CNN's Karin Caifa has the latest from Washington, where U.S. Vice President Pence has been evacuated from the U.S. Capitol Building.
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The entire world rn

I’m in Canada like

dude what are you even talking about ?? I think you need to lay of the drugs for a while
Trump stole votes from Obama. Biden won legitimately. Trump is gonna be sobbing in jail after the 20th, peaceful protesters turn terrorists
Hello from Canada
face will match the jumpsuit in guantanamo bay
America the banana republic.
always was
Every other country is next. We all need to do more NOW!
Bananamerica Republic… You’re right.
@sacred406 Ottawa next bud its coming soon we are already talking about it in groups. Burn it all down
@46336 34 Reported
Ask Susan Collins how she feels about her complicity in how today occurred.
She crabbin that olde sod
This is surprising, said nobody, ever.
unprecedented this unprecedented that
I hope Claus Schwab is paying attention .
I hope so too that old bag gonna get his time soon
americans lol
this really sums it up
could see something like this coming…very sad…very troubling…
2020 has entered the building
america has turned into syria
Are you surprised?
@Constantine Kuleshov I’m happy cause they get to feel like the immigrants they hate
@MulaRose and you hate America
@Eddy P I love America just it’s government is worse than third world countries
What goes around comes around…
pons in rich men’s games – and they don’t know it !
and yes
That’s right.
I suspect you don’t know how to play chess.
@Neo Anderson few reach to the back and get promoted to the queen (though there are other options) while the rest are sacrificed for strategical reasons.
@Neo Anderson king me
I do not know how about you but to me it looks like a winter of love.
Love it.
Ok, I see what ya did there……..
2020 saying: “hell no! I won’t go!!”
out of the frying pan and into the fire here we go. shits going to get crazy
Lol “voting irregularitys”
So… we not gonna talk abt the person that got shot ????
@sonicvictory Wtf is this comment?
@sonicvictory I just watched the footage. You are sick.
She participated in an act of terrorism and got shot. Not really much to talk about.
Secret service shot her
@Tim Peterson have you seen the footage? It’s probably deleted by now. I wish I didn’t see it.
In other news….Covid cases spike in Washington !
Welp you can’t fix stupid.
Lol, covid19 is like Osama Bin Laden. Neither exist.
Covid cant spread in protests tho. Dont you know facts bro?
Guess it’s Divided states of America now….
Agreed! Divide the country into two, USA and USB.
It has been for a while now.
@Taichi Master Can I upload some documents to the USB?
I watched that whole misinformed clip for a pic they barely showed. Lol
“Our lives begin to end
the day we become silent about things that matter”