Midterm election candidates made history as Maryland elects its first Black governor and Massachusetts picks the country's first lesbian governor.
RELATED: Long lines, voting equipment failures create challenges for voters | USA TODAY
In an election cycle with record numbers of LGBTQ candidates, the country's first lesbian governor was elected in Massachusetts, and New Hampshire voters elected the first transgender man to a state legislature.
The results have also seen new representation of women and younger generations, from the first female governor of Arkansas to the first Gen Z elected member of Congress.
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#Midterms2022 #Election #Election2022
Good to see this video
hello Billion how are you doing?
The machine has won this battle.
I guess you are assuming that long drawn out fixes, I mean counts, are always going to end up meaning a democrat wins.
@Apache Worrier correct
It was all rigged lol.
Define Voter Fraud
Voter fraud is brought up when the side that lost can’t accept loosing!
@Lori Exactly! Certainly wasn’t said when Gore and the hanging Chad’s crap went down!
Let me try this Again.
(I sent you a reply before, looks like The Fascist Google Gestapo didn’t like my Reply)
Lori, With All Due Respect:
If you really think that 85 Million Americans voted for This Cognitive Issued Joe Biden, you are Delusional.
You have what in Clincal Trials is called “Cognitive Dissonance.” You have been Brainwashed by “The Operation Mockingbird” Fake News Media.
And quite honestly, I am Ashamed of just how “Ignorant” you people are.
Have a nice day.
Any idea if they have any other qualifications to hold public office?
@Esteban Garita Donald Trump is a leader. He’s a very ruthless business man and can remember where he’s at and what he’s saying. Why do you think we voted for him? Join reality.
@Seth Seymour it’s more of the same, nothing got done, I supported most of Trump’s policies, but then again it was nothing but talk, I’m a realist, you either get it done or you don’t, I was promised a wall and it’s still the same old fence, still the same old swamp, same old promises, this is not a one administration issue, this goes back many many administrations, plenty of chances for both parties to give our country a boost, yet we continue to run towards a cliff, the US is bankrupt and it ain’t one party’s fault, it’s everyone’s fault, both parties are nothing but special interests, the people are the last thing on their mind… So at this point, put a hat on a frog and call it Mr. President and it wouldn’t be much different than what we’ve been getting for decades now.
Actually i don’t know
@Jessica Rose I’m gonna invest in crack cartels.

@Esteban Garita at least trump could speak, remember, actually do work, be a normal human, plus actually get some stuff done
birthday to remember and ice cream flavors? 
I mean Biden good to ya know he has his uh
So glad we are focused on identity politics, and not the real issues.
This video is about historic elections, not issues. Quit blubbering…
@Tommy Devine you obviously have a hard time with reading comprehension.
Republicans only have culture wars to run on
@Tommy Devine Sheeple
Lauryn Who???
More engagement, more inclusion. Good signs!
hello Merry how are you doing?
You can just hear the last of the investors willing to stave off the now inevitable recession walking away …and the door shutting.
. The next two years fate is now sealed
Real history will be made when both sides are able to agree and work together and stop slandering each other. It’s like watching a bunch of kids in a daycare fight over snacks to see who can control and eat the most.
Political Cults divide the Country, they don’t unite.
Stop playing their rigged game.
Name another job where its acceptable to do nothing & blame your boss & coworkers 24/7, without consequences.
@PMA nameless right! Exactly!
@Dirty Miner Apparel Its a cool club shell game that is supported by money laundering, nothing more. The moment S-Pacs & corp donations started, it pretty much destroyed chances of positive changes for reg folk. Its why they both push hatful extremes as stereotypes, while ignoring the massive amount we all agree on. Its baffling so many don’t see it, doom predictions never come & lately 50/50 elections. If 50% of the population was evil as many are convinced, wouldn’t we all encounter them daily? As they say ignore your lying eyes right. Craziest part to me is it seems the generations ole “Never trust a politician or lawyer” saying has been entirely forgotten. Iono, its obviously discouraging but I refuse to give up hope. I will continue to dream for the day the public realizes compromise will only come from us the people, not power hunger politicians. Best of luck.
@PMA nameless The post office benefits facility head and her sorority hires.
And Oregon’s governor race is woman vs. woman vs. woman
hahah, chi co vay thoi ha :D:D:D toi nghiep, ahhaahaahha thiet la thay thuong qua diii
We all know which way USA Today leans. Hilarious they choose this title & play with stressful creepy music to incite the tr0lls to exactly the effect they’re going for.
What a joke!
yea who cares about their policies right, GO DIVERSITY DERRRRRRPPPPPP
this country is falling apart. looks like the only safe place is Florida these days
If all the conservatives went to Florida the rest of the country would be nicer
@J H Thanks for sharing how brainwashed and dumb some people can be
@Hittman8499 Dark Brandon’s silent majority strikes again!
Not really, you will be hit by a hurricane sooner or later
False victory
It’s all fake