Mike Barnicle discusses his new column for the Daily Beast 'An Independence Day Wish for the Disunited States of America,' which Barnicle says has a leader that needs us to hate one another. Aired on 7/6/2020.
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Mike Barnicle Makes July 4 Wish For 'Disunited States Of America' | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Trump was disgraceful reading Stephen Miller’s speeches this past weekend.
@The Tweatles Wow! Hate much?
@tin pan alley 1619 Broadway Yes. Clayton Bigsby the original / actual Blackkklansman / republikkkan party and member of the #CULT45GOP

*Stay Healthy Y’all!*

No, only those pathetic enough to dislike Trump’s speech are disgraceful and fail history.
@dan112020 a self hating Jew, what’s new
Steve Miller is a little Hitler.
Yes, I know he was born to Jewish parents.
Trump the worst thing happened in america

@jeff mcgowan are you still up getting cranky without your nap lol lol lol lol well it’s been entertaining but I have work but you sit there in your PJ’s and play on the computer lol lol lol
@The Tweatles

Oh your delusions are hilarious
@Jim Morrison There are Trump supporters turning on Trump. They have had a taste of his incompetence and are paying the price of following his destruction. This is why Biden is leading. Trump is killing his own supporters. Thanks to Trump Democrats have been winning more seats.
Erica Espinosa that sounds like MSM garbage, they said the exact same in 2016. Biden is pushing a Marxist, socialist anti American agenda and he can’t hide any longer .
Bunker Boy has to go. This has gone too far. Vote out this failed reality tv fraud…
J. Noble
Exactly. The choice is clear. Vote out this charlatan. We won’t survive another 4yrs of this clown. The joke has been at our expense so far. Time for long overdue change. I will not let this fool destroy my country. Not on my watch. Enough is enough. He has to go. Period.
@Christina The One Percent rules America with an iron fist. Politicians r their soldiers that institutionalize their proclamations. Democrats try to enact legislation that is softer on the working class while Republicans devastate average workers.
@Randy Allen Softer on the working class? $93 trillion for the new green deal, $2 trillion for student debt cancellation and $35 trillion for universal healthcare. The United States is $25 trillion in debt today, not counting trillions in pension, social security and pension obligations. And not an inkling where the funding will come from. I guess all this makes sense if you lack common sense, logic and reasoning.
@Christina naw I can’t advocate all that. The dollar would b worth a penny on open market. But it still gets me that the majority of the stimulus goes to the big banks so that they can pay down their debt.
Good luck with that. Jibberish Joe has got to go !! Straight to jail for extorting Ukraine. Watch the video he brags about it but you don’t care since its a crooked Democrat doing it !!
Trump’s Stephen Miller fascist rants, were designed to insinuate that white Americans have only one choice. BUT the actions corporate America, in particular, banding together to confront ‘hate speech’ online, SHOULD have signaled to RepbliKKKlans that delivering a hate speech in front of national monuments was probably a bad idea. Trump is a wannabe dictator.
He is too stupid to be a dictator of America. He should find another country to try that!
may wilson ….Glad to meet you,

May! Be safe!
His Wanna came true, when he Walked on His Impeachment. He is ABOVE THE LAW–And He Knows it. HE and Putin will get US in a World War in order to Divert Attention–
can’t you see that coming?
My comments are being instantly edited. Stay off of this site.
American electoral college is a demonic undemocratic society. They should all be ashamed of themselves.
@Josef If you live in a democracy the majority decide the direction of a country or do you only want a “democracy” when it goes your way?
@Vivien Cole WTH are you talking about? We live in a republic.
@Josef Do you. You have an electoral college system which is not a true democracy. One person one vote, each vote carrying the same weight. Under your system some votes carry more weight otherwise as you say the people in states with the largest populations would carry the vote. There are many countries much more democratic than USA.
We call them electoral college but I think we should call it the electoral slave monarchs who are bent on enslaving poor Americans for life. They should all show their faces so that we know who they are. Take off your kkk masks and show us your faces. Obviously, you are not going to show your faces because you look like the devil that you are.
@Josef ok, we’ll let Mississppi Alabama Kentucky decide our future. Unlimited semi-literacy, opioids, TV religionista jesus-mania and inbreeding!!
Mike Barnacle… You Speak…Truth to Power. America Stay Woke…Vote
@frictionRx9 Are you tied to your chair forced to watch? Perhaps someone should call emergency services to rescue you.
@The Tweatles Blue Wave Coming to your state..try to stay Woke
@frictionRx9 But you’re here listening….
@Robert Lee You just read it truth to power.
@RyGuy Are speaking of the kook ade you drink…I don’t
Charge him with murder if not manslaughter stop this nonsense

Yes,,,12k counts and growing!!!
@Jordan If I really liked my own comments I’d have many likes you buffoon

@J. Noble Here you
the traitor will have no choice but perpetuate himself in power.
Meanwhile moscow mitch is laughing at the bank.
DangerDave Th whole world is.
how much $$$$$$
@Gillian Landry and therein lies the reality to come to terms with..that’s the ‘best’
Why not? His wife’s shipping tycoon family got 10 to 20 million $$$$ in a ‘small business loan’ relief.
Wait until the time is going to change … it will change
How do you think that a man that robbed hardworking American to make his wealth can change and become sympathetic.
Once a racist crook, ALWAYS A RACIST CROOK.
CocoLoco Whatwhat *soon to be totally senile racist crook.
This man must be out of the White House and this nation he and his worshipers are so without clues.I pitty all of them
@fried spaghetti Already senile and bo r
@Nancy M Ross, your sentence and spelling implies you are exactly that, not a native English speaker, uneducated, or all of the above. Btw, nice avatar, and, congratulations on your number of subscribers. Troll back in wherever you came from.
he is a clown and now everyone in america is at the circus ..wow what a crazy country ..
In a sense; but THIS CLOWN has a little Magic Box with a Button in it; and HE can Push His Magic Button –And WE Disappear–FOREVER !
I see the trump Russia bounty story has just suddenly disappeared … is all forgiven!?
The military personnel remembers. I assure you.
could be that there is a calm before the storm.
Just one of many
Yeah…what’s up w/ that? Boy! They worked REALLY HARD to bury that one.
The issue will be resurrected before the election.
We’re world’s apart and yet America is struggling with coronavirus, breaking records for all the wrong self inflicted and all ur dictator Chump kud say is it’ll go away.
I know eh? A Canadian perspective.
Watch out America. Trump’s is going full blast in his reelection bid with a strategy of DIVIDE and CONQUER.
@cindy clarke
He wishes he will Dominate
Also, statues, statues, statues! That is his winning point?
mervin sabile That is for sure. Old philosophy among dictators of history.
“I pledge allegiance to the Divided States of Trump, and to the Corruption for which it stands, one Faction without God, Divided, with DOMINATION and Injustice for all that are not in our Faction.”
MAGA Moscow Agents Governing America
I am athiest. However, if there is a devil in America, it certainly is Donald J. Trump.
@James Christie https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-goes-far-left-aoc-gets-top-campaign-spot-to-push-radical-green-new-deal-after-she-cheered-job-losses-last-month
@Jeff Woods – I see you didn’t answer the question but rather provided a link to an opinion that has nothing of substance, so I ask again. Name one “radical” thing Joe Biden has done in his entire life?
@Jeff Woods oops…forgot to include that if you believe anything that comes out of the brain of Ben Shapiro, you must have an IQ less than 50. Shapiro is such a laughing stock. If you had any knowledge of facts, you wouldn’t be admitting you even read Shapiro diatribe. This is too funny…dealing with your blatant ignorance.
Trump is the Devi’s
. apprentice.
James Gravil
DJT is his apprentice, that’s why he’s orange
People need to stop expecting him to change. This is who he is through and through.
Dionysus, the CAR actually stated that because of inadequate testing the number of cases may be as much as the times as recorded, and the same may be true of misidentified deaths.
@katherine A. Rodgers NOT ME ,I TRUST NO ONE.
@Dionysus —–this cat is the looniest trumptile on youtube!
Trump is a full blood Nazi, Nazi’s are not humans just scum.
He’s the same way when I was a vendor….
Trump doesn’t know that he is a really stupid person. Living proof that he is incapable of human feelings.
that’s the real danger.
Stephen M.
Sad that his followers endorse that.
Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and when the media showed the video his supporters would call it biased fake news.
And Trump said that himself IAM surprised the president on Mt Rushmore didn’t come alive and cover there faces in shame
@Donna Payne I wish they could have come alive and attacked him!
i bet you googled to get that quote LOL
When he shoots, he will want to be standing on the newly painted line that he says is a hate symbol. “BLACK LIVES MATTER”. Trump is very particular about the way he is seen in the media. He will want to orchestrate the cameras.
@Alex Hamilton I actually remembered the gist of the quote and the part about killing somebody on 5th avenue, but I did google it to make sure it was exactly what he said. I like to use facts as the basis for my comments. Not sure why you care if I looked it up and why that makes you LOL. I’m pretty sure you looked it up too, right?
I’m an old white guy and I have A LOT of resentment. Against Trump.
Putin is the worst president in America’s history. SMFH…
Wulfman317 You can add Trump’s name to Putin!
He’s better than a senile pedophile that once refer to black children has roaches… smh Yeah Joe Biden’s presidential material lmfao!!
This NEEDS to go VIRAL: https://youtu.be/eUBAAeuBpPQ Pass it on! Patriots Unite! MAGA Moscow Agents Governing America 1,252,517 views as of Fourth of July!
Putin is as Presidential as he wants to be. Burn the Democratic house down and build a Communist house on the site. Putin is playing the long game, comrade.
Distopian fool
Russian press called him the greatest foreign ambassador they’ve ever had.
another feather to the traitor’s cap.
And they’re right.