Michigan Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist says the growth of far-right extremism “starts at the top” with Trump and state Republicans, noting their tacit endorsement of the armed demonstrations against Gov. Whitmer in May.
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Michigan Lt. Gov. On Domestic Terrorism: ‘Democracy Can Defeat These Destructive People’ | MSNBC
Donald Trump is killing America
@Dan Dan You Cuomo-19, and Dementia Joe Kid Touch didn’t want travel bans and its estimated that 2 million Americans would have died from the coronavirus under Dementia Joe Kid Touch!
You got that right baby. And the sad thing is that many ignorant people don’t understand is that Trump needs to stay in power otherwise he’s in big trouble as he knows he is going to be found guilty of tax evasion with sentences anywhere from 5 to 15 years. That is why he in one of his speeches said, “Not for 4 more years, What about 12 more years” Remember that? And don’t forget what he did in the case of Sudden Cash Windfall In 2016.
So if he loses he’ll face criminals charges and remember that he owes more than $400 million dollars and who knows to who, meanwhile if he continues as president he can easily delay those proceedings the same way he’s been handling his taxes, that is his true fear not to lose the elections.
@Tony Rocco Making you cry is not a real crime! Mueller Time??????

@Tara Reade Making you cry is not a real crime! Mueller Time??????

@Tara Reade You Cuomo-19, and Dementia Joe Kid Touch didn’t want travel bans and its estimated that 2 million Americans would have died from the coronavirus under Dementia Joe Kid Touch!
So many defending treason and domestic terrorists. We are truly screwed.
Open the economy..World Health Organization stated yesterday that the lockdowns were meant to be temporary https://youtu.be/63Ihe-PwKZw
PLEASE share this message with as many people as possible., if you feel u want to.
If it helps just one person feel safe enough to cast their vote, then it’s worth doing.
Plus…It might trigger some despicable maga snowflakes too…(that’s a bonus).
If you intend to vote in-person, but you’re worried about feeling threatened by Trump’s hired thugs.. WEAR RED, VOTE BLUE…..!!!!!!
@Holdyour Plums ……don’t worry……the idea that all Biden supporters are “snowflakes” is far from reality…..a whole lot of independents and Democrat Auto Workers are volunteering to be at the precincts to keep watch on the little trumpeters in their maga vestments……
@Out & About Nobody’s saying that all Biden supporters are “snowflakes”.
I’m calling the trumpists ‘snowflakes’…
Holdyour Plums …got that….I was just saying that trumpeters think “libs are snowflakes” but the ones that try to scare people from voting will find out how the unions, factory workers, and the lovers of true freedom will protect our fellow Americans right to vote safely and freely. There is a whole movement of concerned Democrat and independent voters that are signing up to watch for intimidation at the booths.
Can you just imagine, just to score black votes, Trump used images of Dr King and J. Robinson, Trump is hideous. Really if you had to go to the 50′ & 60’s to find a “black Republican”, you have to examine your God…..vote BLUE vote BIDEN
@John Watt they use drano in meth? Wait how do you know that?
PLEASE share this message with as many people as possible., if you feel u want to.
If it helps just one person feel safe enough to cast their vote, then it’s worth doing.
Plus…It might trigger some despicable maga snowflakes too…(that’s a bonus).
If you intend to vote in-person, but you’re worried about feeling threatened by Trump’s hired thugs.. WEAR RED, VOTE BLUE…..!!!!!!
@Logan McLean …..so, what atrocities? Remember, the really bad stuff that the old Democrats did was done right before they switched the party to be named Republicans……..
Out & About
Democrats just pander to whoever they can get votes from. Being racist was normal in the past. So democrats had no problem with it
https://youtu.be/HyEkLRSDJQ0 The BCP report. Everyone needs to watch this great black man and get a new perspective on what’s really going on.
Here’s a good idea for Republicans in the State Capitol of Michigan, how about banning guns from the State Capitol building. You would think that not allowing extremists dressed up like terrorists and armed to the teeth onto the property and into the Capitol building would be a no-brainer. Thanks to republicans, an entire platoon of yahoos armed to the teeth can just stroll into the Capitol building whenever they want. How anyone thought that was okay is beyond me.
As a gun owner I say … Ban guns from the State capital NOW!
OVERLEVENDE1 this old scare tactic that “Dems are coming for your guns!” Is stale and doesn’t work. And you can’t get any gun you want. By your “if I can’t have em, don’t make em” logic, all car makers should only make cars with an 80mph top speed and ignitions that don’t work unless you wear your seal belt.
Absolutely! The situation is completely absurd. No where else on Earth would that situation be allowed except, perhaps in some middle eastern countries. If that’s what American ‘Freedom’ looks like, armed men in camo running around the city with no restraints, then you can keep it!
Ronald Reagan was the first one to do it in California as Gov. when the black panthers Bobby Seal marched in the state capital wanted to have a talk. GOP don’t talk about that Do they?
@Bill Wilson The traitor in chief has never denounced white supremacists. “Stand back and stand by” is not a denunciation. “Sure” is not a denunciation.
Daily Reminder: Trump called Corona Virus a Democrat Hoax that will “magically” disappear.
I pay more federal taxes than Donald Trump.
@American Patriot Neither does trump.
American Patriot hmmmm – yeah that’s not how it works either…
@American Patriot *_Taxes and donations to charity are two different things. Did you really try to defend trump paying 750 in taxes? Are you braindead?_*
American Patriot trumpy steals money and owes 421,000,000

to someone or someone’s
@American Patriot f**k off you stupid toilet.
Like his own companies…Trump is running our country into the ground….and the GOP leadership is letting him.
@Victoria Biggs Why are you listening to the WHO now? Chump and his followers dismissed them months ago. He pulled the US out of the organization and stopped funding.
tami king Why not! Any information that could reopen the country is welcomed !
PLEASE share this message with as many people as possible., if you feel u want to.
If it helps just one person feel safe enough to cast their vote, then it’s worth doing.
Plus…It might trigger some despicable maga snowflakes too…(that’s a bonus).
If you intend to vote in-person, but you’re worried about feeling threatened by Trump’s hired thugs.. WEAR RED, VOTE BLUE…..!!!!!!
Not _letting_ him. Actively enabling and helping him.
https://youtu.be/HyEkLRSDJQ0 The BCP report. Everyone needs to watch this great black man and get a new perspective on what’s really going on.
Trump is supporting Domestic Terrorism, just because he can use them for his own reelection, Is this America?
PLEASE share this message with as many people as possible., if you feel u want to.
If it helps just one person feel safe enough to cast their vote, then it’s worth doing.
Plus…It might trigger some despicable maga snowflakes too…(that’s a bonus).
If you intend to vote in-person, but you’re worried about feeling threatened by Trump’s hired thugs.. WEAR RED, VOTE BLUE…..!!!!!!
@Victoria Biggs And accompanied by stay at home, wear masks when out, wash hands frequently, and don’t touch face, practices meant to reduce the virus’s spread and nit overwhelm the medical system. We’ve done none of those well, unlike Taiwan, S. Korea, Norway, Japan– all countries with strong traditions of social responsibility.
Kathleen Flacy Really, we did for quite some time! Till Trumps briefing and his popularity became alarming for the Dems so they decided to activate plan B – the rioters and BLM movement to create division! It’s obvious..
@Victoria Biggs Bahaha! “Obvious” means it’s hogwash and/or can’t be proven. More ungrounded conspiracy theories flying about in the wind.
Kathleen Flacy denial is your safe space
How are these laws allowed. In Maryland they better not find you walking around with a gun. America has some real crazy laws.
It’s sad but true. Most people didn’t know that Assault rifles were allowed in a Capitol building.
Now they know, it will be vote against soon enough. Hopefully
Trump is the worst President ever for so many reasons, vote for Biden and save America from falling!!!
@Dani Vertiz take your ignorance to another country. I know you hate facts and trump so we dont want your ignorance in the USA.
World Health Organization stated yesterday that the lockdowns were meant to be temporary https://youtu.be/63Ihe-PwKZw
PLEASE share this message with as many people as possible., if you feel u want to.
If it helps just one person feel safe enough to cast their vote, then it’s worth doing.
Plus…It might trigger some despicable maga snowflakes too…(that’s a bonus).
If you intend to vote in-person, but you’re worried about feeling threatened by Trump’s hired thugs.. WEAR RED, VOTE BLUE…..!!!!!!
@William H , and yet in national polls he is beating Trump by at least 10 points. William why do you think that is? Could it be they know what a failure as a president Trump has been?
@Peter Muchman You’re correct, it was that way. I watch Fox for the humor, and even they’re abandoning him most recently. Even they know he’s insane.
Democracy relies on an informed, non-brainwashed electorate. There are too many uninformed, brainwashed people in America right now…
I have faith most of them will come to their senses when the orange lesion is removed
*_Way too many trump cultists._*
In 2016, approximately 63-million U.S. eligible voters drank the kool-aid and gave their souls to the Malignant. Like Faust, there is no coming back from such pack with Mephisto.
Donnie has a way of bringing out the worst in most people and he’s at the bottom.
@OVERLEVENDE1 It doesn’t matter what you think. You’re a loser. So is Trump. Go to your room and play with your toys, little boy. It’s all over for your side.
@Tessmage Tessera oh believe me I am cleaning up my “toys” making sure they’re fully functional for you.
@OVERLEVENDE1 My toys are bigger. Much, much bigger. Here in California, we have a really great toy called the FA-18. Wanna come out and play, little baby boy..?
@Tessmage Tessera I think Trump is one of the most corrupted men to ever hold office but if you think you’re simply going to vote away evil then you are in deep deep denial.
@Thyalwaysseek I didn’t say we were going to “vote away evil.” I said we’re going to vote away Trump. As for the rest of the evil, that’s going to take time and effort. One hurdle at a time.
This is worst than a third world country politics.
Jeffrey Dahmer reported!
@Andres Herrera I can smell the tacos and burritos from here!

@Jeffrey Dahmer Go back to chewing on corpses, Jef. As an Incel too afraid to use his own name, you’re a pretty pathetic troll.
@Jeffrey Dahmer Michelle has a PhD
You got that right baby, And the sad thing is that many ignorant people don’t understand is that Trump needs to stay in power otherwise he’s in big trouble as he knows he is going to be found guilty of tax evasion with sentences anywhere from 5 to 15 years. That is why he in one of his speeches said, “Not for 4 more years, What about 12 more years” Remember that? And don’t forget what he did in the case of Sudden Cash Windfall In 2016.
So if he loses he’ll face criminals charges and remember that he owes more than $400 million dollars and who knows to who, meanwhile if he continues as president he can easily delay those proceedings the same way he’s been handling his taxes, that is his true fear not to lose the elections.
So right. if Trump loses then everyone needs to stop talking about Trump and start reporting on biden a nd rebuilding our country. Trump keeps it up because we eat it up.
Best way to shut a narcissist up is to smash their mirrors. Let the court deal with him. So I agree. Let’s move on and get on track and let trump wither into the background, which is what Trump does not what which is why it would work.
Win, then ignore the man.
Say the words: “right-wing domestic terrorists”.
Didn’t you know..? According to the media, they’re only terrorists if they’re left-wing, or non-white. If they’re right-wing white people, they’re always “extremists” or a “militia.”
Those are the terrorists I like.
Peaceful, never fired a shot and left the place cleaner than they found it.
Just like the Democrats pets,… ANTIFA and BLM. (sarc)
FAKE. Just because the left labels it RIGHT WING does not make it so. Unreal the &^%(&^%&( in you people.
https://youtu.be/HyEkLRSDJQ0 The BCP report. You need to watch this great black man and get a new perspective on what’s really going on.
I was actually shocked to see this back when people came with guns to a government building. No matter what your gun laws are, government buildings should be weapon-free zones like churches. This is where representatives and officials should be able to go and deliberate with a cool head about the issues that the people they are beholden to are facing, not a place to wave around guns!
I wonder what all those 2nd amendment Trumpists would say if BLM and Antifa activists showed up on the White House lawn with paramilitary-grade equipment and weapons.
Trump needs to learn that the phone is mightier than the sword! https://youtu.be/Ax-2i71bqGw
Kamar Raimo
Try going through and seeing how many mass shootings were committed in GUN FREE ZONES. Then go ahead and research how many crimes were deterred due to someone able to carry a gun took place.
I was shocked too. 62 years in this country – that was a first.
@Wisconsin Man That’s comparing apples with oranges.
Just because someone managed to sneak a gun into a place where they are not supposed to, doesn’t mean that we should allow a bunch of political activists to occupy places that are there to *serve all the people* – not just them – with a threat of armed force.
Again, what would you think if your political opponents did the same?
Those are fascist tactics which have no place in a democratic society which adheres to the rule of law!
Armed militia: “Aye, aye captain!”
1. Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state.
2. Incitement of, discontent toward, or resistance against, established authority.
3. Overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order.
They are not a ‘militia’, they are a bunch of inadequate and easily manipulated men.
@T Electronix Seriously.
Yeah forget BLM and ANTIFA doesn’t exist and setting fires in Portland
https://youtu.be/HyEkLRSDJQ0 The BCP report. Everyone needs to watch this great black man and get a new perspective on what’s really going on.
@Drake Pryce Forget the, now President Endorsed, proudboys and the white guys with guns responding to trump-tweets to ‘liberate’ cities.
Of course The Loser was abled to stop it, he’s THEIR leader, not America.
The AG knows about these groups, he’s just a liar.
Trump is to blame for all this America need a better leader.
https://youtu.be/HyEkLRSDJQ0 The BCP report. Everyone needs to watch this great black man and get a new perspective on what’s really going on.
@lowmardiep d Shut up Corn Pop! Dementia Joe Kid Touch is working for China, crack head Biden got 1.5 billion dollars from China while Dementia Joe Kid Touch was Vice president! KAG baby KAG
@Brian Allen White supremacists groups don’t exist, we can see ANTIFA loot ,burn, and take over parts of cities! I guess all that crap in Portland never happened?

Under Dementia Joe Kid Touch ANTIFA will really gain power! KAG!
@Tara Reade Shut up Corn Pop! Dementia Joe Kid Touch is working for China, crack head Biden got 1.5 billion dollars from China while Dementia Joe Kid Touch was Vice president! KAG baby KAG
@Tara Reade White supremacists groups don’t exist, we can see ANTIFA loot ,burn, and take over parts of cities! I guess all that crap in Portland never happened?

Under Dementia Joe Kid Touch ANTIFA will really gain power! KAG!
When Trump loses the election the American people will be like caterpillars turning into butterflies