Michigan Governor Whitmer says going too fast will be harder for businesses

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer talks with CNN's Anderson Cooper about her concerns and the difficulties around some states possibly reopening some businesses and services during the coronavirus pandemic.

#CNN #News


    1. @Eric King @Eric King Do all children born in China and in India who died never hearing your slave loving God, Do those people burn in hell? A peaceful Buddhist monk who will live a better life than you could ever dream of does he burn in hell.? Does a child molester rapist and murderer who repents right before he dies go to heaven? Your “beliefs” are all out of wack. You, yes you Eric have more moral sense then your “God” he is evil according to the bible @Eric King  would you stone your wife to death if you found out she wasn’t a virgin on your wedding day? Would you stone your children to death if they disobeyed you? Would your kill your kid if God told you to? Would you own slaves? Would you destroy the entire planet of all living creatures except for Noah and all the animals he brought on a boat? You, me , we are all better and more moral than your god @Eric King  did you know that the entire child genital mutilation Society are all religious? Did you know that the suicide bombing Community are all religious? Did you know all the slave owners in the South were all religious? Did you know all the neo-nazis all the skinheads and all the white nationalists are Christians?

    2. @Iretha Johnson** answer these** Do all children born in China and in India who died never hearing your slave loving God, Do those people burn in hell? A peaceful Buddhist monk who will live a better life than you could ever dream of does he burn in hell.? Does a child molester rapist and murderer who repents right before he dies go to heaven? Your “beliefs” are all out of wack. You, yes you, iretha, have more moral sense then your “God” he is evil according to the bible. would you stone your wife to death if you found out she wasn’t a virgin on your wedding day? Would you stone your children to death if they disobeyed you? Would your kill your kid if God told you to? Would you own slaves? Would you destroy the entire planet of all living creatures except for Noah and all the animals he brought on a boat? You, me , we are all better and more moral than your god. did you know that the entire child genital mutilation Society are all religious? Did you know that the suicide bombing Community are all religious? Did you know all the slave owners in the South were all religious? Did you know all the neo-nazis all the skinheads and all the white nationalists are Christians?

    1. Yup…over everything too and the media and people pushing the narrative know this. Every comment section shows just that too. Regardless of what side you stand on this

    1. The states that are reopening have flattened the curve and have massive amounts of hospital capacity.. Governor Whitmer is creepy.

  1. I won’t be shopping anytime soon except for fast food or a quick pick-up. Not burger joints. At least I can help some businesses. Safely in my car.

    1. Dear dumb liberals….I will repeat this again…if you are scared of the virus stay home…..no one is forcing you to dine at a establishment that you feel your not comfortable with..people need to work to pay bills to keep most of you liberals on welfare

    1. The states that are reopening have flattened the curve and have massive amounts of hospital capacity.. Govenor Whitmer is creepy.

    1. @Eric Wadsworth youre obviously uneducated japan just moved all their business out of china other countries are doing the same the only reason china has lower wages is because of the child slave labor if you support that then you arent american also how can you manufacture in a country where covid 19 came from ? lmao

    2. @christopher weise what the hell are you talking about how is trump A fascist ? he literally encouraging people to fight for their bill of rights lol please educate yourself

    3. jesus nevarez – You obviously have ZERO idea who Trump really is. Wait til after the election to see where those “bill of rights” all of a sudden went to.

  2. You can get a loan,you can get a stimulus check,you can go to a food bank, you can facetime your family and friends.YOU CAN’T GET ANOTHER LIFE.YOU CAN GET SICK AND DIE FROM THIS OR YOU CAN SPREAD IT AND KILL SOMEONE ELSE!!!

  3. Just the way that the governor puts sentences together, compared to the conversation Anderson had w/ the Vegas Mayor. Like da Vinci vs. the wonderful drawing on my fridge drawn by a 3 yr. old.

    1. @Richard Comard you know Michigan has more covid deaths than nevada has covid patients. But I guess your right Las vegas which has incredibly high tourism has done much better during the covid crisis. Use facts to prove your point Las vegas can begin to reopen with caution and protective gear. Problem is Democrats want to control everyone and everything.

    2. @jesus nevarez Las Vegas has less cases of covid than michigan has in covid death. And yet they will compliment the michigan governor even though she has done a horrible job because they like her interview.

    3. @Mark’s Delicious Adventures thats a dumb example my mom nor child dont have preexisting conditions and i wouldnt jeopardize the country for a 1% chance of my child dying lmao do you hear you self

    4. @mike yeghiayan even if that were true (and I don’t think it is) the fact still remains that the Las Vegas Mayor had ridiculous answers to his questions. The governor of the state of Nevada is also not in support of what the Las Vegas Mayor is proposing. How can you agree with opening something up without a responsible plan of attack and a timeline? Surely, we all have to be in agreement on that?

    5. @Mark’s Delicious Adventures interview means nothing dont be naive, facts and research are what smart people use to make decisions. You let people convince you because they had a good interview..

  4. Having lost my 8 year old to a virus, I would be ok having to go to a food pantry if it meant anyone on this feed would not have to go thru that. Economy can recover. The dead can not.

    1. I would never expect any society to suffer life long losses and quality of LIFE on behalf of my death. We all die one way or another – that does not give any one the right to force unbearable circumstances that result in the loss of quality of life and death of society as a whole. My uncle died at 11 years old playing in a field near heavy tractor equipment and was crushed alive. I do not expect society to ban children from the outdoors nor do I expect the government to ban tractors- No one with common sense and good will towards society would expect that either.

    2. Lynne Slightom My girl lost her daughter to a virus. Never would she trade the livelihood of billions of people for one person, even hers as sad as it is.

    3. Another thing to consider- this so called ‘interview’ with Michigan governor is a method to disguise the true nature of her tyrannical behavior. Here in the State of Michigan the sale of GARDENING SUPPLIES AND HOME IMPROVEMENT TOOLS has been banned. So while it is now illegal to purchase TOMATO Seeds, everyone/anyone can go purchase marijuana seeds. While thousands are flocking to grocery stores just for vacay from imposed self-quarantine- it is still legal to purchase alcohol and lottery tickets but at the same illegal to purchase a dry vac or household paint. It is UNETHICAL to impose these tyrannical guidelines while claiming it is a method to preserve life. Why has she deemed ABORTIONS as ESSENTIAL? Abortion clinics are fully operating but my dr office is SHUT DOWN. Hospitals are going bankrupt due to her ‘NON-ESSENTIAL health guidelines. Obviously she is NOT PRO-LIFE.

    4. @buldglvr that’s insane, I live in vegas, I have been keeping myself occupied with gardening home improvement, same with the neighbors. Star nursery has literally been the busiest store during the virus. 90% of people have gloves and masks, to take away our liberties is one thing, but giving people guidelines to fallow is something different.

  5. What a wonderful difference between Governor Whitner (smart, cares deeply about her people, is gettin testing done, and takes responsibility for her people’s well being) and the Mayor of Las Vegas (cares about her people but doesn’t take responsibility to make any plans, offer help, or sit with workers on casino floors to appreciate their risk!)

  6. Man she is gunning for Tha VP job lol she been everywhere lately. Getting all that exposure 😆 you go girl shoot your shot 😂

  7. Proud to be a Michigander! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 THANK YOU, GOVERNOR WHITMER, for putting your people, their families, their health and their lives FIRST! WE APPRECIATE YOU!

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