Michigan man charged for threatening to kill FBI director and congressman

Prosecutors unsealed a criminal complaint against a Michigan man accused of threatening to kill a California Democratic Rep. John Garamendi and FBI Director Christopher Wray, adding to the spate of recent alleged criminal threats against lawmakers. According to court documents, Neil Matthew Walter made several threatening statements online and in a voice message to lawmakers and law enforcement officials. #CNN #News

Michigan man charged for threatening to kill FBI director and congressman


    1. The First Amendment is greatly limited and always has been. Specifically, it constrains THE GOVERNMENT from retaliating against a citizen for political speech. It has no other application.

      Threats against individuals are covered by criminal law. Defamation against named individuals is covered by civil law. Stupid random statements are not criminal or civil offenses.

    2. @Eddie lol go to an NRA meeting and tell them you believe civilians should have access to weapons grade plutonium, uranium, and tritium

      Sad fact you’re not synthesizing more radioactive elements than the US or russia, and you’re only going to wipe out an entire city full of civilians

      Nuclear armaments are for mass murder, and are specifically why the entire US military sent A10 warthogs shooting at civilians like yourself.

      Also you will never equate to the value of russia or the US and nuclear armaments would have to be treated the same as anti material weapons. Not normal ballistic, but kinetic weapons

      Like a tank cannon? Government gets to know the exact location if you want to own one legally. Too bad most illegal ones are probably not going to work well unless you’re getting supplied as a domestic terrorist working for foreign countries. And at that point you forfeit your rights as a citizen of the united states and are open to a lot of attack methods including bunker buster missles.

      Thing is the FBI director has said civilian drones are being outfitted with IEDs in the US by gangs and terrorists. Soon some kid at schools going to say I hate the bloods or crips, and the entire school is going to look like an attack by the Iranian revolutionary guard

    3. @Terrans United i get your point. Of course I’m being ridiculous.. but it doesn’t seem like the NRAholes have a limit on what they want legal. Why does a normal person need an assault weapon after all? Should we be alliwed to have bazookas?

    4. @Eddie oh I know a flat earther that’s okay with the whole zip tie and execute january 6th peoples, but I told him about gangs making radiological drone bombs and even HE said like “whoa calm down”

      No one wants to salt the earth in honest aside sicko terrorist mfs

      But tbf there are likely some people that would gladly be an awful terrorist because of hate for the US or indoctrination to gangs/cults

  1. These people that believe these crazy things should truly be locked up for along time. This country is bigger than this.

  2. Anyoene that threatens polititions, or any body, should be arrested, fingerprinted, their background throughly investigated and perhaps serve time in jail until a jury can hear the case.

    1. @Jkarma335 so troll because your dad is embarrassed by you because you are “minor attracted person” or his son never played sports growing up? definitely fitting a proven pattern.

    2. @holden Johnson says the nazi i bet you attend klan rallies too also i bet you are mad your party lost in the midterms too your comment is the reason why your side lost too.

    1. some in congress just dont care about us and its most likely true and they get paid 174 for blocking bills man good job sounds like

    1. This is not to do with intelligence. It’s mental instability. Since Trump became President it was a work moment for the criminally insane in the USA. And I am no Democrat nor Trump supporter. Just a rational conservative.

    1. They’re looking for illusions because they didn’t learn to handle their realities – they’re frustrated that they’re not that someone else they envy

    2. many on the left can’t distinguish fantasy from reality either.
      there is a solution. its called enforcing the law against the rich. you arrest not only those making the threats but also the rich who DON’T condemn the threats. the u. s. has a HORRIBLE problem with holding the elite accountable for the crimes they commit. just look at bannon and alex jones. it took YEARS to hold jones accountable in civil court but he’s never been criminally charged for his crimes. bannon has been spreading violent rhetoric for years yet remains free to spread his hate and lies.
      personally, as a last resort i have cussed, screamed and yelled at corrupt people but i NEVER THREATEN THEM! i challenge and criticise the gay lobby all the time but i’ve never been threatened by them; yet. but MY LIFE HAS BEEN THREATENED by maga, just on youtube, over ten times since trump announced his 2016 campaign. both sides are corrupt but only one side threatens to kill.
      maga is doing EXACTLY what the nazis did to take over germany. the germans did NOTHING to stop them and the u. s. is following the VERY SAME PATH! GODDAMN IT! enforce the damned law.

    3. Struggles with mental health issues and shows up at the door with a handgun? 2nd amendment rights above common sense in action.

    1. the left is being lied to, too!
      there is a solution. its called enforcing the law against the rich. you arrest not only those making the threats but also the rich who DON’T condemn the threats. the u. s. has a HORRIBLE problem with holding the elite accountable for the crimes they commit. just look at bannon and alex jones. it took YEARS to hold jones accountable in civil court but he’s never been criminally charged for his crimes. bannon has been spreading violent rhetoric for years yet remains free to spread his hate and lies.
      personally, as a last resort i have cussed, screamed and yelled at corrupt people but i NEVER THREATEN THEM! i challenge and criticise the gay lobby all the time but i’ve never been threatened by them; yet. but MY LIFE HAS BEEN THREATENED by maga, just on youtube, over ten times since trump announced his 2016 campaign. both sides are corrupt but only one side threatens to kill.
      maga is doing EXACTLY what the nazis did to take over germany. the germans did NOTHING to stop them and the u. s. is following the VERY SAME PATH! GODDAMN IT! enforce the damned law.

    2. @jaklin hyde Your statement sounds very aggressive to me. Also as inaccurate as most sweeping generalizations?

  3. No, it is elected officials like (Republicans) running for office, who make passionate but wildly exaggerated claims about marginalized groups in our country. These messages are seen by their base who is fearful, angry, and resentful of those they perceive to be the cause of all of their woes.

    1. @Ralph Lyle am gay and not American nor European but from my point of view. Aren’t the democrats the ones who said believe all women, that black people couldn’t be racist, support CRT, LGBTQIA can do no wrong. the BLM riots which costs millions of damages, and destroyed small businesses, injured a lot of people were told by democrats to believe those were peaceful riots? At the same time ignored recent crimes including the recent one at Walmart because the perpetrator was black. All are cult like behaviors. While I did hear Trump complain that he was cheated, but Hillary Clinton did the same. And so did every other losing politician all over the world. So your rant really doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

    2. @Sean McCartney pla·gia·rism
      Learn to pronounce
      the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.
      “there were accusations of plagiarism”

    1. Some parents will defend their son saying he’s been in hospital for years. Why didn’t the parents notify the police or Social Services?

    2. How would he NOT have guns in his possession? Everybody knows the 2nd Amendment was intended to arm the violently mentally ill.

    3. Because lawmakers has pushed to make sure they can buy guns. Obama passes a law that stated that people who had such mental problems that they can’t even take care of themselves cannot buy firearms, and Trump repealed it.

  4. What about the guy who called for, and lead the insurrection at the Capitol Jan 6th?? When will he be charged? He fired up his storm troopers, told them to march to the Capitol and FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT LIKE HELL! (The moron also said that he would march together with them but decided to watch the mess on TV instead.)

    1. there is a solution. its called enforcing the law against the rich. you arrest not only those making the threats but also the rich who DON’T condemn the threats. the u. s. has a HORRIBLE problem with holding the elite accountable for the crimes they commit. just look at bannon and alex jones. it took YEARS to hold jones accountable in civil court but he’s never been criminally charged for his crimes. bannon has been spreading violent rhetoric for years yet remains free to spread his hate and lies.
      personally, as a last resort i have cussed, screamed and yelled at corrupt people but i NEVER THREATEN THEM! i challenge and criticise the gay lobby all the time but i’ve never been threatened by them; yet. but MY LIFE HAS BEEN THREATENED by maga, just on youtube, over ten times since trump announced his 2016 campaign. both sides are corrupt but only one side threatens to kill.
      maga is doing EXACTLY what the nazis did to take over germany. the germans did NOTHING to stop them and the u. s. is following the VERY SAME PATH! GODDAMN IT! enforce the damned law.

  5. This has been growing for a very long time. 20 years ago as editor of a newspaper I was threatened along with the congressman, so this isn’t anything new. Now you have elected officials who are basically cheering these people along just to get votes

    1. This should have never happened to you or the Congressman. You were just doing your job. This is sick. USA, a country in decline.
      But pointing the finger and blaming some one else is the theme of the day. Too bad the American people tolerates it.

  6. This is what happens when you give permission to those that have NO reasoning skills and are fill of anxieties. Instead of being able to help others, our police and other law enforcement units are having to use their time to track down people who now find it easier to act upon their fears. How do we put the devil back into the bottle so the rest of society can get on with living?

    1. Under normal circumstance the justice system would end up adjudicating conflicts. Here however, the law making arm of the justice system is doing a bunch of the inciting under the banner of the Freedom Caucus. Until those individual who do the inciting are held accountable we are continuing to go downhill. It affects all of us because it affects the economy. As the US gets crazier, people will shop less, tourists will come less, fewer new businesses will get started and the economy will be less productive. Essentially we’re trading gun rights (the gun manufacturer’s dream bait) for economic prosperity for all.

    2. @Heike Childs Freedom..It is a fragile and fine line. Our bundle of thoughts that we entertain and defend every day is powerful. The fear of the past repeating itself is where the paranoia comes from because ‘knowing’ the past gives us a sense of control at least over present and future. Most unstable people will project themselves into the future while referencing the past.

    3. Give permission for what? It has never been illegal to be stupid or deluded. You are permitted to criticize or correct them.

    4. Struggles with mental health issues and shows up at the door with a handgun? 2nd amendment rights above common sense in action.

  7. This is to be expected when Traitors are running around free. Hawley, Green, Flynn, Trump, Boebert and others.
    It’s time to put these traitors behind bars.

    1. And hold them accountable to the fullest extent of their crimes. Up to and including the death penalty for high treason.

  8. I agree Domestic terrorism/violence isn’t being adequately addressed. If it had, the Jan 6th insurrectionist would have been sentenced to real time, not slaps on the wrist.

    1. The previously unimaginable has happened: The island of Martha’s Vineyard, the seasonal home of democrat billionaires and hundreds of elite democrat cultural and political movers and shakers, not to mention one of three year-round homes of the Obamas, has finally experienced that rarity previously limited to the mainland: violent gun crime. And surprise: The alleged perpetrators are not MAGA white nationalists. Rather, evidence so far points to migrants, possibly of the illegal kind.

      This is a bitter pill for most democrat Vineyard residents to swallow. The island’s six towns have all declared themselves to be sanctuary communities. Last September, the island rallied around fifty brown illegal migrants who were flown there at the direction of republican Ron DeSantis – before they were bussed and ferried off the island to a military base less than two days later. Some mean people called it a prison, say it isn’t so!!!

      A violent wake-up call . Last Thursday, November 17, minutes after it opened for the day, a small bank in the island town of Vineyard Haven was invaded by three armed masked men. They threatened, subdued and duct taped the employees and proceeded to make off in a stolen car with an undetermined amount of cash – after brandishing semiautomatic handguns to intimidate the bank personnel. Apparently no one thought they needed “Gun Free Zone” signs, which always work.

      Nothing like this crime has ever been seen on Martha’s Vineyard. Previously, the crime rate on the small democrat island off the southern coast of Massachusetts was almost non-existent, confined to things like DUIs and the occasional passing of a bad check. But now, like many other democrat communities that have declared themselves to be sanctuaries for illegal immigrants, things are changing.

    2. @TurboFreak The Bureau of Land Management has also been way too tolerant of conspiracy theorist sovereign citizen nutbag ranchers using federal land illegally. You are so right to call them out for not properly punishing white christian cattle ranchers in the West for destroying habitat and stealing water from federal land! Not to be rude and correct your point but it has been more like four decades of them going way too easy on those criminals. Or were you trying to say you are upset about Black people and their allies protesting against the systemic oppression that Americans of African descent have faced with remarkable and exemplary Christian goodwill in this country for the last 400 years?

  9. People have the right to say whatever they want. They do not have the right to get a free-pass for any consequences tied to their speech. Elected officials should be held accountable for the extremism they are stoking in many in their party.

    1. President Trump will be back in Power Soon!! With the Congress in GOP Control we will Impeach Biden by finding out what is on Hunter’s laptop, we will Impeach Dr. Fauci , and we will Free all the political prisoners of the Jan 6 MAGA rally.. Big Changes are coming soon… Can’t Wait!!

    1. As long as there has been any religion, violent acts have been done in the name of righteousness. Recent crimes are done in the name of bigotry and political beliefs.

    1. @T fascist trash.
      She makes you wet yourself without even trying. She humiliated Trump every time they met. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🫵🤏🧠

    2. @UberLummox it’s going to happen. When you’re both profoundly ignorant and stupid, there is no other outcome.

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