Our Europe Correspondent Mark Stone witnesses a distressing rescue operation by the Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) as desperate migrants are pulled from the sea. Some don't survive.
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There is something governments are not telling us. !!!
Copy the Australians, stop picking up the ships and they will stop.
stupid. creating conflict in places where previously there wasn’t any.
These look like economic migrants things must be really bad for them in
their home countries to do this but I doubt it will be easy for them in
Europe either.
The second rescue effort is f***** up. Why did they start panicking?
4:14 dont tell me they died under the crowd
They are all DUDES!!!
Send them back!!!
A better story would be “migrants pulled to the bottom of the sea”
5:05 Nah! They’ll just end up at Calais then hijack a truck heading towards
UK with knives or lead pipes, storm the Euro tunnel in their thousands or
take another dingy ride across the unguarded English channel
Computer says no..
This is an off shore taxi service they are obviously only trying to make it
the 12 miles off shore (convenient that this is the distance to
International water), I want to see how Tangier Group based in Italy
benefits off this. What is the point in bringing them to Italy to be sent
back, who supplies the life jackets, and medical supplies etc, is it
Tangier international, it wouldn’t cost £400’000 a month to set up a land
based prevention system in Libya so there has to be some benefit in letting
them come.