who hate Trump should be hammering that point home every single day.


  2. Poor Mike Pence. He really thinks he’ll be President one day if he just keeps on humiliating himself to defend Donald Trump…

    1. Im a Democrat, but if Pence or Trump was running for President I would I would vote Trump over that hypocrite Pence….

    1. @Chris Albert it begins with the recognition of a lie`~then the immediate realization that you’ve gotten yourself into a situation that you cannot get out of and you got there by giving in to your basest greedy desires, for power and fame or celebrity that is situational that you’ve gotten yourself into and now are stuck with it so to make it palatable you tell yourself it doesn’t matter and then suddenly lies don’t seem that important. I guess that’s how it works I don’t know cuz I really made it my personal Creed to not get myself into situations where I need to lie my way out of them. I’m not comfortable lying, it makes me feel icky so I tend not to do it or do anything to get myself in situations where it’s somehow necessary

  3. That man is confused about his loyalty to Donald Trump as much as he is about his sensuality. SMH

  4. I hope the researchers can find this: I recall when Pence was being interviewed for the VP position by Trump in 2015 that there was one question that made it out into the general awareness and stood out in my mind was trump asking Pence, “how would you like to be the most powerful vice president in history?” After what I’ve seen since then, I think Trump was playing the long game with presidential experience and he knew that he was gonna do something to stay in power before he was elected the first time. Any researcher can find the quote and think for yourself. All the news about it was in November 2016 – video, print, your name it. Just search ‘Trump asks Pence if he wants to be most powerful vice president in history’ and think for yourself.

  5. Just when I was starting to think that Pence was actually a reasonable person because of 1/6. I was wrong.

  6. A conservative Christian who successfully made himself believe that he was doing God’s work by supporting and enabling someone like Donnie could make himself believe anything. Not surprised really.


    2. @_Red_Panda_ The Holy Spirit leads believers in all truth. Also the Holy Spirit guides , teaches ,rebukes and corrects. Guess non Christians didn’t get that memo And the Holy Spirit is not Jesus nor God. He is His own person. Same God different person.

  7. He’s kidding right? The audacity of these sycophants is unreal. They bow to the real king of lies, Trump.

  8. This story is for my fellow Dems who were praising Pence for “standing up” to trump. Oh yeah…?

  9. Just as a reminder, somebody needs to send Pence the Washington Post’s list of over 30,000 lies and false statements Trump made while in office.

  10. Apparently Mike Pence hasn’t read the part in the Bible that talks about bearing false witness, nor the one that talks about the truth setting us free.

    1. “I for one believe the Seventh Commandment contained in the Ten Commandments is still a big deal. It’s the most important promise you’ll ever make.” — Mike Pence, Radio Show (1997) on adultery

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