Mick Mulvaney Announces Impeachable Offense Trump Plans To Commit | The Last Word | MSNBC

The White House announcement that next year's G7 summit would be held at a Trump property is another example of Trump profiting off his presidency- and a clear violation of the Emoluments Clause. Lawrence O'Donnell discusses with Bill Kristol and Rick Wilson. Aired on 10/17/19.
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Mick Mulvaney Announces Impeachable Offense Trump Plans To Commit | The Last Word | MSNBC

Mick Mulvaney Announces Impeachable Offense Trump Plans To Commit | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. The G6 needs to have their event in another country and leave Trump out of it. Don’t even tell him. They can re-invite us when our country is no longer under attack from #TreasonousTrump

    1. I think the US government/budget is footing the bill from their talk of contracts, so once its done its done.

      Whether they stay elsewhere or not, the money will already be in Trump’s pockets.

    1. It is FAR from certain that Trump’s presidency is dying. It could be that it is being transformed into a dictatorship. Or, at least, something close to one.

    2. @Kermit T. Frog With the way trump sucks up to dictators like putin and Kim Jong Un that is almost certainly trumps end goal. trump got in because the last election was rigged in his favor, he knew it, that’s why he kept repeating it over and over again, which is classic projecting, “fake news” is another one, in reference to the “fake new” being spread by russian bot’s working out of St Petersburg, and the new one “corruption”, again, projection, because it’s very, very clear just how corrupt this trump regime is.
      I really don’t think people are treating this seriously enough, there WILL be interference in the next election, and because of this, it’s very possible that he’ll get in again. If he get’s in next election, that’s it game over, the US will become a dictatorship subservient to russia.

  2. Make no mistake, every republican on Capitol Hill knows that this is an impeachable offense. Trump is holding up his middle finger to the American people, and our Constitution. What is it going to take before they say enough is enough?

    1. As soon as the number of voters who want him impeached and removed from office goes up to 60% which won’t be long from now.

    2. anthony yeong the fact that they are just keeping quiet, tolerating everything shows that most of them are unfit for public office

  3. I really like America. I lived there for around four years and meeting lots of respectable people and great friends. It is a sad state these days seeing how this country (at least the current government) turned so casual to an apparent corruption.

    1. Heru……1st of all….welcome.

      Sadly it appears that racist fueled corruption was nearer to the surface than thought and Caligula45 has scratched the skin of our nation open to allow it ooze out.

      Sorry for our behavior.

    1. i predict trump will get russia in then take the US out and say “its to avoid conflicts not to hurt the US…”

  4. Mick was getting his own back after trump told him off for coughing during his interview in the Oval Office…

  5. Mickey is all in: Admit a crime on behalf of trump and immediately follow-up by announcing another impeachable offense: gross violation of the emoluments clause.

    This administration is truly a circus of clowns dancing around the orange horror clown at the center of it…

    1. The Trump GOP has entered the musical bus phase: leave only enough seats on the bus for all but one person, play music, throw whoever does not have a seat under the bus when the music stops, rinse and repeat.

    1. To start with, G6 leaders should refuse sitting with Trump and stop visiting him at the White House.

    1. I would hope that the other G7 leaders would refuse to attend.
      It would be better to exclude the USA until they start behaving like a first world nation again and just hold a G6 meeting.

    1. @Compassion Campaigner It’s time for Al Capone to PAY for his financial crimes against America and the planet.

  6. Perfect example that this president treats his office like he’s a dictator and running a terrible reality show!!!

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