NBC News learned today that the President himself called the two Republicans who initially refused to certify Joe Biden's win in Wayne County, Michigan. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson joins Katy Tur to discuss. Aired on 11/19/2020.
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About Katy Tur: Katy Tur is an NBC News Correspondent and anchor of the 2 p.m. ET hour of “MSNBC Live.” A dogged journalist, Tur emerged as a breakout broadcaster in 2016 while covering the entirety of the Trump campaign across all platforms for NBC News and MSNBC.
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#JocelynBenson #JoeBiden #MSNBC
Michigan SOS: MI Republicans To Rescind Their Certification Of Votes | Katy Tur | MSNBC
Trump himself is powerless. It’s Republicans who empower this vile con man.
@Larry Rowe um it’s the democrats who are anti life and want god out of the pledge of allegiance… just sayin. Do your homework. Jeeeeeeez dunce.
@José Luis Alcántara Sánchez Not stupid, actively working to ham string the mortal enemy of his puppetmaster
@Mike Steven well, land of the free and nazi flavored fascist dictatorship have nothing in common, so that would put you on the side of the democrats. You had me thinking the other side at first because it’s the white wing extremists who are fond of calling anything to the left of Adolf Hitler 2.0 “soyboys”.
Wake up! MSNBC is a propaganda machine for the left. Election had massive fraud and they won’t acknowledge this. The independent internet has though and it’s all over the web. You stink MS.nBC!
@greg j agreed!
The Psycho is out of control! Its pathetic. Trump is such a loser!
@Vegan Man FDR saved our country by implementing the new deal “Socialist” programs during the depression. We need something similar now. Oh how scary! What scares me more is totalitarian dictators like Putin, Kim Jong un , Duterte, Bolsonaro and our very own Trump! Interesting to note, many of those countries have the most deaths from covid-19 with ours being the worst.
@Ron Swanson No ronny, you’re ignorant and willfully stupid.
@Callise Allysea Artemis Yeah, you need to adjust your tin foil hat and take your medication.
“Out of control” assumes that he was at some time “in control”. This has never been proven.
He’s a spoilt brat who has never been disciplined.
It’s time.
A decade or two in solitary confinement aught to do it.
@Ron Swanson Typical response from a right wing Trump supporter, no dignity, no class, no integrity and definitely no humility.
Election interference is a felony. He should be prosecuted for this crime if not for anything else once he leaves office.
@Brenda Jones when did Trump do that?
@pbodymathis yep throw away the key far as I’m concerned is treason. They tried to pull a coup and got caught.
@david forte Of course, you’re willing to be interviewed by the FBI that you are indeed, an actual ballot monitor and you saw monitors kicked out, right? And that’s after they inform you that perjury carries a term of five years in jail. You should think long and hard. Are you really willing to go to prison for Trump?
@jeffrey taylor There are nutjobs everywhere. It would be foolish to say they are Republicans or Democrats. The Arizona SOS, her family and employees are receiving death threats. I would imagine that the Georgia SOS is getting the same treatment. The Michigan Governor was the subject of a kidnapping plot and possible murder. Extremists on either side of the political spectrum, are mentally ill.
@Jack Stevens just look yourself in the mirror and you’ll see a real moron. Thanks!
The Michigan AG needs to file for an emergency injunction against Trump immediately. His behavior has just crossed into criminal territory.
Just crossed into criminal territory?
@Mistare Anonymouse No substance… says the clown that spits out “loser by association” in a short sighted grammar school frame. I make a lot of sense with my words. Perhaps you should reread it a few times to add some substance into your hollow skull.
@hugh g rection foolish sheep hahah
@IGWT do you really believe crap like that? You should probably use fact check and check their credibility.
@hugh g rection HAHA who runs the fact check? All of these big news networks have lost any credibility years ago. The journalists don’t journalize any events anymore. They cherry pick info and grossly misrepresents reality. With that being said you aren’t witnessing the news or journalism. You’re being spoon fed propaganda from fictional story tellers.
I’ve watched plenty of cspan press conferences in there entirety and seen how insanely inaccurate and misleading these mainstream news sources along with there fact checkers are.
Their giving him an audience. Why? Thar’s exactly what he wants. Ureal!
It shows just how corrupt they are too. Disgusting!
You might want to tune into alternative news sites because Trumps legal team just dropped a bombshell.
One of the most worrying things is that over 70 million people voted for this cheating, lying, poor excuse for a President.
@Anna B old cubans yes they were traumatized by their own actions because they were the elite class who repress the working classes in old cuba causing for people like castro to rise amongst the poor classes . the new cubans also known as cuban americans have nothing really to complain about as they themselves have created the old ambience of totalitarian regime in miami dade county and by afiliation florida , is the same way we are headed in general in the rest of the united states because we keep thinking like in the past . cops don’t respect civilians , are killing civilians left and right , all social programs that are meant to protect the citizens when life gets hard are gone . the poor class has grown out of control , the rich are withholding all wealth politicians do not listen to civilians and people are not really paying attention . people are too busy fighting amongst each other as a people we have lost all sense of balance , paradigms like socialism and communism are being used against the people . mean while they make laws to cage all of us and anyone who brings it up is shut down by people who for some reason vote against their own interest . never mind it takes a lot of education to understand and i don’t think you have it . have a great day anyways .
…its really scary to have 70 million people in america who are enjoying to the wrongdoing of EVIL TRUMP
… and most of them are saying they are conservative christians
… real CHRISTIANS are not condoling division and
lying… because those wrong doing are BROADLY WRITTEN in the BIBLE… or those “conservative christians” are reading the wrong Bible????
liliameave but 79 million voted for Biden.
@Sarah D 1. What you have googled is propaganda the Trump administration has put out. I am talking about real information. Verified. Like when it says 4 million jobs…..where are they? What industries? States? Companies? How were they created & by what program?
NEWMAX? R U KIDDING? I feel bad for so many of you who have been fraud by this man. Its honestly just. So. Sad.
Everything Trump says and does is classic Narcissist Authoritarian.
@Monique Benoit That’s because those 70 million people are racist .
What dirt does he have on these people… he goes down he’s taking everyone with him… BYEEEE
I think it is being drunk on false ego and entitlement, consumed by greed and trying to keep unfair advantage.
He won’t take anyone down with him. Republican supporters have proven time and again to have ZERO ethics. They’re utterly shameless which is confusing because they claim to be bible loving overlords of decency.
right?! what I would give to be able to listen in on these “Trump-conversion” conversations. does he bribe them with money? black-mail them with dirt on them that the Russians probably hacked into their systems and found? does he threaten their political career or possibly even their life??
or maybe they really are just god-awful people who have no shame or ethics and will go along with anything no matter how corrupt in order to be backed by Oompa Loompa!
And no one has come up with any proof for any of his accusations of voter fraud!!
No dirt. Just death threats from his followers
Welp, looks like we got another “perfect call” from the president.
Seriously, I would like to hear and read the original “perfect call ” without abridgement and in it’s glorious audio.
Just calling to see if you feel “safe”?
@J SMARTIN of course I feel “safe”.
@Larry Rowe Aight…
@Larry Rowe that was what Trump supposedly said on the phone call?
This is like a cheap movie that nobody could afford a decent script writer.
You are right, the cheating demoncraps could not have done a more evidence riddled operation but, isn’t that how they operate, sloppy?
I hear Rosie O’Donnell is starring as t-Rump. She knows the movie will flop, just like the real president and his administration. She is not in it for the money, just wants to keep his failing legacy going….

And all the strong women that he has put down or called “nasty”, during the rolling credits, they say. “You’re Fired”
@pbodymathis and they’ll still walk away with the win ‘cause repuglicans are supported by inbreds… cue the banjo music.
Lol lol that was everything lol lol
@insomanic i totally spit my coffee
Im stealing this “repuglicans” lmao
Trump himself has never been a true American President. He is a con artist.
You are ignorant
@Gary Bonadio Asa far as I am concern only the illiterates and the ignorants voted for him in 2016 and I am not one of them..
Don the Con!!
You speak the Truth, Abraham Lincoln! TRAITOR Trump is Anti-American, Dictators, such as Wannabe Trump is, watch citizens of the country die and continue to destroy America to hold onto power.
unfortunatly he is a very good con man, but karma always wins
Trump is trying to push this country towards a civil war so that he can have his confederacy and we can topple him. This clown is a national disgrace.
Trump has said that politicians are corrupt. He’s the president now, hence a politician. We all saw this coming.
@sheik Yo booty Lock him, his family and every republican who is backing him up!!!!!!!!!
@Roman Ward I can only laugh at you now
a laugh where I’m bent over slapping my knee saying whew chile…
@Wanda Matthews
@Megadog No one compares to trump,and his enablers. They have destroyed our democracy and run our country into the ground. He is a crook and so is his family , what kind of people vote for a person like this? He has ruined our country. We are the laughingstock of the world.
@Kimberly Grothen I have high hopes he’ll be the corrupt jailbird next.
he’s just showing us why he was impeached for doing this sort of thing with the Ukranians a few months ago
Every county has certified. He’s trying to sow confusion, again.
The sad part is not that a lying, broke crook becomes president, but rather that so many are fooled by him!
Trump is the worst, I hear you!
Because they would rather be fooled than admit the truth in my opinion. The republican party has for years been a far cry away from the Nixon years Republicans. Notice i capitalize the Nixon year Republicans and not the republican party. It is a deserved distinction.
The only reason why he has so many supporters is: he says the things that ppl really want to say, And trust me most of it is really nasty
TheMakerOrWA. They were fools already Trump had nothing to do with that .
Accusing others of cheating the votes all while himself is trying to cheat votes.
Make it make sense!!!
It’s not what plump is doing, it’s what everyone else is enabling him to do!!! Weak weak weak!!!

I’m disgusted!!!!
USN Veteran
Your not alone. There are plenty of us vets disgusted with the GOP. This is traitorous and anti-democratic.
@Juandisimo So what are you guys going to do about it?
Thank you for your service. Just veterans speaking up helps alot but you’re speaking to the choir here. Try right wing media sites. We need your steadfastness to penetrate the minds of the delusioned. Thanks again.
The headline is false. They can’t have a “do-over” and rescind their votes. They *asked* to rescind their votes, which they can’t do. And Trump was the motivator. Next he is inviting MI lawmakers to fly to Washington to do what – overturn the results of their citizens’ vote? My God – Trump is a walking talking disaster. Did you vote for this POS? On a positive note, the AP declared Biden the winner of GA tonight, and a federal lawsuit was tossed that asked to block GA certifying its vote tomorrow.
Trump is a scary, insane old man. He wants what is not his.
as his followers
I’m so glad everyone is finally seeing that Trump is nothing but a lying, spoiled crybaby. Joe Biden won this election fair and square, and Trump knows it. Trump is just mad that he lost.