Midterm elections: Here are the House races to watch

CNN Senior Data Reporter Harry Enten breaks down the critical races of the 2022 midterm elections that may determine control of the US House of Representatives. #CNN #News


  1. _November 2020_
    “Could you imagine if I lose. My whole life, what am I going to do? I’m not going to feel so good. Maybe I’ll have to leave the country.”

    1. @JoeBidenSniffsHair he’s like the musicians playing the violin on the titanic as it was going down.
      Suck it up bud. Obsessive and irrelevant quotes aren’t going to make your clown party feel better now 🥺🤧

  2. “The red wave that’s coming is going to be like the elevator doors in ‘The Shining’,” Joe Rogan

    1. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
      🇷🇺Make America Grovel Again.🇷🇺

      🇷🇺 Remember …..
      Kevin McCarthy’s claim that MAGA neo-GOP is against funding America’s support of Ukraine’s defense.

      Putin’s “Russia Mir” motherland plans includes getting “occupied” Alaska back from America. 🇷🇺
      🇷🇺Help Kevin help Russia Mir.🇷🇺

      🇷🇺A Vote for MAGA is …
      …. a Vote for Putin’s “Russia Mir” 🇷🇺

  3. Cnn headlines today: Trump forgot to close the bathroom door.
    Cnn headlines tomorrow: we are in danger of another election interference by orange man and the russians.
    Cnn headlines Wednesday: its official that Donald Trump interfered in the 2022 midterm election.

    1. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
      🇷🇺Make America Grovel Again.🇷🇺

      🇷🇺 Remember …..
      Kevin McCarthy’s claim that MAGA neo-GOP is against funding America’s support of Ukraine’s defense.

      Putin’s “Russia Mir” motherland plans includes getting “occupied” Alaska back from America. 🇷🇺
      🇷🇺Help Kevin help Russia Mir.🇷🇺

      🇷🇺A Vote for MAGA is …
      …. a Vote for Putin’s “Russia Mir” 🇷🇺

  4. Poorest states in the United States, let’s look. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the national poverty rate was 11.2% in 2021, the same rate as in 2020. These states and territories have the highest percentages of poverty in the country: Mississippi, Louisiana, New Mexico, Arkansas, West Virginia, Alabama, Kentucky, the District of Columbia, South Carolina, and Oklahoma. Please look it up for yourself, start with google.

    1. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
      🇷🇺Make America Grovel Again.🇷🇺

      🇷🇺 Remember …..
      Kevin McCarthy’s claim that MAGA neo-GOP is against funding America’s support of Ukraine’s defense.

      Putin’s “Russia Mir” motherland plans includes getting “occupied” Alaska back from America. 🇷🇺
      🇷🇺Help Kevin help Russia Mir.🇷🇺

      🇷🇺A Vote for MAGA is …
      …. a Vote for Putin’s “Russia Mir” 🇷🇺

    2. Also WAY LOWER in the crime aspects. I rather be a little poorer than stabbed to death in broad daylight on a NYC street.

    1. @The Truth Hurts your right! I’ve heard hollandaise is good on vegetables too. Ill probably need the vegetables on Wednesday because Tuesday will be Taco Night.

    2. @See Banff

      Not against helping Ukraine, against helping russia, democrats, and taking from the American people.

      Biden is making America grovel and beg.

  5. The wisest thing that should be on everyone’s mind currently should be to invest in different streams of income that doesn’t depend on the govt. Especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a good time to invest in Gold, Silver and digital currencies (BTC,ETH…)

    1. Spam. Reported.

      I wish you parasites would just STFU and go away.

      I reported everyone on this bogus ‘conversation’ as spammers.

    2. My wife and I hold Mrs Mary Kay Gilbert in high esteem because of the £21,000 weekly profit we’re receiving trading with his strategies.

    3. I met Mary Kay once and she gave me and my family the cholera and covid and stole all of my pets food. Do NOT trust her, she is evil.

  6. *They closed your:*
    City, state, and national parks
    *They banned:*
    Get togethers
    Graduation ceremonies
    Nursing home visits
    Hospital visits
    *They said without the jabs you shouldn’t have access to:*
    A job
    Admittance to school
    Health care
    A meal in a restaurant
    Flying for travel

    1. Um you know that this has been happening all over the world not just America? Oh wait i forgot Americans think they ARE the world…

    2. @wjjonesy Not everywhere, and it was a conscious decision to maintain these rules in place. Republicans and democrats responded very differently, so did left wingers and right wingers. Many of those who supported the lockdowns considered strip clubs, abortion clinics and drug stores as “essential businesses”, they were allowed to stay open. They also supported opportunistic protests for their cause. They supported firing people if they didn’t take this new prescription drug even though their likelihood of survival or not noticing the virus was (is) close to 100%.

    1. Yes, I can’t afford food, gas, my utilities, drugs and illegals pouring over the border, crime out of control, running out of diesel fuel, drugs everywhere, inflation at a 40 year high, highest gas prices ever recorded, on the verge of nuclear war, but hey as long as I can kill a baby it’s all good. FOOLS

    2. @Kathy Calachino I hear what you are saying, however remember the embarrassment of the so called election allegedly stolen, embarrassment of the Transfer of Power, remember Jan 6th which resulted in death for some and all of the racially motivated deaths. The world watched America, the Super Power in horror 😳. Things you mentioned can be fixed if both sides come together for the good of the people. Democracy is at stake! VOTE 🗳 BLUE FOR 2022!!

  7. Amazing videos and thank you for breaking it down!! Despite the economic downturn, I’m so happy I have been earning $ 55,000 returns from my $9,000 investment every 14 days…

    1. This is the kind of information that we don’t get from most Youtubers I will get in touch with him right now

  8. Как можно принять участие во вмешательстве в выборы? 😂

  9. Republicans, respectfully, Y’all MIGHT LOSE!! When you compete, sometimes you win & sometimes YOU LOSE
    #NoSnowflakes ❄️

  10. if comments are any indicator of the results dems don’t stand a chance, although if I had been fooled into voting democrat I would be too ashamed to even read the comments let alone post one

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