Michigan Voters React To President Trump, Joe Biden After The Conventions | MTP Daily | MSNBC

NBC News Political Reporter Vaughn Hillyard talks to two undecided Michigan voters after the end of the two conventions. Aired on 08/28/2020.
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Michigan Voters React To President Trump, Joe Biden After The Conventions | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Michigan Voters React To President Trump, Joe Biden After The Conventions | MTP Daily | MSNBC


    1. @Tanner Snell please with that tired ol crap—-but i will say that hillary would have ko`ed this 19 in the first round because she is a decent human where as agent orange was banking on it killin minorites but uh oh——now it`s decimating his base,poor cultist shut your yapper racist smiley face punk.

  1. I am from Michigan….
    This can’t be a regular representative of my State. He needs to hear about FREE Dental Reform. But seriously we are fed up with Trump. DUMP TRUMP!!

    1. @R McElhaney nah!! 👎 Let me tell you this! If Joe Hiden wins? It will be over for America! Don’t Argue! and Don’t get triggered! truth hurts but it will set you free. Biden will sell this country to the Communist/Socialist. Do the right thing this time! Do not vote for your own Destruction and Demise. Vote for a President a leader that will lead us to our Brighter Future and Security. not a president that promotes Violence and Domestic Terrorism. Biden is supporting the BLM/ANTIFA along with his fellow Left Radicals/Liberals. they are the ones that are setting this country in flames then they’re gonna blame it all on Trump. Biden should not Win. Drain The Swamp!!!! The Swamp that Sinks America for Years. And Biden is a Senile. Quid Pro Joe, Senile. Truth hurts! But don’t get TRIGGERED!!

    2. @BONES na ah!! ☝️ Trump should only be charge of Tax Fraud If Trump really didn’t want to file his income taxes until Hillary Clinton released all of her Emails! You should have paid attention on Trump vs Hillary 2016 Presidential Debate. Trump mentioned about Hillary’s deleted emails.

    3. @Marco_Slug ShotGun
      I did watch, also along with Trumps soon to be ex-wife using her personal server for official business just recently. Calling the kettle black huh? Not to mention trying to protray a 4 Star Marine General as “Weak”
      While he has done nothing but play golf and blame others

  2. Please listen to Biden’s speech again. He mentioned climate change, Healthcare, infrastructure, and equality for all, and honoring our First Responders.

  3. “Whoever is president has to calm this whole thing down” – Trump is president RIGHT NOW, why isn’t he calming things down? Why isn’t this guy asking himself this question.

    1. Ask yourself why is all the riots happening only in Democrat controlled states and city’s and not in republican states and cityd

  4. Honestly, how anyone can be “on the fence” at this point? Plus I wouldn’t give any creedence to polls or voter interviews.

    1. Most people think they are both horrible candidates and have good reason to believe so. I doubt we will see over 45% voter participation this year and it isn’t only to do with laziness but and apathy but on the fact that they want better choices.

  5. Hes a secret Trump voter…
    A lot can happen in 60 days….lot more lies….he can say Biden more than 41 times…that was one day….thats what 2460 times in 60 days….😉

    1. @edward cunha Please tell me what happen with the Russian collusion investigation I cant remember, oh yes nothing.
      Please get a Vasectomy would not want to pass on your stupidity onto another generation.

    2. @Doctor Tedums – have you watched the entire clip in context? Biden said the N word, quoting a Louisiana legislator so that he could highlight his disgusting racism. Those weren’t Biden’s thoughts, they were someone else’s and he was literally condemning them.

      Go and watch the full clip on C-SPAN.


    1. Lowest black unemployment in history. And sheep call him racist? Fools. The best has yet to come. If you vote Joe Biden it means higher taxes for lower income people and entities. Which means struggling mom and pop shops in low income communities will struggle. Don’t vote Biden. They want kids to make your clothes in China. Sell outs.

    2. @Nick The unemployment rate is sitting at 10.2% and things are only going to get worse as more businesses shut down for good. To put things into perspective the Great Recession had an unemployment rate of 10.6%.

      Over 180,000 dead Americans and a bad recession because Trump mishandled the virus so poorly. If this is what what he have to look forward to with Trump, then I can’t wait to see what a competent leader can do. You bring up China, yet they make Trump’s ties and hats, Ivanka has how many deals with them that daddy brokered for her, during his presidency? Talk about irony…

    3. erik3423 we’ll see what the jobs report says Friday. Economist and investors are pricing in a very strong 2021, they always project one year into the future as opposed to now. They probably already know it’s going to be good. This administration has brought back a ton of jobs to the US that were lost from the Great Recession, many who felt betrayed without jobs voted red and are going to again.

    1. banburryjammer, oh Joe Hiden had been sniffing children’s hair for 47years!!! And he also been a Quid Pro Joe! Otherwise his title name “Senile” wouldn’t be up for nothing!
      Oh poor DEMOCRATS out there! If you read this comment? Don’t get TRIGGGGGGGGEREDDDDD!!!!!!!!

    2. @Lizzy MH hahaha!!! Democraptards!!!! TRIGGGGGGGGEREDDDDD!!!!!! Democrat! Weirdooossssssss!!!!! Trump is gonna Win Y’all! Hahahaha! 😂😂😂

    3. Marco_Slug ShotGun Exemplary use of the English language! It’s not surprising your country is in the state it is.

  6. “You can’t just wantonly go into someone’s business and burn it down.”
    Okay. Fine. But how about you can’t just wantonly go and shoot a man in the back 7 times.
    Or just wantonly kneel on a man’s neck for almost 9 minutes.

    1. @Sasquatch
      All the witnesses saw him carrying a AR-15 style rifle. It is a semi-automatic weapon which makes it a machine gun. Plus, that law only applies for hunting seasons, not to go to the middle of a protest.

    2. @loudboy317
      Lol ugh no a semi automatic weapon is not a ma hine gun moron. Lol you don’t even know what anything is you and your party are a joke.

    3. @loudboy317 This is the second time I posted this for you read it this time.

      Machine gun definition

      A gun that fires rapidly and continuously as long as the trigger is held back.
      A gun which, by means of a variously contrived mechanism, delivers a continuous fire of projectiles.
      A fully automatic rapid-firing rifle, which continues to fire bullets repeatedly as long as the trigger is depressed;

      Semi auto definition
      (of a firearm) automatically ejecting the cartridge case of a fired shot and loading the next cartridge from the magazine but requiring a squeeze of the trigger to fire each individual shot.

    4. @John D
      You’re the real joke for defending a white kid who had no business driving from Illinois to Wisconsin in the first place.

  7. This IS trump’sAmerica. What has he done to bring citizens together? Nothing!
    Expecting trump to do anything different is insane.

    1. @Nick that’s not the media’s responsibility. If YOU can’t control yourself and educate yourself OBJECTIVELY that’s your fault. Stop blaming the media. You’re the one making the choice

    2. @Be a leader Not a follower “Biden is talking green energy.” You funny, only took him 47 years and 8 of those years as the second most powerful person in America.

    3. @BrantheBroken “Was America on fire coast to coast with protests”

       It’s the job of each Governor ,Mayor and other elected official of each State, City and County to do so, make sure their State is prepared for any pandemic, what it be closing down schools, business and travel restrictions, purchasing ventilators and PPE , protecting their citizens from violent protesters and more. Trump has offered Federal help too all these States has he not, no tell me what did these Governors and Mayors do.
      Now you show me one Governor, Mayor, Democrat and the MSM that has acknowledged any of this violent protesting been going on.

      Now onto your next and this one really funny by the way thanks for the laugh.

      “Did Ebola rampage across the country ” I believe there were only 15 Americans infected with Ebola. But you are forgetting one the H1N1(2009) virus, only 12,500 died, but 59 MILLION Americans were infected. The age range of those killed by the H1N1 virus was 20 to 49, now if the H1N1 was like Covid 19 meaning the age ranges were the same the death total would be around 2 million as of today in America. Lucky for Obama the two virus are completely different.

      Now onto your next not so well thought out comment.

      ” because the president denied science and let it spread?”

      The Centers for Disease Control first asked permission to study COVID–19 within China on January 6, 2020, but was barred by the Chinese Government from entering the country until mid-February; by then it was too late.

      President Trump also offered US help to control the growing crisis.

      “We are in very close communication with China concerning the virus. Very few cases reported in USA, but strongly on watch. We have offered China and President Xi any help that is necessary,” Trump tweeted. “Our experts are extraordinary!”
      * The Centers for Disease Control, being the premier infectious disease research institution in the world, was well situated at the beginning of the COVID–19 outbreak to both assist China’s response and prepare the United States to handle the virus should it spread internationally*

      China refused two direct offers from the US to send infectious disease experts to help fight the virus’s spread, and a third made via the World Health Organization. But you wouldn’t know that would you.

      A study by the University of Southampton found that if China had taken action 3 weeks earlier, the spread of coronavirus would be reduced by 95 percent globally.

      On January 21, 2020, the CDC confirmed the first case in a 35-year-old man (with symptoms of pneumonia) living in Snohomish County Washington. He was released from the hospital on February 3 after two weeks of treatment, including the use of the anti-viral drug, and remained in isolation at home. The man had recently travelled from Wuhan
      On January 24, the CDC confirmed a second case in a woman in her 60s living in Chicago. The woman had recently travelled to Wuhan to take care of a sick parent. On January 25, the CDC confirmed a third case in California. The person, a man in his 50s, was released from the hospital on February 1 in good condition to in-home isolation.
      On January 26, the fourth and fifth cases, also travelers from Wuhan, were confirmed in Los Angeles patients were no longer infected and was out of isolation.
      On January 30, the CDC confirmed the sixth case in a man in his 60s living in Chicago The first case of human-to-human transmission in the U.S., the man contracted the virus from his wife, the second case, and had not recently travelled to China The couple was discharged.
      US coronavirus: First death in the United States confirmed in Washington state.

      The patient was a man in his 50s who had underlying health conditions, according to Dr. Jeffrey Duchin, health officer for Seattle and King County, Washington. County health officials became aware of the case on Friday, he said. You did notice (who had underlying health conditions) , this will be a problem for anyone with underlying health conditions and the older they are, on mater with this COVID-19 of the flu.

      With 6 cases and 1 death.

      Jan. 31, 2020 Trump administration said Friday that it would bar entry by most foreign nationals who had recently visited China and put some American travelers under a quarantine as it declared a rare public health emergency. What did the news media and Democrats call him let’s see a racists.
      As of January 31, 2020, the U.S. government requires Americans returning home after travelling in China’s Hubei Province to submit to a 14-day quarantine. The United States is also denying entry to non-Americans who have travelled in China within the preceding two weeks. The US government has evacuated its employees as well as non-employee citizens from Hubei Province and from the Diamond Princess cruise ship in quarantine in Yokohama.
      Media outlets bashed President Donald Trump back in January after he implemented a travel ban from China because of the novel coronavirus – a move that many other countries have now followed. The Trump administration first made the announcement Jan. 31, 2020, announcing they would restrict foreign nationals recently in China from entering the U.S

      House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens. While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.

      Democrats’ fight to keep U.S. borders open to the world during the spread of the coronavirus was echoed by 2020 Democrat presidential primary candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) this week when he explicitly said he would not close America’s borders to protect Americans from the coronavirus.
      Wow seems like the Democrat were not taking the coronavirus that seriously, or could it be that they just hate Trump so much that they were willing to put your health at risk.
      ” because the president denied science and let it spread?”
      “At this point, sharply curtailing air travel to and from China is more of an emotional or political reaction, said Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, an epidemiologist and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota,” according to the NYT article.

      The Washington Post also bashed Trump’s travel ban using a Chinese ministry spokesman. The article includes a quote from the spokesman criticizing the travel ban and noting that it is against WHO’s recommendations.

      “The World Health Organization [WHO], which declared the outbreak a global health emergency this week, has recommended against any travel or trade restrictions in response to the outbreak. Member countries, however, do not have to comply with that guidance,” STAT reported.

    4. @Sasquatchverbal magacult diarrhea Kellyanne, Trump’s America is on fire, divided, weak, corrupt and pitied worldwide.
      Go tell Rvat.org otherwise

    5. Omar Monelle if people unplugged from all social media platforms, I could guarantee you people wouldn’t be going nuts today and trying to rewrite history. Technology is not healthy for the human mind.

  8. Did he just say he hasn’t seen anyone talk about renewable energy when Biden had a whole hour press conference about that exact topic 💆🏾‍♂️

    1. @James Davis also what about people that struggle to pay bills and would be forced to put solar system on their home

    2. @James A another Trump supporter that doesn’t have facts. It is not just about turbines…and, no, it would not destroy forest.

      Do you not understand how many f’ing acres of land there are in America where there is no forest. There is nothing? My God, you people are ignorant.

    3. @James Davis “You people are ignorant”. This is the exact same line of thinking that lost you the election in 2016. Remember the deplorables? The truth is that there is room for both sides here. The Green New Deal is very exaggerated and puts us at a disadvantage in many ways, but I think it’s important for us to consider its overall vision. It does not make sense to be dependent on other countries for energy, nor does it makes since for us to rely too heavily on only one form of energy.

  9. Everyone’s approach to calming down the protests is to arrest the protesters . . ., what about addressing the root of the problem – systemic racism within the police culture !

    1. @ultsnv https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://amp.kansascity.com/news/local/article243553662.html&ved=2ahUKEwiN45jAxsXrAhVaGs0KHX5VCFEQFjAHegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw0EWf49qICyesLO0FZHxT93&ampcf=1
      “The heavily armed individuals who flaunted themselves at the protest, calling themselves a ‘civil guard,’ were there for one reason: To menace protesters, to present an unsanctioned show of unregulated force,”
      They want to capitalize on any type of event, whether it’s a hurricane or the pandemic or these civil disturbances, to try to add fuel to the fire and destabilize society so they can instigate a race war or civil war, overthrow the government,” said Daryl Johnson, a former terrorism analyst for the Department of Homeland Security.

    2. @Daniel Scott
      The fact that white people are shot by police does not, in any way, prove that systemic racism does not exist within the police establishment. What about the FACT that people of color are far more inclined to be falsely arrested/detained/questioned, stoped and searched, wrongly accused/convicted, etc.? You know – the ROOT of the problem !

    1. So oil jobs don’t pay natural gas jobs don’t pay electric companies don’t pay all of those jobs and more will go away under Biden

    2. Spot on – none so blind as those who cannot see. Unconditional love is blind and it leads straight in to abusive relationship. Trump is an abuser plain and simple and in the end if he is elected again, in 4 years time all his working class, middle class supporters will start crying bitterly claiming they never knew and were never told!

  10. BIDEN and HARRIS will make the changes needed to move this NATION Forward and OUT of this chaos!!!! 🙏💖😷🇺🇸🔑

    1. Exactly, at this point if you are still undecided it’s because you are an embarrassed Trump supporter or you’re not going to vote.

    2. Been scrolling through just about every political topic video, I am actually shocked to see a lot of long time voting Democrats switch in favor of Trump despite voting for Hillary in 2016. Do not be shocked if we see a bigger swing this time.

    3. I really don’t see a higher turnout than 45% even this year of qualified voters and it is not just laziness. The reality is that many people simply won’t vote because neither candidate appeals to their values.

  11. “What has Joe Biden done in 47 years?” Well, Joe Biden has never been the president so a lot of things he has done were behind the scenes. Trump on the other hand has had the reins for four years. What has he done other than make everything a thousand times worse? Even at his worst, Joe couldn’t even compete. Stop listening to Trump’s lies.

    1. @Lizzy MH has his sons made millions from Ukraine or the family manage 1.5 billion for China where Bidens make 30 million a year managing it

    2. @Awakened Trump will obviously outperform Biden in the debates cause he’s a better speaker. He will make his lies sound like the truth for America as he has always done. He thinks by calling the democratic party ” radical left” can prove their policies to be wrong and his right.

    3. @Bat Vishal smart people see through lies, only gullable people get caught out. You say trump is a better speaker, not sure I would agree with you there, bidens a career politician, trump just a businessman

  12. The fact that Donald refuses to acknowledge that we need clean energy, should be enough. Why do you need to hear how he feels? He has MADE IT CLEAR how he feels over 4 years

  13. It’s interesting how Jerry what’s-his-name didn’t mention the reality that the Trump administration hasn’t been creating civility… But it’s also interesting how stupid people are.

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