Michigan’s AG Criticizes Move To Invalidate Election Results | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton wants the Supreme Court to invalidate election results in four battleground states, citing repeatedly debunked allegations. Dana Nessel, the AG for one of those states, joins Morning Joe to discuss. Aired on 12/09/2020.
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#Election #KenPaxton #MSNBC

Michigan's AG Criticizes Move To Invalidate Election Results | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Lisa Clark The one one who’s a pretend president is trump. Biden is our new leader in chief so get over it, troll.

    2. @Sara Conner you really believe this bull? They lost – all judges on Supreme Court, judges appointed by trump, through it out! It was a giant mass of lies! People all over the world are laughing at trump & his stooges! Those 2 companies are not connected, do the REAL research! Bottom line MORE AMERICANS HATE TRUMP than like or love him, that is why he LEGALLY GOT VOTED OUT!

    1. BOOM! Michigan Witness: “Van Full of Ballots Showed Up at 3:30 AM” (After Deadline) Approximately 50,000 Ballots – Van had Janice Winfrey’s name on It (VIDEO)

    1. @Modesto, ca Ramirez So Paxton isn’t suing to have election results overturned? And he isn’t under investigation for securities fraud?

    2. @Jon Dough you or your kids wont be able to go outside in safety. you’ll be hunted. stay indoors and worship your puppet marxist. and pray for survival

    3. @Beatrice M Paxton must have read Trump’s books. He has been in court now for 5 years over these charges.

  1. This is insanity, this is treason, this in just wrong. The polls predicted a Bidden win before the election even took place. What is the surprise. No one will over throw the election results, it is the people’s election not Trumps or Trumps supporters.

    1. 🇺🇸George republicans-“don’t vote for the republicans on the Jan 5 run off , don’t give these republicans candidates your votes” this is the head of the Republicans saying this maybe listen? The election 🗳 has been decided the republicans lost, maybe vote for the democrats so you can be on the winning side ❤️🇺🇸

    2. Yes….we all know how you anti trumpers want us to just take the knee, give it up, turn the head away from voter fraud, and just do whatever fake news says and just take it. Lol, you guys would luv that. There was voter fraud. And we have every right to challenge it. Same way how you clowns screamed russia for 3 years about bogus election interference. When you clown can even handle a couple of weeks of challenges on voter fraud? Lol. Clearly who are the week ones when you do that math ? Lol. Not only are you clowns the cowards. But beyond hypocrites as well..

      P.s Big tech was the real ones with election interference this year . With world wide proof. Lol. You in denial zombies

    3. Trump knew by mid-summer 2019 that he couldn’t win against Biden, which is about when he started shaking down our allies to try to find someone who would make up some dirt on the Bidens. That’s what the Ukraine thing was all about. How many others did he try?

    4. @Tech ti You are being played, Bidden was predicted to win in the polls and he did win. No major fraud, courts say it, reputable news media says it, republicans say it, dems know it, why on earth would you think every one is saying it. It is crazy to think every one is in on a conspiracy against Trump. I realize you actually believe in what you say but you are mistaken. The people have voted, its over.

    5. @Marshsa Dodgson That guy was paid to post….this tech ti guy is a paid russian bot. Easily spotted every time. Because trump supporters are in actuality very few…….the so called votes for trump are the real fraud here. Shame.

    1. @Blake Harkins Strangely enough those states haven’t been sued i guess if trump wins a state there’s no fraud. Hilarious

  2. Disbar Texas Attorney General and lock him up (deep in the heart of Texas) for securities fraud, election tampering, and treason.

    1. @SCI – Cyber Intelligence Sure, but you’re asking questions in the wrong order. The first step is to ask if there is any basis whatsoever for massive voter fraud. If so, people should be investigated and indicted. Then the question becomes “Is there sufficient evidence that there was enough to turn the election?” If so, then sure, Trump would win. As of now, you can’t even pass the first gate. The questions you should really be asking are: “Why did Trump lose by such a plurality?” and “Why are so many people more willing to accept obvious falsities spoonfed by a corrupt establishment when they claim to stand against those very things?”

    2. @SCI – Cyber Intelligence that’s is a big IF. From Trump’s past record, I am more inclined to believe he is the cheater. Isn’t there is a saying: once a cheater, always a cheater.

    3. @iCST also why Trump administration did such a pause job to prevent voter fraud if there is massive voting fraud. Why should anyone vote them in again?

    4. @Freedom Life never mind Democrats cheated their own Bernie Sanders, but back to basics, IF Democrats cheated, would you accept Trump as president? Yes /no?

    5. @SCI – Cyber Intelligence Do you have evidence that Democrats cheated in the General Election? I mean there’s evidence that a few Trump supporters tried to which had been proven.

      But that’s beside the point since we see you clearly have an acknowledgment problem. However do you have indisputable evidence of widespread voter fraud done by the Democrats? (Yes/No)

    1. 18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights

      18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law

      There are a number of other State and Federal laws that the Republcans are violating. But William Barr is part of the Republicans coup d’etat.

      But come January 20th there’s a new Attorney General in charge of the DOJ. All these Republican traitors should be charged and convicted.

    2. An attempt and failure at every turn. The Trump legal team covid-19 positive and attended Christmas party at Super Spreader Ground Zero (Whitehouse).

    3. https://thefederalist.com/2020/12/08/fbi-communist-china-spy-infiltrated-california-politicians-including-russia-hoaxer-eric-swalwell/ News you won’t hear on MSNBC. DECEMBER 8, 2020 By Jordan Davidson
      A Chinese spy cultivated deep connections with U.S. Democratic politicians for years, including with Rep. Eric Swalwell of California, to send political intelligence and personal information back to communist China, according to reporting by Axios.
      Axios reporters spoke to U.S. intelligence officials and former acquaintances of the spy, Fang Fang or Christine Fang, to outline how under the direction of China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS), one of the country’s primary spying agencies, she collected private information on U.S. bureaucrats, especially those in California’s Bay Area.

    1. @Andy Clear your diary for January 20th fella. Let’s see if you’ve got the cojones. Don’t go hiding now when Joe is sworn in, I am going to relish every second of that day. It cannot come soon enough. But we all know you will disappear when Chump gets booted out of the White House.

    2. @Andy Did you review those posts from Supreme Court?
      1. Yes – shows a case filed by Mike Kelly vs PA
      2. Shows that Judge Alito was assigned to review for disposition
      3. Judge Alito issued a response: “….denied”

      That specific case for PA is, therefore, not going to the SCOTUS.

      There are additional cases pending (e.g.; TX vs PA). In reality, do you REALLY think the SCOTUS will rule on that one… (like to be denied also). Further, put yourself in the shoes of a voter in PA. How would you feel if your vote was rejected b/c of what someone thinks in TX? Just don’t see the SCOTUS siding with TX on that one either….

    3. @Tech ti to be clear, Russia was no hoax.
      1. There were people that went to prison over that.
      2. Trump was impeached over Russia (granted, the Senate did not think the findings and facts were “enough” to remove Trump from office, but impeached nonetheless.) (That’s the equivalent of your boss submitting video tape evidence of you stealing something, but HR doesn’t think what you stole is enough to fire you. Even though you weren’t fired, you still stole something.).
      3. Further, the Mueller report had multiple Obstruction of Justice charges pending against Mr. Trump (but could not file those charges because of DOJ rules). The statute of limitations has not run out on those charges. Don’t be surprised if those are formally filed on January 22.

  3. The Texas AG is clearly attempting to violate and reverse voter rights by force for political favors illegally. It’s’ water over the dam.

    1. The Truth Is Out 777,It’s a waste of time. The election is over. AG Barr as well as election officials have made it clear. It was the most secure election in history. The people have voted. Those states need to get current with helping struggling citizens who are in need and not waste taxpayers money.

    2. What do republicans think that they’re just gonna steal this election in front of the majority of Americans and go back to their cushy $180000 a year jobs like nothing happened? H*** no this country will go up in flames it’ll be war those people will be killed this entire nation will be destroyed.

    1. @None Given What crimes? Please, explain, and make sure you give evidence, verifiable evidence. You can’t just arrest someone because you don’t like them. If that was true, you and the minority would all be in a great deal of trouble right now, because your continued support of Trump while he tries to overturn the will of the American people is now bordering on treason. He is trying to throw out an election that he lost, fair and square, and he KNOWS he lost. it wasn’t close, he lost by almost eight million votes. Oh, and by 74 electoral votes. That’s called a landslide, and there was not a single instance of voter fraud, and you know it, because every time you’re asked to present evidence, you don’t. That’s called a coup. fuckouttahere, loser.

    1. 🇺🇸George republicans-“don’t vote for the republicans on the Jan 5 run off , don’t give these republicans candidates your votes” this is the head of the Republicans saying this maybe listen? The election 🗳 has been decided the republicans lost, maybe vote for the democrats so you can be on the winning side ❤️🇺🇸

    2. BOOM! Michigan Witness: “Van Full of Ballots Showed Up at 3:30 AM” (After Deadline) Approximately 50,000 Ballots – Van had Janice Winfrey’s name on It (VIDEO)

    1. @Ρrσηατσr тεηδση John Hopkins University put it out and was automatically censored. Research and do some math. Covid = global enslavement

    2. @Brendon Flatt Automatically censored. 👌🏼👌🏼 sure buddy. This is why there is no chance at honest discussion when a Republican is involved.

      I’m ready to have any political discussion anyone wants to have, but you have some work to do in order to recover from being such a brainwashed victim of government propaganda


    3. @Brendon Flatt

      What are you intoxicated with bleach or Russian Vodka.

      Are you so deep down in the swamp.
      That you don’t know what the hypocritical Republicans and ” Putin puppet lieutenant frump ” are doing. They are doing their best to destroyed America’s democracy.

      They hug the flat while poo all over the constitution.

      Americans are dying and their only focused is to create a dictatorship by overturning a lawful election.

  4. So Texas, who prides itself on not allowing other states to influence them, is trying to influence other states? Typical Republican “logic”.

    1. Not that the lawsuit will go anywhere but, they are preparing for a counter suit because they do not speak for ALL Texans.

    2. That sort of “logic” is how Senate Republicans will suddenly flip from letting Trump do “acting” appointments to heavily vetting all of Biden’s, and rejecting many if they feel like it. It’s how 8 months before an election is much too soon for one president to appoint a SCOTUS judge, while 8 weeks before an election is just fine for another president to appoint a SCOTUS judge. Republicans need to get taken out to the woodshed.

    3. @surely you joke, mein failüre “Taken out to the woodshed” is somewhat ambiguous. As in {your female child} or {your male dog}?

    4. @snailure The usual context is “your red-headed stepchild who has misbehaved yet again”.

  5. the Texas dude just wants to be pardoned, Trump just wants to keep the donations flowing… thats really all there is to it, its just a scam

    1. @Jim Keogh that was the decision of the SCOTUS TO ALL OF trumps CAMPAIGN LAWSUITS… there’s always a new delusional excuse to people like you.

    2. @bLoWc16 You obviously don’t get either my point or the SCOTUS reply to Mike Kelly’s plea. That reply was specific to State Rep Kelly to overturn PA’s certification and allow the State Legislature to name its own electors. But in general, here’s the law regarding how a state legislature can name its own team of electors; in all cases, they can’t “overturn the will of the people (defined as the certified election results of that particular state):
      But thank you for playing along. No parting gifts, though. Sorry.

    1. I’d like to see 20 million separate lawsuits for Paxton’s attempt to disenfranchise the voters constitutional right to vote.

    2. Yes….we all know how you anti trumpers want us to just take the knee, give it up, turn the head away from voter fraud, and just do whatever fake news says and just take it. Lol, you guys would luv that. There was voter fraud. And we have every right to challenge it. Same way how you clowns screamed russia for 3 years about bogus election interference. When you clown can even handle a couple of weeks of challenges on voter fraud? Lol. Clearly who are the week ones when you do that math ? Lol. Not only are you clowns the cowards. But beyond hypocrites as well..

      P.s Big tech was the real ones with election interference this year . With world wide proof. Lol. You in denial zombies

    3. @Tech ti LOL! You have no evidence or proof of voter fraud, the best you can come up with are a handful of mistakes and none of that will erase 7 million votes. I’m not sure if you are as ignorant as you are a coward who is unwilling to except the consequences of putting some piece of trash like trump in the office and then expecting the rest of us to believe that he is anything but a con artist.

    4. @Tech ti do you ever think that just maybe your sources are fake news? You should look up their credibility and do so some fact checking. I usually use politofact, it’s one of the top ten most reliable factcheckers.

    1. @yerrba bola You know nothing except for hate and only your opinion matters. You don’t know how to live in a society that expects and demands compromise. You have lost your values,,, you just want your way like a spoiled baby. Funny part is, you don’t know what your own way is anymore. You just kept the hate…

    2. @Joe Scott next year it will be a terminal disease for thousands. you wont be able to go anywhere in safety, and your kids as well. stay in your bunker and worship your puppet marxist. but dont go outside

    3. @Michael Reed lol what is compromise is this country for the past decade? all i see is snowflakes crying when they don’t get their way. i haven’t voted or either republican or democrat in the past 2 elections. your ignorant for thinking you know how i feel lol. don’t talk to me about values, i’m not the one supporting corrupt dems and republicans, ape.

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