As President Trump continues to promote Hydroxychloroquine and spreads disinformation, Morning Joe discusses the lack of leadership inside the Oval Office. Aired on 7/29/2020.
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Mika To Trump On Coronavirus: ‘You Have Botched This From The Start’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Poor fauci he just drives over him with a monster truck of lies. He’s so jealous of smart people.
Snake Oil Salesman is President. Wake up, America!
Some brainwashed idiots will never wake up.
America’s permanently asleep!
@Brucifer Mephistopheles – Some of us are; the rest of us are DAMNED ANGRY!!
Per my investigations, this is why still lots of Americans are sleeping:
Trump is master in creating propaganda & conspiracy theories to scare & brainwash his voters, and then highlight himself as the only savior & hero against the fake news and the mess he himself created!
Please read my investigation report on how he is running the biggest propaganda & conspiracy theory machinery in US history under the umbrella of SOCIALIST Falun Gong’s media channels
(Link to the PDF FORMAT of my reports is also available in comments section of the videos – there are more reports on my channel on propaganda & conspiracy theories, including WHO, HCQ, 5G, China, etc.)
(Please share & subscribe)
@Willie White And because of the electoral college and gerrymandering, they have a disproportionate amount of voting power.
if trump gets covid-19, that “spectacular” doctor should be in charge of his care.
Haha, I’ll be his Dr!!
@Jakes hindsight Pretty sure that alien DNA has already been in use with the trump kkklan for a very long time. Inbreeding with reptilians is the only explanation for don jr, eric and ivanka.
Where is Doctor Kevorkian when we need him?
who else is numb to the president not taking corona seriously
You’re just numb period , stfu.
@Thomas Rogers haaaahahaha…good one hahaaa

tried real hard not to laugh
It’s been disproved many times over by the MAJORITY of doctors that Hydroxychloroquine is harmful to people who do AND don’t have the virus..
Doctors recommend that you don’t use this drug. I don’t understand why he brought this subject up again..
@John Woodard tRUMPtwerp
I’m not numb!!! I want him OUT
America and the normal way of life is over…People loosing their homes…its sad
dump: “I know more than all the generals”.”I know know more than all the Doctors”.”I know more than all the Scientists”. He doesn’t know his @$$ from a hole in the ground.
Please Vote and take someone with you.
Here’s what scares me even more: his niece said he will get worse.
His niece is the only sane person in that inbred family. After watching this lunatic for 57 years I’d agree with her, he has gotten WORSE over the past 4 years. Good luck getting rid of him in January.
I like what she said, too,that he knows the difference between right and wrong, there is no distinction as far as he’s concerned .I t is scary indeed
Worse he is pulling out all the stops to save that orange
butt from prison. At least for four more years…..
And Jr cries cuz he got suspended from Twitter for 12 hours over psychotic video
@Cheryl Downing Yikes! He is way to dangerous, that scares me that he does not know… Right from Wrong!!!!
Trunt: A man who could make you laugh by swimming in sulphuric acid.
Please Vote and take someone with you.
Harsh….yet true.

He couldn’t care less about Americans. He says this crazy doctor has valid information then immediately say he does know anything about her? How can anyone vote for this lunatic?
Please Vote and take someone with you.
Rob Aruba – I would take my mom but I took her in 2016 even though she told me that every president she’s voted for has lost. I think I’ll make her stay home this year.
Many will? Not me chump gotta go!

They want to see the country burn. At the end of the day. He is a billionaire. He can go anywhere he wants to go. Americans will be stuck in America.
I keep thinking, this is getting so bad for our country, Trump is going to wake up and do something correct. I need to give up that hope.
Unfortunately, for us… That ship has sailed…
Dusty Rains You actually thought that ? Seriously ? I am amazed you ever thought that..
From Amber says what-“bragging about a cognitive test is like bragging about passing a sobriety test.”
You can’t take him seriously, just look at his hair. He looks like a stereotypical snake oil salesman or the guy that tries to sell you a timeshare unit for a low, low fee.
“Everyone approves of Dr. Faucci do why doesn’t everyone approve of me?”
THAT is why you Orange Turdbomb. Because it’s ALL about you.
I am so sick of Trump blaming everyone except himself. He is the poster boy for “Loser”.
…And then bragging about all the lives he’s saved as we top 150000 dead…
Please Vote and take someone with you.
@Rob Aruba #Walkaway from the Socialist Democratic Party MAGA2020
@freebirdpv Those Lincoln Project videos are hurting you trump cult member’s feelings and I’m laughing my butt off. You can’t stay away from these MSNBC and CNN (and numerous others) videos that shred trump with his own lies and stupidity.
@freebirdpv Walkaway from the nazi facist republiKKKLAN party.- disabled veteran
Not agreeing with the worlds leading infectious disease expert – “pretty standard” yeah right.
As Putin said of Trump before; “He acting in accordance with his competence…”
Trump HAS botched this from the start…..just like he’s botched everything else he’s ever done. It’s not like we didn’t have a pattern here.
Please Vote and take someone with you
@Rob Aruba Here in Washington we have voted by mail for years, and the percentage of fraudulent votes is .00005%.
We’ve got this.
He’s feeding his delusional Cult followers, it’s as simple as that.
Hitler believe in cult too.
Of course trump thinks she’s a credible doctor. He’s a lunatic
Trump wants to help Putin achieve his goal of killing Americans proving he’s Putin’s puppet.