Are people actually viewing him as a leader ?
For God’s sake, if Americans are panicking over this, geeze.
It’s a game with them. To feel important .
Ckean yourr hygiene
@General Rico Grow up son you’ve never had it so good , Trump has made this country great again . Educate yourself and stop listening to the lies . More people die of the flu every year . You need to start acting like an American , not a Democrat !
No CDC; no public health; lowest incomes with highest risk have to pay for vax; etc etc … the US’ health care system is built and designed for the rich.
Here’s a “Whole of America” approach for you:
1. Let unlimited number of flights into the US from known infected countries.
2. Do not quarantine the passengers from such flights.
3. Pretend that everything will be OK and that this virus is just a Democratic hoax.
4. Create fear, hysteria and helplessness through constant media sensationalism.
5. Crash the economy.
6. Allow tens of thousands of US citizens die due to a lack of universal national health care.
7. Allow big pharma to earn big profits on “treating” the people who can afford to survive.
THE APPRENTICE — Season 4 — the Presidential edition
@SBRINKERHOFFwake up! common flu mortality rate- 0.1%. Coronavirus mortality rate- 2-3%.
@SBRINKERHOFF I only remember seeing about 3 people killed by flu in my State in 2019
Are people actually viewing him as a leader ?
For God’s sake, if Americans are panicking over this, geeze.
It’s a game with them. To feel important .
Ckean yourr hygiene
Lindalee Law Isn’t this a good thing?
Everytime Pence or Trump are speaking on TV, I change the channel. I get any info I need from local authorities and local news.
Whole of America. Everyone is infected.
Not everyone but likely many.
So like the Walking Dead?
Well, that’s the most I’ve heard Pence speak in almost 4 years!
@General Rico
Pretty funny that t’rump didn’t want to do it so he passed the buck to Pence. Now that’s what I call leadership!
@General Rico Grow up son you’ve never had it so good , Trump has made this country great again . Educate yourself and stop listening to the lies . More people die of the flu every year . You need to start acting like an American , not a Democrat !
You can see the fear bursting out from both ladys at the back they are terrified they might know alot more than we know
Sharon Spence my spirit senses your fear.
Yup, this virus is everywhere now.
@themoistbanana can’t take all that money when they die. I’m sure they believe they’re fine because they’re payed to believe it.
@TCB * naw homie, these old folks are shaking in their shoes because they know they are the most vulnerable
I picked up on that!
dump isn’t even there and dence has to fluff his ego.
Hollow, inept and zero credibility administration.
So everything is actually fine, mainly thanks to the actions of his Beloved Orange Leader?
Halfdan Ingolfsson I don’t get it Isn’t this a good thing?
Boomer gotta find an angle to make orange man bad somehow.
No CDC; no public health; lowest incomes with highest risk have to pay for vax; etc etc … the US’ health care system is built and designed for the rich.
Test should be free, because it benifits all the population to identify those with the virus.
Darlene Gilbert : yep, it’s been called ‘herd immunity’ since the dawn of disease science.
No. It’s Not. The ‘Rich’ (whatever or whoever they are) Are Self Insured.
Socialized Medicine=Sudden
“Whole of America”, the virus may be a centrist.
He may as well have a couple of bobbleheads standing behind him lol
China: we’ll silence you
USA: we’ll bore you to death
Health coverage sounds really good now doesn’t it!
Mike Pence. Why do I not feel confident?
Here’s a “Whole of America” approach for you:
1. Let unlimited number of flights into the US from known infected countries.
2. Do not quarantine the passengers from such flights.
3. Pretend that everything will be OK and that this virus is just a Democratic hoax.
4. Create fear, hysteria and helplessness through constant media sensationalism.
5. Crash the economy.
6. Allow tens of thousands of US citizens die due to a lack of universal national health care.
7. Allow big pharma to earn big profits on “treating” the people who can afford to survive.
No, I go straight to comments and say stupid things.
Can’t listen to Pence any more than I can listen to Trump. Both liars and out of touch.
Mother told him to put a condom on if he was in the company of women. Mike, are you a good boy?
The whole of America approach = to elect a president so toxic that he can decimate the nation’s wellbeing quicker than a pandemic.
I pretty much know ,from previous experiences, that there is NO REASON to believe anything Pence has to say!

Why is Pence appointed to do the job of the Surgeon General???
Because if something goes wrong trump can blame pence.
.. I am applying for ballerina position
Semper Fortis cause this is the best guy trump has.
“We only just begun”…….for some reason this song from the carpenters came back to me…..the theme song for the Corona Virus